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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hope everything goes well for you and your ultrasound, Jill.

I feel like, even though I've had negative days, I've been fairly optimistic about our chances -- until I went to the dr. on Friday. After looking at the reality of the odds and all the factors against this happening, I've been really down for the past week.

Also, because we have to spend so much out-of-pocket, we have to hold off for a month (at least). AND, my commitment-phobe boyfriend (been together 8.5 yrs, no ring :) ) has been getting a little bit of cold feet about diving into the this now... although, I'm fairly sure that he just needs some time to think and wrap his brain around the whole process... and, being our age (37) we don't have the luxury of time.

I'm on CD8 today - but haven't been O'ing until CD18-22, so I still have a while to get positive and go for it naturally this month. I'm just so deflated after going to the doctor and accepting that this is/could very well be our path.

Hope all you other ladies are doing well and thinking happy thoughts!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

Sorry I've been out of touch for a bit. Man, what a cycle this has been. Yesterday was my lowest low of all lows thus far and I can't even tell you why. It just was, even though this new injectable cycle thing looks like it's working.

As for the cycle, I started the shots on CD 3 and kept them going each night on a low dose. I had gone in for my first ultrasound (CD 7) after having injections and they called me saying I was on the fast track, with five follicles. I got so excited they might convert the cycle to an IVF cycle, which I'd be thrilled with at this point. I guess my thinking is, if I have to go through the motions of the injections and daily monitoring, I might as well get the 40% chance of it working from IVF.

But no, they just reduced my meds a bit and kept monitoring me daily. I don't even know what my follicles are, but apparently there's five, one is fully matured, a second one might be? It's so confusing when they leave the messages.

Anyway, to 'avoid' having all five follicles mature, I'm to take the HCG shot at midnight tonight and the IUI is scheduled for Sat. Um, the shot is HUGE and midnight? really?

For some awful reason, I just feel like I'm out this month already, and that I have to go through months and months of these injections and crazy hormones and weight gain before ever even getting to a good chance of it working. UG.

Mis, you and I are in the mizzy camp together!

Sarah and Jill, how are you both doing? I'm sorry I've been MIA, I feel out of touch.

Hope you are all well!!!!!!

11 years ago

Well Ladies, I got good news on my ultrasound. I only have 1 follicle but it is 27mm!!! That is almost 4x the size on my previous scans!!! And I'm only Cd13. I should O in the nexr 2-3 days!!
Court - Don't give up hope yet! I was sure I was out this month since I'm on the same dose of clomid I was on last month and it didn't work! Now I know the clomid is working and there is a good chance I could get pregnant!! that this works for you onthe first try!!!!

11 years ago

Congrats, jill! Wow, your follicle is huge! 20mm is fully mature, right? that is excellent news!

IUI is today at 11:30am. So glad the shots are over for this month. Now the dreaded TWW begins...

Good luck!

11 years ago

Well Ladies, I got super exicted on Friday when I found out about that huge follicle. Turns out it may be too big! I've read that anything over 26mm is either a cyst or "over mature". I know it wasn't a cyst as I O'd on Moday and have had the best temp spike ever!! From 97.1 on Monday to 98.1 on Tuesday and 98.5 today!!! I never have numbers like that!!! So I am trying to stay positive that there is at least a chance this month!!!
How is everything going for u ladies?
Court - I hope everything went well with your IUI. Looks like we are pretty close with our cycles this month. Keep me posted on how the dreaded TWW goes for you!!!

11 years ago

Jill - Fingers crossed for you!! It's still possible. Hoping it works for you.

Court- Hope the iui went well. Are you feeling any symptoms so far.

Mellie - How are you?

AF arrived on Tuesday. I've been kind of bummed. This will be my final cycle of clomid. Not sure where to go from here or if I should even continue ttc. Fertility or infertility issues is not covered by either my or my dh's insurance. I've been paying everything out of pocket for the clomid cycles. I'm fairly certain that IVF will be much too expensive. We'll see.

Lots of baby dust to you all!!

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11 years ago

Well after the bad news about my follicle at least I got some good news today. My husbands insurance, my secondary, is going to cover the next step in this process. They will cover everything but IVF!!! That is great news as my insurance doesn't cover much of anything!!!
Court - would love to know how you are doing with the shots!!!

11 years ago

Hey there ladies,

Sarah, I'm so sorry about AF. The fact that everything is out of pocket, just makes the whole process seem so cruel. It's not fair you have to go through that financial burden, on top of the emotional burden. I do hope, though, that you don't stop TTC if you don't want to.

Great news on the insurance, Jill. Like I said above, it's one less thing on your overflowing plate. I wish you all lived in MA so a) you would have coverage, and b) we could all go out for lunch together!

As for me, the shots were intense, but they're long over. In the end, I don't even remember what they said about my follicles. I had 5, but not all of them were mature. I remember she said one was dominant. My Estradial was about 350 (IDK the units)? She had told me that each mature follicle would produce about 150 (units?) of estradial, so does that mean 350 was two? IDK.

As for the IUI....well ladies, I dropped the vile of sperm when I pulled it out of my bra and handed it to the nurse. I DROPPED IT! There was a moment of pure panic...well, actually, frozen doctors! But then they picked it up off the floor, unharmed, and spent so much time convincing me that the four ft fall was nothing compared to the centrifuge they put them in for 10min.

Even though I had a positive cycle and things went as planned and I'm so fortunate to have boston hospitals at my disposal, I just can't shake this depression. I've been so low lately. It might have something to do with the 14 infants at work with me.

I met with a psychiatrist who specializes in infertility and fertility related depression/anxiety and has done research at the Brigham for years. She takes a 'mother and child' approach to wellness and doesn't think I can get pregnant if I'm in a depressive mood all the time. She thinks the healthier you are mentally, the better your results will be. It all makes perfect sense. But it sucks to think you may be starting a medication that could potentially harm a would-be fetus. I mean, she obviously knows the research...but it's almost like having someone say I could benefit from zoloft, just makes me all the more depressed. Oh, and let me say that meds are wonderful and definitely necessary at times - for all of us! And I'm such an anxious person as it is, I'm long overdue. I just keep thinking that if I get a positive, all that will go away. But clearly my plan isn't working...

At any rate, I test one week from today!

Hope you're all well and enjoying your weekend!

11 years ago

Hey ladies â?? I hope you all are doing well!
I know you have a week before you test â?? stay strong girlie, and hope for the best!

Jill â?? I am so glad that it seems like things have progressed/are progressing the way you had hope. I hope the outcome is just as positive! When are you testing??? (Oh, and congrats about the fab insurance coverage.)

Sarah â?? sorry about the AF, but just think, youâ??ll have a whole new shot in a few weeks. Stay positive! â?? and Iâ??m very aware of the insurance costs and how they can influence your decisions when it comes to ttc. We would have jumped into testing this past month if we didnâ??t have to drop over $2,000 with the week of our appointment. Hopefully, weâ??ll be able to get into testing next cycle (UNLESS we have been successful this week! :D ) I donâ??t know what we are going to do after testing, or if we are going to be able to swing more than one IUI, if that is are next step. What makes me feel even worse about it all, is that there are no guarantees that the desired outcome is going to happen.

As for me â?? I am on CD19 â?? I actually got a +opk on CD17. Yesterday, I was uber-positive and thinking happy thoughts. Today, not so much. This is just so tough.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies!

Missy - Congrats on the positive OPK!!! That is great news that you maybe ovulating on your own! for you this month!!!!

Court - You and I are pretty cose inout cycles. I'm 7 DPO and will probably test on Wednesday or Thursday??? I know what you mean about depression. I'm normally a pretty positiive and up beat person but htis infertility stuff can really wear you done!! This month marks 1 yr of trying - I never thought it would take this long!!! I blame myself for alot of this even though I know there is nothing I could have done differently. Thankfully my husband is very supportive and helps pull me back up when I get down.

Missy & Sarah - I wish you both had the insurance coverage!!! It breaks my heart to think that anyone of us would have to give up because of financial constraints. My insurance was only going to cover my Dr visit (as out-of-network) and some of my testing. I didn't think my husbands was going to be any better. However, inthe last year his company has added infertility coverage to their plan. I was so happy I cried - think I scared the insurance guy!!! I feel vey blessed to have the chance to try IUI and shots. I don't think we could have afford more than one or two tries without hte insurance coverage!!
since my insurance doesn't cover IVF I don't think we will go that far. My husband has brought up adopotion as a last resort. I'm not sure how I feel about adoption. For me it's too early in the process but I am going to stay open to the option if we can't concieve one of our own.
Hope everyone has a great week! I look forward to seeing your Court!!!!

11 years ago

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