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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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Congrats buster that's so fantastic!!

I had accupuncture this morning and my pracitioner said "I don't think you are pregnant...maybe next month".

My partner got so mad when I told him. He said "how would he know?!"

Anyhow, I'll know in about 9 days if I am or not.

9 years ago

I'm sorry SyndeyNat. Even if he thought it, he didn't have to say it to you. I agree, how would he know? Some people can make such callous remarks.

I had another BFN this morning at 11 dpo. I'm usually only 11-12 day lp. I'm trying to make it longer with adding b-6 and prog cream. I still feel like af is on her way with cramping and bloating.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we see some BFP soon

9 years ago

Angelgirldel - I have never heard of the Fertile Soul, but there are a lot of fertility supplements out there. It never hurts to check into things, but be sure to run them by your health practitioner first. 11dpo is a good LP and if the witch hasn't appeared yet then you're still in the game.

Eat2nourish - you asked earlier what yoga dvd's I use it's "Restoring Fertility: yoga for optimal fertility" that is 4 different phases you follow throughout your cycle. It's not strenuous, but more restful and stress relieving. Any news on your front?

SydneyNat - Wow....way to not help you holistically. Like Angel said, even if he thought that, there was no reason to say it to you. Hopefully the session wasn't as painful this time. I too think that acupuncture could be the trick to relaxing and getting those BFP's. Only time will tell.

Onemorebaby - I must say, you are the grounding force in this thread. Always so upbeat and willing to offer support. I hope you know we are very happy to call you a friend. How's it going?

AFM - 8dpo and I tested.....yes I'm a POAS addict. Of course BFN. I know it's early, but I had/have high hopes. Ridiculous I know, but still hoping for that thrill of a sticky lil one. Acupuncture this afternoon, and my husband has decided he wants to go for treatment as well. Maybe that will be the ticket for next month?? Oh well, it's not over till the witch shows up.


9 years ago

I'm 40 and TTC since March and had one miscarriage already ;(
But still have a hope and TTC.
For this month I don't like I'm pregnant!
10 days to go!
Finger cross !
Good luck for everybody ð???

9 years ago

Welcome Newlife....I'm sure you'll find CTP forums very helpful in your journey. The ladies here are very supportive and great for information and suggestions. I hope your journey for that take home baby is very short.


9 years ago

Pixandpoetry, I would love for everyone to give us their fertility "cocktail" too. Seems like younger ladies don't take so much, but if only we could see the medicine cabinet/countertops of us older ladies! You may get a surprise this month . Thanks for the info on the dvd, I'll have to see if they have it in the library. The witch got me this month! That's great your dh is doing acup.Have fun on the beach!

Jazmine-I'll add you to my prayers.

Angelgirdel, thanks for the info on The Fertile Soul. I had never heard of it, but I am going to Barnes & Noble soon to check out that book on their site The Infertility Cure. If you don't mind me asking, what herbs are you thinking of trying? I posted a journal entry today about the ones I'm trying (except I'm waiting on the Axasanthine from Amazon). GL for this month, it's not over yet!

Sydneynat: I can't believe your acupuncturist will say he can't believe you're not pregnany! What does he know?

Hi Newlife2015. Glad you are her. I'm so sorry for your loss. this month. You'll find the forums and this site in general very helpful.

AFM, the witch got me! I was a little disappointed, but ordered some new antioxidants to try this cycle. I also will be seeing my new RE next Wednesday & starting with acupuncture. Check out my journal entry, but make sure you have 10 minutes before you do (it's a loooong entry). too all us.

9 years ago

Eat2Nourish, the last time I used them they made me a Rx and I ordered it. It was a tea and I drank one for the follicular phase and one luteal phase. It was pricey $300.00+ a month for the tea but I was desperate for my rainbow baby as we had lost a little boy at 16 weeks. This time I am just using the follicular heath formula and luteal phase support off of their site along with the OPC which she had me taking last time along with good prenatals and royal jelly, and iron. I'm still taking the prenatal and royal jelly just adding the other in now and the pregnitude. The consult with her to conceive Colston was very informative. They go over everything including diet and recommend the fertility massage, which I need to return to doing, and acup.

Welcome Newlife! I'm new here also and find this group to be very supportive and helpful!

9 years ago

Last month (natural cycle due to having to take a month off to let cysts dissolve) ended up being a BFN. Today is cycle Day 3 and ultrasound showed good baseline for assisted reproduction. Tonight I will start stimulating ovaries with 225 IU Follistim. This will be my third IUI cycle.

I would really like to hear more of everyone's TTC stories, especially those undergoing fertility treatment for advanced maternal age/recurrrent miscarriage like me. What medication are you on? What doses? Are you doing IUI or IVF? How many eggs do you normally ovulate each cycle with the stimulation? How long have you been doing it? So far I have had 3 and then 4 eggs with my two assisted cycles.

9 years ago

Hello ladies !
Welcome Busterdogs, very very many on your pregnancy and . I'm so pleased for you, it doesn't matter if they're your own or donor eggs, that baby is yours so I wish you all the best and keep us updated, thanks for sharing your story. I'd consider anything but money is an issue, it costs so much. If I had the money I'd go down the IVF route just so they get my good eggs or the one lurking around waiting to be caught . Alas I wait and struggle on, but it's all ok.

I don't know about posting positive on photos but they are some meanies out there that actually click negative on a clear positive and I think that's plain nasty! Everyone deserves to have a baby when they're trying so hard and it's not a competition, we all have the same goal.

Thanks for the info on CO Q10 eat2 and Pix, I'm going to look into it and thanks Pix for your lovely kind words, you actually made me blush . I do try my best and yes please call me a friend because I promise I'm one to every and anyone who wants to be friends and who needs someone to be there . .
I'm sorry to hear about the paying you a visit eat2 , hang in there ok, you're doing everything possible so you'll be rewarded with your awesome baby soon I'm sure of it, same goes for everyone else on here!

9 years ago • Post starter

I've never heard of Fertile Soul either Angel and I'm so sorry to hear you got a BFN this morning, it's not over till the witch appears which hopefully she wouldn't dare do but if she does then please don't be despondent, a new cycle is always always always new hope!!!

SydneyNat, that's awful of your practitioner to say that. OMG how thoughtless and insensitive! He didn't do a test nor a scan or nothing so had no right whatsoever to say that, mean thing! Ignore him and stay positive. You still have a way to go yet before you're due AF anyway so hopefully you prove him wrong!!! .

Pix dearest, you're only 8dpo so no giving up yet, you might still get that sticky one yet so keep testing away...mind you I'm going to be doing the same so that as soon as I get the faintest line I'll be calling my consultant to put me on progesterone . They said that's the next step so I get my . I'm ovulating today CD15 after getting 2 awesome positives on 2 different brands of OPK's yesterday and today! I don't temp so can never 100% tell, I only tell from the awful pain in my ovaries after the positive OPK's. If I wasn't testing for O I'd still know. I with my heart and soul that this is the month!

Welcome to the group Newlife, I like the name, it's what we all want. So sorry to hear about your miscarriage, it's sad but I hope you get your sticky bean soon! . There are some awesome ladies on here and some are already pregnant so hang with us and you might just follow in their footsteps. . As a matter of fact we're all trying to follow .

Hi Karamyl, sorry about your , hopefully you'll get lucky again this cycle with a . There's a lady on here Busterdogs who's gone through IVF with donor eggs and is currently pregnant so you could message her and exchange notes perhaps? That would be useful or actually go onto Questions and Answers then people of all ages can answer because they're people much younger than us going through IVF and IUI too.

I hope everyone is feeling good in themselves, have a great weekend whatever you're doing and let's keep each other encouraged! Let's go get our babies!!!

You're all in my prayers!

9 years ago • Post starter

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