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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Good morning sweet ladies!

Nikolina, lol about the bright orange :-) I don't know if you ever played 'the sims', but I did and I used to paint every room in another color of the rainbow, including the floor. It looked like huge paint balls randomly exploded throughout the house :-p But I think if you do it stylish (and maybe not include the floor :-p), like with your sunny yellow kitchen, it is lovely!!! But I think you're right, bright orange might be too dark to paint an entire room. I love your idea about the fireplace in a different color! We've recently painted our pink living room white, but I'd like to put something decorative on the fireplace too, maybe something vintage with curls and figures :-p
So excited that your fertile week has arrived!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!! It would soo amazing if you get your BFP in April!!!!

Missytwoshoes, your story about the yellow and purple is too funny!! :-) I hope the weather will be okay for your egg hunt, I hope the rain will give you a break! Thank God that you don't have to work on Monday, that will probably be very convenient :-) Yeey for AF leaving!!! Friday is now less than a week away!!!
I'm afraid I don't recognize the sore boobs. Wit the CP, my boobs felt a little fuller and heavier after the BFP, but after the CP, that disappeared again. But I must say they never really hurt, or maybe in very short episodes. But I have small boobs, maybe that's why they hurt less? :-s

Jada, thank you! :-) It sounds like you've planned an AMAZING weekend!!! You enjoy it very much!!!! I'm still crossing my fingers that your appointment just might become unnecessary... ;-)

Emmy, good to hear you might have discovered a pattern!! Especially since the acne breakout is a week BEFORE O! That would give you a clear hint!! Excited that you can now test your theory!!! :-)
To answer your question: we're going to Poland :-) Fortunately, we've planned to drive there in 2 days, because it's a 1500km drive. But you're right, the distraction is VERY welcome!! :-)

Nikolina, good to hear you had the 'toilet issues' too! :-p
So far, everything seems to be okay. I'm a little nervous for Monday, that is the moment when it went wrong last time. I think I might be more relaxed if I'm past it, so I'm counting down...

Baby dust to all of you, lots and lots of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hay Alice!!!

Lol Sims is my favorite game on pc :) i havent played for long thime, but used to luv that game. Not us much playing, i liked to build houses and decorating :)

Yea your idea about siting room orniments sounds good :) i would love big wall sticker in sitting room, tree with birds :) love those stickers :)

Soo happy my fertile week is here :) have bit pains in overies, maybe o early? Gona start opk today!! :) dont want to miss my o :) just wearing sumething sexy everynight, and hubby is down for it lol sorry tmi but works every time lol

You gona be fine hun For next 9 months :) and fx we all join you v v soon:) but i know the worry, just try to be positive and everything is gona be ok!!!! Lods baby dust!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Jada - very very jealous of your massage & nail app! :)
Ooo we don't have Victoria Secret here but I visited it when we went to New York a few years ago & it was so lovely! I did buy some lovely perfume in there!
Hope you are feeling really relaxed!
myself & my little girl are feeling much better. Cold seems to be nearly gone yay!

Missy - fingers crossed for the weather! We are meant to have sunshine but I'm not convinced at the moment lol!
Yay for AF leaving! My fertile week starts next thurs/fri so 9th/10th. Last month I ovulated on day 16 but month before was day 14 so unsure. Got my opks though :)
not sure about the sore boobs. I get them a week before AF but then they disappear. Mine only stay sore & get bigger when pregnant. Could be the chemical. Could you be pregnant? Is your AF like normal? Some people still get AF & are pregnant?

Nikolina- yay yay for lots of baby dancing!!!
Can't wait for my fertile week to begin. Should be next thurs!
Ooo maybe you are ovulating early???
I love wall stickers we do have them in my little girls room! I'd love them in my other rooms to!
I'm obsessed with butterflies so I'd probably have those in some :)
Lol I also loved the Sims! That was a fab game! Seems like forever ago I played that!

Alice - everything will be fine Hun but I know what you mean. You count down milestones. I was the same with my mc at 8 weeks. I had to get pass that time with my daughter and then I felt better.
Your trip will be great! Don't worry about the drive. I like long journeys! It's fun :)
I also like the time away from the internet and just chatting with my husband. We always have a giggle on long journeys :)
Poland will be lovely! My old school friend lives there with his wife. He is always putting up photos :)
Yeh I'm hoping I have found a pattern!! Would be helpful but I guess it's all then down to hope and luck! :)

Our colds have pretty much gone. We did some easter baking yesterday and today we may make an easter bonnet.
Tomorrow is roast at my in laws and the egg hunt :)
AF has gone yay!!!!!!!!!
All set for starting opks from thurs! I have a feeling it will be day 16 though don't know why.


<a href=

9 years ago

Lovely ladies do you track ovulation with any apps?

Any good ones?
I am using Ovia.

<a href=

9 years ago

Good morning sweet ladies!

Haha, Emmy and Nikolina, lol about the Sims :-d I did like the challenge of making my sims fall in love :-p But afterwards it always got less exciting :-p Btw, count me in for the wall stickers :-p But my problem is that I know too well what I'm searching for, and then obviously never find it :-p

Emmy, to first answer your question (in a rather disappointing fashion): I don't know any O-track-app :-s Sorry that I can't help you there.
Yaay for AF leaving the party!!! Did you already start using the opks or are you waiting a couple more days? Hope they will give you a clear result soon!!!
Thank you for your comforting words!!! I guess it's indeed a milestone, and a scary one... I can't wait for Tuesday to come!
I like long drives too :-) I hate the stress and crowds of flying! My husband is even worse :-p He can get super cranky just going to a crowded supermarket :-) Not to mention it drains his energy :-p So I'm glad we decided to drive :-)

Nikolina, how's your O evolving? Opks showing lines already? So excited that your O is so near!!!!! Haha, I'm sure your plan with your husband will have worked :-)
Thank you for your sweet words!!!!!! :-)

So far, I think I'm doing okay. I want to get busy today, I don't want to have time left to worry :-p

I'm crossing my fingers tightly for all of you!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hay ladies and Happy Easter!!! :)

OMG Emmy, mee too, i LOVE butterflies!!! I have them everywhere, even have a tattoo :) They remind me of my mother, dont know why, its just something there. And since she passed away, everytime i see a butterfly, i have feeling she is still with me :)
To track my ovulation i have app in my phone -My Calendar. Its so easy to use, luv it!!!:) It has all my feritile days in it and most of the time gets my o day wright to the t!!! :)

Hay Alice hun!!! Ahh i hate flying, im such a baby in the plain, that i think other ppl gets nervous when they see mee ha im such a drama queen!!! Have to have a few glasses of wine, otherwise i wouldnt step on the plane lol Donno how i survived flight to honeymoon, it was total 16 hrs with stopover... never again lol but had a fab honeymoon in Mauritus :)

How are you feeling hun?? Any new pregnancy symptoms???

Well my opk are getting darker, but not there yet, but expecting to happen in next 3 days, yeee!!! Can not wait for crazy 2ww :) Im baking some buns today, as we going to hubbys family for meal :)

Lods lods baby dust to us alll :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Afternoon ladies!

Alice - I am obsessed with wall stickers but same as you never find what I'm looking for! I use Etsy! It's amazing! We have ordered two wall stickers from there custom made. One from US & one from Canada.
Can be expensive though hehe.
Ah I hate flying so I get you there! Too busy!
No not going to start opks just yet. Apps seems to say around weds.
I only have 10 sticks :) so hopefully be enough :)
Hope you have a nice busy day :)

Nikolina - aww that's lovely about the butterflies! I believe there is something special about them!
Our whole wedding was butterfly mad :)
I hate flying to!!!!! I'm the same! I get so worked up it's awful!
Omg we had a long flight to the maldives for out honeymoon & I don't knew how I did it! :)
That's for the tip on the app I shall take a look!
Yay for opk getting darker :)

Off out for a walk on the beach and let the Easter fun begin!
Have a lovely day ladies xxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Ooo large spot on my chin today! Horrid but last month I ovulated exactly a week later! So let's see lol!
I read spots on chin is a sign and depending which side means which side you ovulate from lol!


<a href=

9 years ago

hope you all had a good Easter!!

Nikolina, Yes, it is weird they are still sore. I asked my MIL if she thought I should call the doctor but she things I'm probably just producing extra hormones or something. Not very sore just uncomfortable... like I've been bench pressing or something (but I haven't lol). Hope it stops soon, kinda annoying. :p yay opk's are getting darker! hopefully soon they'll both be strong positives.

Emmy, thank you, the weather held off and it did not rain. :) My dots had a lot of fun hunting for eggs. Did your little girl? it's so cute to watch them when it's their first time figuring it out. :) How was your weather, was it sunny? Glad your opk's came in and they're ready and waiting so you don't miss O day! Yes, AF was normal... think maybe I'm just producing extra hormones maybe. :p mmm roast... how was it? tasty? :) I don't use a O tracking app, but I do temp so I use fertility friend for everything. It doesn't tell me when I O though just a guesstimate of when I might and then will tell me after I did. Do you live at the beach or just visiting? I love the beach. :)

Alice, hope pregnancy is progressing well and you get passed your scary day with ease! hugs to you!!

I had such a busy weekend, this was the first time I've had to sit down and catch up on this thread. :) I feel like I could sleep for a week straight though.... lol I'm so tired. I went to sleep at 9:30pm last night and I'm still tired. Way earlier than usual, but had to be up early to take my dot to school. Nothing really to report in the cycle department... still spotting a bit but almost done. :) Going to do my yoni steam tonight hopefully. It's my last one and I'll be out. Haven't decided if I should order some (I won it a few months ago on FB, haven't decided if it's helped me or not.) I've also been really bad about remembering to take my vitamins. :( And my throat has been hurting really bad, hope I'm not getting sick :(

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi ladies! I had a busy, yet productive weekend, so I missed out getting on here.

Missy, I hope you aren't getting sick, maybe you just need some good rest? Glad to hear the witch is almost gone!

Emmy, I am interested in your O and the spot!!! Hope you had a great Easter!

Nikolina, whoop whoop to the almost positive OPK!! I know you are getting it in, so just a matter of time :)

Alice, hey there, ready to hear the good news report from the doctor. Prayers and well wishes sent up as I know you are probably stressing a little ;)

AFM, I am just waiting to see what happens...I am CD21 today and lately my cycles have been 29 days or so. We will the meantime I will be working on the paperwork for the clinic later this month!


9 years ago

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