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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1761 - 1770 of 2000 Replies | Last Page

Hberry: I just entered my fertile window according to my digital OPKs having a flashing smiley. I decided I needed to figure out best when to time sex. Since you are only supposed to use the digitals with fmu and they give a clearer answer I figured I wouldn't stress or obsess over them. So far I've been right. I even forgot to do it this morning lol.

3 years ago

@Alex and Southern. Thank you very much. I have a slight case of gender disappointment so I really hope that will pass and I can move on and have some good quality bonding time with him.

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3 years ago

Southern - I don't use opks. Never have probably never will. I can tell by cm when I'm in that window. I also am a certain way when I start getting near O day. I tend to become more annoyed and grouchy during Ovulation *shrugs*

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3 years ago

Hberry: I can't go on cm alone. I get ewcm after my period then don't always get it when I O. It's weird. I even took an OPK to see if I was ovulating earlier than I expected and I'm not. My body can be frustrating.

3 years ago

dragonfly: Big congratulations!!!

Alex: Yeah, Covid completely sucks!

Ugh, seems like my fibro are getting worse. Hopefully it's temporary. For the past few weeks I have been feelin extremely tired, more than usual (which is a lot). It doesn't matter at all how many hours I sleep, I'm still always tired. And now my head feels all weird, sometimes it's like walking through suryp, like my mind is much slower. It can take several hours before I start to feel somewhat normal. It's getting harder at work since I have to work slower and have a much lower tolerance for when problems pops up. As far as TTC goes, I'm only cd 4 and the bleeding is very light now. Hopefully it'll be gone in a day or so.

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3 years ago

@Pandorica. Thanks girl. I can't believe how fast the time just flew by.

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3 years ago

12DPO and still negative tests. I’m sure I’m out again

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3 years ago • Post starter

I am cd 11 today. This cycle I'm not temping and I'm avoiding the ttc forums and Facebook groups with exception to this one. I wasn't going to but I decided I would go ahead with my digital clear blue ovulation tests. The results are clear and I don't obsess all day over whether it was positive or negative. I wanted to be as stress free as possible about this cycle. I'm super glad I went ahead and did the OPKs because I got my peak today when I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow or Sunday. So me and the hubby snuck in a quickie this afternoon and I used one of those soft disc things. Giving it a try. Figure it can't hurt anything to give his swimmers some extra time. We'll have sex tomorrow as well as Sunday and probably Monday as well depending on if my cervix has closed yet. It closes by 2 dpo so I'll be able to tell.

Oh, and amusing story for y'all! My 6 year old daughter is adorable and also freaked me out a little it. I was playing a video game and she was watching something on her tablet. She looks at me and says: mommy, where will the baby sleep when it comes out of your tummy? So I told her honey there is no baby. She said but where will the baby sleep when it gets here, there's only one bedroom left and that's the guest bedroom. I said honey, what baby? There's no baby in mommy's tummy. She said and what will we name the baby when it comes out of your tummy? She would not let it go at there being no baby yet. It was adorable and being about to ovulate gave me a weird feeling. Then later on she gives me a hug before going up to take her bath. She starts to go off to do that then runs back and kisses my stomach. No reason, no comment when I asked why she kissed my stomach other than "I don't know". All of this came completely out of nowhere too. My husband and I haven't been talking about anything in front of her because we don't want her constantly asking or getting excited. So it really wigged me out for that to be brought up out of left field like that. Anyway I figured y'all would get a chuckle out of it.

3 years ago

Just letting everyone know that mommy and baby are home. I wasn't execting to be discharged so quickly. I guess with covid they dont want you staying longer than you have to.

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3 years ago

Southern omg kids are so adorable and I have actually heard a lot of stories like this that lead to a succes! I really hope this toddler intuition to come true for you!! Good luck this cycle girl! Go catch that egg!!

Dragonfly glad you both are home and safe!! Hopefully you’ll getting some help and you having a smooth recovery! Take care hun!

AFM I’m 13 dpo and af is expected tomorrow. I have all pms and my test this morning was negative but there was something that kept catching my eye. I’m sure it’s nothing though. I feel like she’ll be here any time and my mood is very low.. dang it

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3 years ago • Post starter

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