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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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pixandpoetry it hasn't and it hasn't mine either. Supposedly it helps make better quality eggs. I'm going to look into the pregnitude. Thanks for the info!

9 years ago

Hi lovely ladies , thanks for the awesome kinds words, I am ok as I'm a really positive person and creating this group has made me feel less alone, we're all in the same kind of boat whether it be trying and failing, or trying and not being able to carry, all TTC so it's great how we support each other, thank you!

I haven't tried DHEA but heard of it, it seems it's worth it from what you're all saying. Have you heard about CO Q10? I heard that's another tablet that's good for egg quality. I don't know but I'll do anything for a good egg! Shame I can't just buy one from the stores , I'd stock up!

That's such a beautiful scan picture babybean thanks a million for sharing it with us! It's amazing and brought a little tear to my eye! and once again, you must be so happy! I can just imagine the feeling. You'll bring us luck I think so thank you again!

I hope the rest of the pregnant ladies are doing ok and the ones TTC as well. Thinking of you all and tons of baby dust to everyone!

9 years ago • Post starter

It's a little bit cuddly, isn't it, the little bean :)
I do hope it inspires some of those stubborn little eggs ;) and brings everyone lots and lots of

9 years ago

Babybean I can't see the image on my computer, but congratulations!!!!!!! You give us all hope.

Pixandpoetry you are lucky your accupuncture doesn't hurt. I find it really painful - especially the needles n the hands, in that space between the thumb and forefinger!

It's totally worth it though, as I really believe there is a link between it and falling pregnant.

With regard to the progesterone six days past ovulation, I'm nervous that my fertility clinic hasn't given it to me yet - I'm 5dpo. I have another blood test on Saturday, which will be 7dpo and they will give me a progesterone suppository then, depending on what the blood tells them. I'm SO hoping my lil egg fertilised!

9 years ago

Baby_bean, you just made me cry. That pic makes me want a baby even more. God bless you and your little one.

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I'm 45 (soon to be 46), and just got a 8dp5dt positive. My husband and I did it with donor eggs, and I couldn't be happier. My RE won't pull eggs from anyone over 43, but will work to try to implant through 47. Since my last pregnancy (very unexpected) was at 42 and resulted in a blighted ovum, I was totally good with that, don't want to repeat that with a limited on-ramp of time.

Anyway, that's where we're at, praying for things to keep progressing for a healthy result. I personally believe my eggs are of limited quality at this age, and wanted to get on with it if we were going to do it. So far so good.

Baby dust -n- stuff,

PS - Does anyone here know who keeps posting a "positive!" to any/all HPT images? There is some jackwagon giving a false hope to some of the clear negative tests. Crazy. And a little bit mean.

9 years ago

Hello ladies!
SydneyNat: Baby dust that your little bean continues to get all snuggled in. I'm going to talk to dh about starting acupuncture, too. Maybe it'll help me follow in your footsteps.

Pixandpoetry: I agree that's it's us women who bear the brunt of all the ttc efforts, despite our dh's support. Which fertility yoga are you doing? I have the one "Breathe & Conceive" & am still having trouble (I want to go faster =)).

Baby_bean: thanks for sharing the US of your little bean. I'm so happy for you! ! xx

Angelgirldel: I had never heard of pregnitude, but I'll ask my RE about it next week and let you know what she says.

Onemorebaby: You could buy CoQ10 from amazon.

Busterdogs: !! I'm so happy for you! We may be doing the same thing in a few months. For me it is a very hard decision, but from all that I've read, those that have gotten a BFP w/DE have always been happy about it. I'm happy you have a supportive RE.

AFM: I've had a migraine since yesterday, so AF should be here with all her bags in tow by Saturday, which means I'll have another chance to make a healthy baby! Some good news: my old RE & soon to be RE both signed off on me switching to the new one! 1st appt next Wednesday. I'm really excited about talking with her about the DHEA, pregnitude & the rest of my supplement meal. I'll let my ttc sisters know what I find out.

9 years ago

Busterdogs - Congrats! I'm very excited for you. It doesn't really matter how we get that BFP, just that we get a take-home baby at the end! We'll all be stalking you throughout your journey if you stick around with all of us still ttc!

SyndyNat - Oh it must stink to have acupuncture hurt. I found it sooooo relaxing. I guess I have a high pain threshold though, I have multiple piercings and tattoos that I simply adore (I know....just another addiction like POAS ).

Jazmine - Hey there! How are you doing and where are you at in your cycle?

Eat2nourish - I recently changed RE's and it was the best thing I could have done. I feel so much more comfortable with my new doc. (And would love to hear what fertility "cocktail" everyone is on.)

Onemorebaby - I have taken CoQ10 in the past, thinking I may add that in again if I don't get my sticky bean this month.

AFM - 7DPO and not symptom spotting since I'm on progesterone still. Guess there is always hope....right? Either way, heading out on vacation in 2 weeks to the West coast of Florida and then Key West. I'm looking forward to laying on the beach and having some fantatstic BDing while we're gone. Hugs to you all!

9 years ago

Busterdog, ,

Hi Pixandpoetry, Today makes 4dpo I've been praying alot and hoping for a sticky bean for all of us.

9 years ago

Has anyone used The Fertile Soul? I used them to help balance me out to conceive Colston. I made a phone apt and talked with the herbalist and she gave me a rx of herbs. I ordered some of their herbal blends today that they have on their website. Plus I ordered the pregnitude. Congrats Buster! So happy for you!

9 years ago

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