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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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181 - 190 of 304 Replies | Last Page

Shea: that sounds incredibly frustrating! I'm sorry 2 hear u r having such trouble. Still no af and + opks- I hope ur hpt's just suck and u are really pg! Did u chart bbt this cycle?
Ally: when u o the most dominant follicle releases the egg, then signals to all other developing follicles to stop, so if there was a chance u o'd twice it would be very close together. Luteal phase- 2nd half of cycle- is normally 10-16 days. It is generally the same ammount of days each cycle, where the folicular phase- 1st half- can vary. If u o'd on cd 10 and have a cycle longer than 27 days or shorter than 21 I would look into the possibility of a luteal phase defect. If your luteal phase is between 10-16 days I dont think cd 10 is too early to o. Hope this helps! There is a book called 'taking charge of your fertility' that has TONS of useful info! If anyone hasnt checked it out yet I strongly suggest it!
Take care! Baby dust!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Shea - Aw sweetie, I am so sorry to hear that your cycle is so messed up right now. I have heard of women not getting pos hpts ever and still being pg tho, so it's still possible. I think I would call your doc and see what he/she thinks, and just make sure you stress not wanting to go on the pill. Good luck hun!

Ally - How long are your cycles usually? As for O... an opk is suppsoed to tell you BEFORE you o, so you know which days to BD. (You should O 24-36hrs after a +opk I believe, but its common to get more that 1 +opk) So a +opk cd7-9 and then a temp spike on cd11 would mean you o'd on cd 10. So no worries it's not your egg getting stuck or anything!

Liz - Yay for turning 8 on the 8th!! LoL! Enjoy the party planning and try to relax!!

allioak - Welcome to the thread hun! Glad you decided to join!

AFM - I have been banned to the basement.. LoL.. dh is priming our bathroom and doesnt want me anywhere near the "fumes"

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi, ladies!

I've been trying to follow along but haven't had a chance to reply. I'm sorry I don't know everyone's real names, but nursejones...I'm not sure how many dpo you are, but my friend never got a postive hpt at home OR at the doc's until she was nearly 2 mos preggo. She now has a healthy beautiful 9 month old. You're not out until the shows (this is for you too, TeacherToria!)

AFM, I'm CD 19 today, I believe 7dpo, but I'm starting to think maybe I didn't actually O, or that O was delayed because my BBT is all over the place. I chart on CPT and thinks I O'd on CD11 and CTP thinks I O'd on CD17? CD17 would be bad, because DH and I only BD'd CD9 thru CD14. And I've seen a couple ladies mention that EPO has delayed their O? Is that true. My head is spinning with all this.

I'm trying to just go with the flow, but now I find myself tagging every feeling I have as a "symptom"...the one-day sneezing episode on Tuesday, dizzy spells on Wednesday and Thursday (ummm...could the 104-degree heat maybe be the culprit and not pregnancy?? ). I'm one week away from landing, so it makes sense that this is just PMS. And I thought I had it all together because I decided not to test...instead I'm going to make myself batty symptom spotting. ERRRGGGHH...

I'm counting on hearing about more BFPs for inspiration! Keep the faith, girls! We're all in this together!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

YES!!! So it turns out what I had was in fact a yeast infection, which I have now treated (am treating) with yogurt, and it seems to be working like a charm. The best news is today for the first time in FOREVER, DEFINITE EWCM!!! YAY!!! That's a great sign and no matter what happens this month definitly enough to keep me happy for now! Certainly an improvement! GREAT! =)

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

Hi ladies

I want to thank you ladies for your replies and concerns about my OPK frenzy

Liz- I have charted on and off this cycle so its pretty much no help. I thought i Od because my temp went up slighly so i started taking the progesterone cream well AF never showed up and i had quit temping by then but i started back when she didnt show up and my temps were down again. I thought AF was sure to show up but nah just ++++ OPKs.

Joy- i have an annual check up in about 2 weeks so im going to wait and see what happens between now and then. when i do go to the dr. im going to demand a prescription for clomid or something. do you think it is still possible for me to ovulate with all this craziness?

baby4mj- thank you so much for your encouragement sweetie! I hope you get a BFP soon. Oh and my name is shea.

You ladies are great! thank yall again for replying to me.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Oh but there is at least one silver lining to this crazy long cycle. At least my lining will be built up...i think that is why i m/c not to long ago.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Shea - Good luck with your apt in two weeks hun! I totally agree that you should demand to be put on clomid or something similar... and make sure its known that the pill is NOT an option! I still think it's very possible that you could O amidst all this craziness! A good friend of mine thought she had missed it entirely, her chart was all over and she was sure she was out... she ended up O-ing REALLY late and got her bfp that cycle! hun!

Nicole - Yay for EWCM!!!

Baby4MJ - Sorry the 2 sites are conflicting... I found that a lot between CTP and FF. This last cycle FF didnt even think I had O'd! So you never know! And dhs swimmers can live for something like up to 5 days so even if you o'd later you should still be good! Good luck!!

AFM - Today was slightly less nauseating!! Not sure what the difference was, but it was a much nicer day! Gotta long drive ahead of me tomorrow so I am hoping I have another day like today!

to all you wonderful ladies!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies

I know its late (well it is here anyways...1 am) Just wanted to let yall know i finally got my Negative OPK. Im extremely happy for that but pretty sure im out this cycle. Although DH and i have BD every night for the past week im sure my egg isnt too healthy considering im on CD 44. I do believe however that i probably ovulated twice and thats why i had a 4 day surge...Either that or my egg was just not good quality (which is very very likely)

Thank you all so much for your support and concern. Yall honesly dont know how much i appreciate it

Oh and i shook 3 different magic 8 balls today at walmart and asked them if i was going to get pregnant and all 3 of them said NO all three time. (actually 5 cause i shook 2 twice). Does anyone believe in this stuff? i hope its wrong but a very wierd coincidence.

Love, Shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi Everyone!

Shea: Are you still on the progesterone? I was on progesterone for a long time (due to recurrent miscarriages...although I was not diagnosed with a progesterone problem) and it ALWAYS delayed AF. Actually, AF wouldn't show until I stopped taking the progesterone (I was on prometrium suppositories, not the cream). If AF is past due and you're getting BFNs on your HPTs, you may want to stop the progesterone. I no longer take progesterone, but may do so once I get a BFP. The cycle delay it caused gave me false hope every cycle and I just couldn't handle that anymore after awhile.

Also, just curious about where you've heard that a long cycle indicates an unhealthy egg? I've never heard that before. I have somewhat short cycles (25 days) and it's pretty clear my eggs aren't in the pink of health. I think it's just the luck of the draw as to whether you get that golden egg or not, so I think you're fine (especially if the long cycle is due to the progesterone).

Expecting2Expect: I'm glad you're feeling better. I know it's crazy, but you have no idea how envious I am of your nausea! I always tell DH that when I get a BFP, I want to be sick as a dog with my head in the toilet all day! I never had that in my past 3 pregnancies, which all ended in m/c, so I think I would be the happiest pregnant sick person that ever existed!

Nicole:I second E2E's YAY for EWCM! I know the feeling...EWCM has never been in abundance (or really in existence) for me (before EPO) so to see it at all feels like a triumph!

to all!!!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

p.s. Shea: I don't believe in signs anymore, positive or negative. I did for a long time, but they never resulted in anything either way, so like early testing, I've given up signs as well! Believe in yourself...not in a piece of plastic!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

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