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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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MellieLynn I know what you mean about the pregnancy comments. I got hassled from my parents all the time about when we were going to have kids but after the mc they don't bring it up like before. (which i think is a relief !!!) They don't understand why its so hard.

Courtney: At work my partner just had her baby in Feb. Everyone always thought I was the one that was pregnant. She was on leave for about 3 months and still no one noticed that she had the baby and she was the one that was gone not me. To this day I still get customers asking me how my baby is doing!!! GRRRR

My md has never mentioned any shots, she just told me if clomid does not work the next step would be to see a specialist. Since we got pregnant before she did not think it was necessary for my husband to get tested. So I guess time will tell.

I am an extremely emotional person so I try not to let all the BFNs get to me. Seeing others peoples BFP gives me lots of HOPE! I feel BFP in the air for all of us! Im just glad tomorrow is my Monday so I'll be at work pretty much all day that I wont have time to think about testing again before I think I'm ready. The only positive to working that I won't be just sitting home all day thinking about it and over analyzing any symptoms that I think I might be having.

As far as vitamins I've been taking prenatals (making sure I'm getting enough folic acid and DHA) and pretty much trying to get healthy. I also have been exercising 4-5 times a week, since I know I have to lose some weight hoping that will also help with ttc. I have seen many people post that preseed is great but we have never tried it. I have talked to my husband about it but I dont think we really need it. I hear its pretty messy.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us, and hoping my temps keep high, 4 more days seems like forever, and MerrlieLynn I hope those 7 days go by quick for you as well.

12 years ago

Melissa & Lisette,

I'm still just so happy we found each other. This is a new outlet I didn't realize I needed as badly as I did. And my husband, George, is quite thrilled, too...he had no idea how to comfort me, despite his best efforts! :)

Ok, where to start...Melissa, I fully support your choice to not see the 'fake' double lines. I can only speak from experience about what I thought were 'false negatives' and those are bad enough. I can't imagine what false positive must feel like. And, it's a really great sign you are ovulating on clomid! No more thinking you aren't ovulating; it's a sure thing! As for twins, as much as we all would love them...multiples can pose a significant risk for birth defects, prematurity, and learning disabilities. I'm 'in the business' as a speech-language pathologist who works with disordered children, so I kinda know too much. I mean, I welcome twins and would love them, but I think the fact you ovulated one perfect, healthy egg was meant to be and is awesome.

As for preseed, I LOVED IT! I just tried it for the first time this month. For a long time, I thought it was a marketing gimmick, because any 'water-based' lubricant is fine. BUT...I've ALWAYS self-diagnosed myself as having little-to-no CM and preseed is used both interally and externally (if you want). I found the internal lubricant not only made a difference in how BD felt, but also felt so happy that there was at least some type of swimmable fluid in there, if it wasn't going to be CM. Now...if only it would work.

Just got off the phone with the mother-in-law. After avoiding her questions for 3 months, I just had to talk with her for an hour. I could cry. It just sucks sharing your personal woes with your MIL, no matter how much you get along. I hate that she knows about what's going on and I hate that when we don't talk about it, I know she's thinking about it. I need a vacation from the people I love in my life. UG!

Ladies, we're headed into the hardest part of the TWW. So glad we have each other!


12 years ago

Morning ladies

Well I just tested and still bfn!! I know af is coming since there was a dip in my temperature today so it should arrive tomorrow right in time. I hope round two of clomid is the luck one for us. I'm trying not tinker thus effect me. So now I need happy news from you guys!! How u guys doing???

12 years ago

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Lisette. I remember getting the BFN after the first round of clomid was the hardest, because I finally felt like I had changed something up. It'll probably happen to me again next AF now that I tried preseed. Try to pour yourself a glass of wine and hang out in your jammies today, if you can.

As for me, no good news to report yet. I'm only 6 dpi. I've had a ton of CM in the last two days, which is very odd for me. I hoped maybe it was an implantation sign, but nothing on the internet says so.

I'm already panicked about how I'm going to hold it together for the baby shower sat and wonder whether I'll be able to hold off and not test prior.

12 years ago

Hey Courtney

I was really hoping for a better response from clomid but at least I know I'm Oing. Im ready for AF so i can start my next round. I have to keep positive. Maybe this time around we can even try some preseed. Is a cd21 blood draw necessary with every clomid round??

I've read in a couple of forums that Lots of cm is a good sign!!! I know the waiting game is hard but try to tough it out as best as you can. No point in getting sad with a bpn when you know you are testing too early. Have u had any cramps or spotting, i think they may be signs of implanation. If you take you bbt there can be a dip in temp for implantation as well. I know I always imagine all kinds of symptoms so I try not to think about it. Good luck at baby shower I'll be at our friends 1 yr bday for their son.

Keeping my fingers crossed for u ... Lots of baby dust

12 years ago

Thanks for all the positive messages and positive thinking my way! I'm sending the same to you! You are so strong! Just think, of the three of us, you're lucky you're already onto cycle day 1 and we all have to wait.

As for clomid, no you do not need to do a blood draw. In fact, I don't even know what that is. My specialist put me on clomid days 5-9 with timing intercourse at home. She has me use the Clear Blue Easy Digital OPK, because it's the most trusted. She also says BD every 36hours near the positive ovulation day, not too much before (reduces sperm count). Hopefully that helps you in your next cycle.

As for symptoms, yes, I try so hard to ignore them. It's interested the % of women who feel symptoms according to this site prior to knowing they're pregnant (~10%) and then after they know they're pregnant it drops to I'm guessing a lot of it is imagined.

Good luck today with AF. :(

12 years ago

Hi Courtney and Lisette!

Sorry I have not posted in the last few days. I had a wedding to attend this weekend. It was a shotgun wedding. Of course I got one of two comments all weekend, either people wanted to know when/if my BF and I were having kids b/c we've been together for so long and we aren't that young, or they wanted to tell me how I was doing the right thing by not having kids when I wasn't married... Since I am one week into my TWW, I couldn't drink either - which could have made people slightly less annoying. Yeah, not that great of a weekend.

My BF and I did use pre-seed this cycle. LOVED IT! It isn't like we are unfamiliar with similar products. I was so glad to find one that was fertility-friendly, and we are sold! I never thought that my cm was an issue, but I could really tell a difference... I hope it works!

Question for both of you, when you started taking your BBT, was it all over the place? I was taking my temp for a couple of months, but my morning temperature was just so up and so down from day-to-day that it was indecipherable.

Lisette: Boo! I'm sorry about the bfn! I know that you've said you are really emotional, so I know this must be so, so hard. Honestly, I haven't been super emotional until this weekend. It was the first time I felt really jealous of someone, and I did not like it. It is also starting to seem that this is never going to happen. I just don't understand why it is so hard for some people.

Also, I've been working on the weight thing as well. If no bfp this time, I think I am going to get far more into it. Right now I have been focusing just on eating right, but I guess I'm going to have to get my butt in gear!

Courtney: YAY for the good signs!

It is so tough when family members know. I don't really have anyone in my immediate circle who has had this much difficulty. My mother, who has been a wonderful support system, is just getting to the point that she doesn't know what to say (like my cousin). I don't know what to say to her either. I never thought it would be this difficult.

So, I'm very confused this cycle. I am 11dpo, and I had a small amount of spotting on Sunday morning (10dpo). It is perfect timing for implantation bleeding. I've never had that happen before, so I am being cautiously optimistic. I would swear that I have PMS and AF is a few days away, so I am not going too crazy with baby thoughts, but I don't know. Yall are the only ones I'm telling about the spotting. It would be to hard to get my BF excited (or my mom) and then have it be a bfn.

I'm thinking about the both of you.

(Testing on Thursday morning... only a few more days!!!)

12 years ago • Post starter

First things first...Missy! That light spotting is the very best early pregnancy sign you can have! And it came perfectly on the right day! I am so hopeful for you.

As for my charting, yes my temp was pretty consistent, especially if I drew a line connecting each one and looked for the 'forrest through the trees' as one book I read suggests. But what I didn't like about charting was that I would take my temp 3 different times in 3 minutes and get 3 different answers. That combined with my regular periods (O'ing on day 13 each month) and it wasn't necessary. Once I started clomid in March, my doctor specifically requested I use the Clear Blue Easy digital opk. She said it was the best and so I trusted her.

I have been known to still take my temp at the end of the TWW, though, to look for a drop. It helps me emotionally prepare.

As for the wedding, ug. I know what it feels like. My coworker (who got pregnant her first try) actually said, "oooooh, so sad! How about I become your obgyn from now on..." when I told her what was going on. That b_ _ _ _ _!!!! I was so angry. Still am.

As for your feelings of it all being so hard and frustrating, don't think twice about being jealous of others. It's only natural. And, feel confident in that you can vent to us now, no matter what! That alone should make this roller coaster ride a little easier on us all.

I'm thinking of you from now until Thursday!!

12 years ago

First of all missy I'm so excited for you that is a super good sign. Implantation sometimes also shows a big dip in your temperature. I've been taking my temp since September and it's pretty consistent. Before o I'm usually low 96's and after O high 97's. I post my temp on fertility friend. It is really easy and even if your temps go up and down once u temp all month u can definitely see a pattern when u see all month. I usually just temp one time as soon my alarm goes off i reach over and grab my thermometer and test. I also always use the same side of my mouth because if u temp again or on the other side it will be different. I'll be thinking of u on Thursday.

12 years ago

See, isn't that crazy, though? Each side of your mouth is different?? No wonder I was confused! time, one side. Got it. Did you invest in a special thermometer, or do you use a cheap digital?

ps- is anyone already planning on taking a day off of work if it's a bfn? I have always suffered through my cycle day one at work, but I'm thinking next monday might just be a day off for me.

12 years ago

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