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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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cristi: I hope everything is ok, and I wish you tons of luck and a very informative appointment this afternoon. It would be so amazing if you could ask that for me today, but you really don't have to spend your time there asking stuff for me, although it is so so sweet of you. that everything is great with you and this coming month will be your month!

AFM: still recovering from a cold or whatever it is this whole city is sick with, half of the office if sick so maybe not a cold.
But I am back to work, this is CD7, so starting BD today which is great because that maca root has made me crazy (libido up but had ).
Also, I've been feeling really tired, dizzy, having hot flashes over the past 2-3 months, anyone experiences that with any of the supplements?

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10 years ago

Christi- GL today! Can't wait to hear what your RE comes up with.

Genie- I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend.

GVMDL7003- What's going on today?

Acricton- GL with your TWW!

Kotikd- You're making me want to grab some Maca in pill form . I have some powder, but always forget to use it. I think I would beable to remember the pills. What dosage are you take? I may start taking it once I'm done with my Soy Iso.

AFM: CD6. AF left yesterday thank God b/c DH left to work out of town this morning. I'm a little anxious to see how my chart progresses this cycle. I O'd late last cycle and Provided that I O on time, I have plans for an IUI at the end of next week.

& for us all!

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10 years ago

Christi- GL today! Can't wait to hear what your RE comes up with.

Genie- I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend.

GVMDL7003- What's going on today?

Acricton- GL with your TWW!

Kotikd- You're making me want to grab some Maca in pill form . I have some powder, but always forget to use it. I think I would beable to remember the pills. What dosage are you take? I may start taking it once I'm done with my Soy Iso.

AFM: CD6. AF left yesterday thank God b/c DH left to work out of town this morning. I'm a little anxious to see how my chart progresses this cycle. I O'd late last cycle and Provided that I O on time, I have plans for an IUI at the end of next week.

& for us all!

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10 years ago

Christi- GL today! Can't wait to hear what your RE comes up with.

Genie- I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend.

GVMDL7003- What's going on today?

Acricton- GL with your TWW!

Kotikd- You're making me want to grab some Maca in pill form . I have some powder, but always forget to use it. I think I would beable to remember the pills. What dosage are you take? I may start taking it once I'm done with my Soy Iso.

AFM: CD6. AF left yesterday thank God b/c DH left to work out of town this morning. I'm a little anxious to see how my chart progresses this cycle. I O'd late last cycle and provided that I O on time, I have plans for an IUI at the end of next week.

& for us all!

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10 years ago

Blushing: I take 3 capsules of 750mg a day. I make myself a box (one of those fishing tackle boxes with 20 compartments) with 2 compartments for every morning that way I remember to take everything. And then I only have a few things to take with dinner than need to be taken 2 times a day.

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10 years ago

Blushing, after three days of positive opk's I started feeling that there was something wrong.
My high levels of fsh can be causing the surge on the opk.
Weird thing is that never happened, perhaps my levels were never as high as now on this cycle. Everything is possible.

My doc told me my levels are abnormally high (25.5) n my eggs will never form an embryo.

Kot: I may change doctors. Very likely I will do that. Will give a try to the Chinese medicine first...

So I think I'm ok, just emotially drained. In my heart I hope n pray for a miracle if this is what God has planned for us.

I will test again but I'm sure the line will still be visible n strong.
Again, I was always able to see a progression in my past cycles up to this one. Maybe I had above ideal fsh levels n now it is just oddly high.

How are u blushing?

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

GVMDL7003- I'm doing well today. Got a few new break outs on my face but what's new? LOL!

kotikd- I am going to grab some tomorrow! I don't need any help with my libido but, I want to be able to BD more than once a day this cycle.

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10 years ago

GVMDL: I hate when doctors say things like that. People in this world cured cancer in natural ways when multiple doctors said they will die within months. Nothing is final, our body is one amazing machine, I am sure with the right foods, vitamins, minerals, and spiritual input you can do anything. I am here for you, take sometime to rest, you must be so exhusted emotionally.

Blushing: I wish I had your problem, I am just having trouble doing it every day, been kind off depressed for a while, having trouble shaking it off, but I think I am getting a little better. Maca is weird, I noticed a change in my libido from the first night (I took the first caps with dinner), and steady since then. DH is taking them too and doesn't seem to have the same response.

to all.

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10 years ago

Hello ladies! I have been having a pretty weird weekend which kept me busy so I am just now catching up.

Cristi- I can't wait to see what happened with your appointment today! You are NOT heartless for ttc right after miscarriage. I am ttc right after mine as well and I can say that we do it to keep HOPE alive. We refuse to believe that the baby we lost is the end for us. There is a healthy pregnancy and baby in our future. Ttc after miscarriage is saying that we won't let sadness and depression win. Stay strong!

Genie- FX'd for DH's appointments and an easy fix! Praying for your friend. Cancer is such a horrible thing to have to face and fight, but I couldn't imagine how much harder that is to process emotionally when you are pregnant.

Acrichton- for your JUNE baby!!!!!!

Kotkid- Lordy woman, we all totally understand your fear of missing the window! Makes us crazy doesn't it? LOL Do you take 750mg of Maca total or in each capsul?? I don't think my libido is increased much at all right now, but I had a stressful weekend which would kill anybody's mood!

GVMDL- I believe!!!!!!

AFM- CD8 today and I have a question for you ladies that have been through this before. My cervix seems HSO and has been that way at least since yesterday-ish (I only started checking it yesterday). This is very odd for me. I also had just a little spotting in my cm a couple of times today. OPK's are totally negative and they look like they did on CD8 of last month so I am not surging. I fear that my body is confused after miscarriage....Is it normal for cervix to be in fertile position more often after miscarriage or is my body totally confused?

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10 years ago

Hey ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.

cristi - I don't think you're being heartless. I've miscarried 4 times, and have immediately started trying again each time. If I hadn't, I would have just fallen even further into depression. It would be like giving up. Hope your appointment was informative and good.

bammom - sorry you've had a crazy weekend! Hope this week things even out for you.

gvmdl - I can totally relate to your being emotionally drained. It's ok to take some time so you can get a grip on how you feel. Changing doctors might be a good idea, or maybe even just asking him to test you again during your next cycle Show him your records and see if he can explain what's going on, maybe?

I had my follow up with the RE today. We talked about all the blood work I had done, where they checked for immune problems, genetic issues, blood clotting issues, antibody issues, etc. She said everything came back normal. The only thing left to do was an ultrasound, which the front desk forgot to schedule. She said it had to be done before I ovulated, because it could cause problems for a fertilized egg, and wanted to schedule it for tomorrow. I told her I wasn't sure when I ovulated, because I didn't track it, but that during two of my pregnancies they'd had to back up my due date and had said that might be due to the fact that I ovulate early. I'm currently CD12, and started seeing more CM late Sat/early Sunday. I asked her what we should do, and she sent me for another blood draw to see if they could tell if I was ovulating or approaching ovulation. It was so late in the afternoon that we didn't get the results back today so I'll be calling tomorrow.

One thing she did say, was she didn't expect to find any problems if she did the ultrasound. She said if/when I got pregnant again she wants me to use progesterone cream until I'm about 10 weeks along. She also wants to follow my next pregnancy - which means I'd have my regular OB, the high-risk OB, and my RE looking at me, poking and prodding, but I guess the more the merrier!

So now I'm just waiting and BDing every chance we get, praying for the Lord to bless.

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10 years ago

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