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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Alex. Thank's girl. I'm pretty sure baby is just fine. Other than that, today is my official last day of work and I had to cancel three days of holidays to train my replacement only to find out that she had to go for a swab (came back negative) last Friday but she has to be symptom free for 48 hours. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and possibly another membrane sweep so hoping the measurements will be better. I've been having Braxton Hicks basically all day and plus the baby is all pushing down. I believe more of of mucous plug is coming out so will have to see if my cervix has started to dialate. I am so ready to serve this little one their eviction notice to vavate the premises in two weeks. I will keep everyone updated. I pray you get your BFP real soon so you can experience the joys of pregnancy.

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3 years ago

Alex - Not at the moment. The clinic I'm thinking about is located a little more than an hour from here and I don't think right now is such a good time going there because of Covid. Besides, most of the clinics have put a pause on many of the treatments and such because of Covid. So I think we'll wait a bit until it hopefully settles at least some more.

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3 years ago

Hi ladies. Just want to update you all. My doctors appointment went well. Doctor did another sweep. Been tightening up all day. Tonight my husband and I DTD and when I was laying in bed, I felt/heard a loud pop and then I got up and water was trickiling out. So, I'm pretty sure my water just broke. Will update soon.

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3 years ago • Edited

My husband and I got to the hospital a little after midnight. At 12:43am our son was born. We named him Jabob Paul Joseph. Never got enough time to get an epidural as he came that quick. The pain was horrendous and untolerable. I'm glad he is here.

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3 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly congratulations babe!! You and your family must be so happy and I’m sending my best wishes for your little boy!! I hope while in hospital you’ll find some time to rest after your labor. Take care of your self and we gladly will be here for any support if you need!!

Pandorica this COVID situation never ends.. I just wish things could get back to normal already!
Hopefully your little miracle is around the corner.

AFM I’m 11 dpo and i took another test last night where I thought I saw something. Later on I realized that my tests are actually 25miu meaning that at only 10dpo there’s no many chances to get a line so I got back to earth lol this morning I’m sure it was negative. For some reason hubby is very optimistic this cycle and I’m already feeling I’m gonna fail him once more. I really hope I could be pregnant just one time!

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3 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Alex: you never know! I have seen people get faint positives on those 25 mIU tests at 11dpo. I know you don't wanna get your hopes up. But I'm just saying it isn't impossible. You may have seen a line.

Dragonfly: I wish you well with your new little one! Talk about a speedy delivery!

3 years ago

Dragonfly - congrats girl! I know how it feels to have a baby come that quick! Raine was that way too.

Afm im in the fertile window so dh and are covering out bases. He is on weight watchers and I too, have lost weight with him so better chances of getting pregnant. Im still taking prenatal vitamins. Only thing killing me this week is hardly any sleep due to Raine not feeling so good and me spending 2 nights in the recliner with her. She also is close to losing teeth and she keeps complaining her mouth hurts her. I have a slight cold but it isn't anything more then an itchy scratchy sore throat like allergies

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3 years ago • Edited

Hberry: I just entered my fertile window according to my digital OPKs having a flashing smiley. I decided I needed to figure out best when to time sex. Since you are only supposed to use the digitals with fmu and they give a clearer answer I figured I wouldn't stress or obsess over them. So far I've been right. I even forgot to do it this morning lol.

3 years ago

@Alex and Southern. Thank you very much. I have a slight case of gender disappointment so I really hope that will pass and I can move on and have some good quality bonding time with him.

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3 years ago

Southern - I don't use opks. Never have probably never will. I can tell by cm when I'm in that window. I also am a certain way when I start getting near O day. I tend to become more annoyed and grouchy during Ovulation *shrugs*

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3 years ago

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