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I am 5dpo today and don't have ANY symptoms that I can notice anyway.. is this normal...? Has any one at 5dpo have NO symptoms (not even cramping, nothnig!!) and still got their BFP? Please send input! Very curious! thanks! :)

92 Answers • 12 years ago



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Hi Liz!!

You know, I think sometimes we want a baby so bad that our minds start playing tricks on us. I hope that is not the case but I'm sure it happens. I stopped having any cm and having a steady BBT the last couple of days. I went from documenting orally to documenting vaginally. Was having A LOT of fluctuation orally. Do not worry about the lack of symptoms because I know a lot of women who never had any symptoms at all until they were over a month pregnant. So we are 8 dpo today (Monday). We will know soon enough. My period is scheduled to start on the 29th, how about yours?

12 years ago

Hello Casper! :)

That is true.. Your mind can be so cruel :( Who knows, all I can do is wait. We've been trying for a little more than a year. So tired of it not happening for us, u know? Documenting vaginally is a good idea/alternative! I bet you'll get better results! Yeah, I have to keep reminding myself it's ok to not have symptoms. lol. I just see it everywhere so much! I can't believe we are 8dpo today! We're getting up there! :) I have a OB/GYN appt with a new dr. from last yr. on Wednesday..Hope it goes good! And I'm gonna ask all kinds of questions too! Actually, I'll be bringing a list! hahaha.... My period is scheduled for the 30th, although, I never actually get my period to come on a month where I already had my I don't know how accurate that is. But nevertheless, we are so close our dates! My last period came on the 1st.

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Liz,

OMG! I really hope that your appointment goes well Wednesday! You will have to update me and let me know what is said. But we will talk again before you go I am sure. How are you feeling today? I actually checked my cervix... It was so so so so high I could barely get it. What I did feel was soft. So I do not know if the cervix means anything but I checked anyways and I'm going to start checking every day because even if I end up not pg, they say the cervix is a good indication of ovulating. I wish I was smart to all of this before coming across this site. I might would have been pregnant a long time ago. I just hope my PCOS does not keep me from having the baby of my dreams.

I understand what you are saying. My DH and I have been trying since May 2011 and nothing yet. Not even a possibility unfortunately. Hoping that Fertility Blend works. We will get there! Have faith hun and LOTS of Baby Dust!!!

12 years ago

Hi Casper, :)

Me too!! :) Thanks!!! I will for sure let you know what happens! Today it seems I feel the same as I've been feeling every day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Kudos to you for checking your cervix! I know I should (and might have to start soon) But it makes me a little squeemish... the times "I" have checked, my DH did it for me. lol. Not too sure at this point what cervix positions mean (i just started reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility!) but, maybe Google it? I've been googling everything lately, nonstop! :P But I DO hope it something great!!! Hoping for you!! :) Maybe I'll try to get my DH tonight to try to check for me. lol ;P That's great u want to check every day too :) According to the book I am reading its DEF a GREAT way to get yourself preg. You should get the book too! It will help you! Everyone recommends it. I joined this site last year, but I'm still not preg. :/ But I hope it will be different for you. I hope you get preg this cycle or VER

12 years ago • Post starter

Also, I know many women who have PCOS and still get their BFP :) So don't worry! :) My DH and I haven't even had a possibility happen of pregnancy either :( LOTS of baby dust to you also!!! :) :) 9dpo tomorrow, here we come!!! <3

12 years ago • Post starter

Casper -
I also noticed past couple days before I was gassy, but didn't know if this was cuz of something i ate or what. lol

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Liz!!

Thank you for that encouragement about the women with PCOS! I am staying optimistic about it! It has just been so long trying. I am going to have to look into that book!!

BYW, I woke up at 630 this morning right in the middle of an orgasm.... I do not think it was dream induced or I would have remembered it once I woke up... Has anyone else had this happen to them and be pregnant?

12 years ago

Hey Casper! :)

You're welcome on the encouragement!! I know you will get your BFP, as long as you keep BD'ing! ;) I know about the long trying.. It's been WAY too long for the both of us. We deserve a BFP. Yes, really look into that book! I only starting reading a little bit of pages, and already I'm even hesitant about making a visit to my new OB/GYN. It's hard to explain what I mean, you'd just have to start reading! That is so crazy about the orgasm! The only thing I found on it really when I researched a little on it, was this: :) So I think that is a good sign!
Last couple night I've been havin a lot of (i guess vivid) dreams. but last cycle "i did too" so i dunno. lol off and on for days geetin cramping and twinge like feelings way down. but been tryin not to give that too much attention cuz that could be anything too i guess.

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Liz!!

Do not feel bad. Sometimes I feel stuff and I go "Hmmm, wonder if that is a symptom" The bad thing is, I have never really paid so much attention to my body before so these things may have been happening but I did not realize it. One thing for sure is I have NEVER had an "O" before unless it was induced by something else!! I have been cramping on and off all day and feel like I'm starving every couple of hours. The cramps are not too bad though. Thank you for researching that for me! I have not had any dreams yet so thats a plus for you!!! So tell me again when you are going to test? Because it all sounds very good :):) I really hope you are!~

12 years ago

Hey Casper!! :)

Yeah me too... Before we TTC, I never really paid any attention to any "signs" either. Well "O" is very unusual for sure! And you're welcome for the research!! :) Yeah! I'm hoping the dreams are a good sign! :) I asked DH when he thinks I should try to test, he said tomorrow morning, so I'm gonna try then...One of the tests I have that I'll be using is the first response 6 days sooner test. Here's to hoping!! I've also been starving hungry every couple hours too! Thanks for the uplift!! All your symptoms sound really good too!!! I'm really excited for us!!! :) :) When will you be testing? I was looking at my past calendar on here too, i started spotting last month at 11dpo...thought it was a good sign despite getting negative HPT's, then got my period. :( Hope it doesn't happen this time.

12 years ago • Post starter

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