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BYOB: Bring on the November Babies!!

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Hello ladies!

Looks like it's that time again... thats what 5 threads we've gone through??? Haha! Keep it up!

Lets start it off the same as always, with a little update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
Been ttc for 6, nearly 7 months I think
I am currently on Cd16 & finally got a +opk this morning!
I have used OPK's for the last 4 cycles
& This cycle I have started to chart my bbt

I am addicted to this site & love all you ladies to pieces! I swear this thread is my lifeline & you all are my online bffs! LoL!

& tons of

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi Ladies!!!

6DPO & still no symptoms...well, just increased cm. Anyone else having symptoms??

13 years ago

Hello ladies!

Aisha - LoL!! I am glad I could help! Not sure what I would do without you, being on the same dpo and all and being able to "talk each other down" or whatever you wanna call it is very helpful! Haha! I had a look at your chart, I dont know much about chartting but it looks good to me! Haha! Yesterday my temp went down to coverline, and then bounced back up... today was the highest temp I have had so far! No idea is that is good or bad, but I am keeping my for us both!!

Keico - LOL @ the conversation between you and the sales clerk! Haha! Thats awesome! Sorry to hear about your kidney infection though! That is horrible, and also sorry about finding out your not pg. Like you said though at least you know your symptoms werent just imagined! & now you dont have to stress and can just wait for af to show. getting everything cleared up and I will send you lots of for may!!

Lisa - LOL @ the vibrater tid bit! Sorry to hear about the fight with your Mom! Glad everything is going well at work though! I hope you and your dh find a way to bd this cycle!!

Nothing new to report from me... I have some cramping still, & my boobs are really sore, but that is all pretty normal for me. So I dont really have much to obsess about. Thankfully this week has been pretty busy so I havent had much time to really think about or imagine symptoms! Haha, I hope I can keep it up! It would be nice not to test until after af was already late... but I dont see that happening! LoL!

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13 years ago • Post starter

I love reading from all of you but find it hard to keep up with you - hormone head! I must say...this cycle we got a BFP! After MANY MANY attempts over 1 1/2 yrs. After 2 full term pregnancies and 3 early miscarriages, I KNOW what PG feels like and I have to say this cycle felt like NOTHING until 9 DPO. NOT A THING! I just KNEW it wasn't going to happen this month. SOOOOO, moral of the story is, "you're not OUT until you're OUT!". That's my cheer for the day!

Here's to all your baby dust and to those of us with BFP the stickiest of sticky vibes!

DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

13 years ago

Congrats DMPage and others with BFP!!! It gives me so much hope to read your success stories. Sending you positive thoughts for a healthy and successful pregnancy-you must be so excited!!

As for me, I am 5PO and no real symptoms other than typical sore bbs and some increased cm. I feel more relaxed about TTC and optimistic that my time will come soon. Maybe not this month (although it is possible) but I just feel that it will happen sometime soon. Crossing my fingers for everyone waiting to test!

13 years ago


Throw some of your my way!!!!!! Hope it's my turn this cycle. It's been a LONG 6 mos. of trying. And I'm really ready for it to happen!!

I'm 6DPO & having ZERO symptoms, except increased cm...but that hardly means anything.

I'm hanging in there, but need ALL of you ladies here for me to vent to!! to everyone this cycle!!!

13 years ago

Ok ladies I'm in a boring lecture so I'm typing this on my phone

Joy- we will not obsessed symptoms we will not obsessed symptoms we will not obsessed symptoms! I doing well at ignoring everything except my temperature since the increase is objective and not subjective. A rise can be a good sign if it is sustained. Your dip could also be good since some people have a dip when implantation occurs. If our temps both stay high for the next few days I'm really going to obsess!

79girl and Luckylady- I'm pulling for you guys! Remember sometimes no symptoms are a good sign, especially early!

Dmpage- congrats again dear! I know your first is a clomid miracle so please blow some of your magic my way!

Wel the good news is that my coochie isn't hurting so badly today. I had some heavy discharge mixed with blood still bit since the pain is better so hopefully I'm healing. I guess I will find out tomorrow! I wonder if they will do a pregnancy test while I'm there? I'm sure its still too early if they do a urine test but and I doubt they will do blood. We will see...

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13 years ago

well I am out... not implantation, just ...

I think I am on to clomid and IUI...

13 years ago

Sorry Bens......

I have a fertility apt. on the 28th so if this round doesn't work for me then I will be there too!!

13 years ago

I have a question for you ladies; I got a positive opk yesterday at about 12 pm then a positive today at about 12pm so does that mean I am Oing today??? They say from the first pos. opk you should count up to 36 hours from that and you will have O'd..... so should I count today as my O day??? What would you ladies do? I think I will test again tommorrow for O just in case......

13 years ago

Sorry Bens that showed. I hate that bitch I haven't personally seen her in several months (despite not being pg) but I hate that she bugs my ttc friends and threatens to bug me soon. Are you going to try anything different this cycle?

Carolyn- I get really confused with OPKs. I had positive OPKS for two days as well, but according to my charts I Oed the first day. I guess it just depends on how quickly it takes your body to respond to the FSH surge to actually O but within 24 hours. So you could have Oed yesterday or today. Maybe some other ladies have more insight than me.

So today I went to the grocery store and for Easter they were selling giant stuff lambs for only $19! They were so adorable and I really wanted to buy one for my future little one by right now I'm in a tiny apartment at school and I don't want to get in a habit of buying things yet. In a few months I will be transferring to a campus closer to where my DH and I have a house so then I can start buying things. That will be better anyway because my DH is able to be there a LOT more than he is able to be here (it's complicated). It's a six hour drive away so I don't really want to buy stuff and then have the haul it that far later.

And then I saw a really cute book that I want to buy my future baby and nearly started crying while reading it. Unfortunately two of my colleagues who don't know I'm ttc (really no one knows but my mom and my bff) and they were like "what are doing." I told them I am going to a baby shower soon. It just makes me so sad because I want to become a mother so badly...

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13 years ago

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