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October 2019 Babes TTC

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Hey lovely ladies! I am back and gonna start trying this cycle for our last babe. I am looking for other ladies to share my journey with in TTC this month for late September/early October babes.

My little guy is only 13 months old and I breast feed him till I went back to work last year, since then my cycles have been so wonky, so I am not certain when my ovulation will be, but I started ovulation testing yesterday and got a low fertility result and tested again today and got a high fertility result both in the morning and night.

Crossing my fingers for all the ladies trying to conceive this cycle

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419 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@adoette so sorry sweets about AF showing up. Stay positive. We are all here for you This thread will continue on, so as soon as you approach your next O date please share!

@bug yay for no more spotting! And no shame in drinking a few drinks. Before I found I was pregnant with my first child I drank a few drinks cause I didnt know I was pregnant. So even if your trying or in the beginning of ttc I dont think you have anything to worry about. Keep us updated about tomorrow!

@momma oh duh....I knew it sounded familiar but didnt put two and two together that it was a Fitbit brand. Even though your test was negative are you testing again tomorrow or waiting till your expected AF date?

@ AMF I hear ya girl...line eyes will get ya. Keep us posted for your test tomorrow.
Based off my ovulation date I got my implantation late at night (10pm) on 6dpo, which originally I thought was 7dpo. Implanation can range anywhere between 6-11 days after ovulation from all the stuff I have read on, so your probably right about your implanation happening! Yay

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5 years ago • Post starter

I jinx myself just went to the restroom and had some pinkish CM. I want so bad to go to bed and wake up to take my temperature.

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5 years ago

Oh no bug! There’s still a chance. Good luck in the morning.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

Sorry I've been MIA. We've been showing my grandma around the city this weekend. So much to catch up on!

@Momma how did your tests go today? The heart rate thing is weird, hopefully it's a sign your heart is pumping for 2!

@AMF I can't wait to see how the test tomorrow is. I'm the wrost at looking at the really faint lines so fingers crossed there's a nice line in the morning for you.

@Bug fingers crossed for you!

@Brittany I'm so happy for you! That's awesome line progression.

5 years ago

@Adoette I'm sorry you're back at square one. I'm sending baby dust vibes your way for this cycle to be yours.

As for me, 10dpo and I still feel like crap but I don't feel like I normally do at this point before AF. But when I woke up and went to the bathroom there was a slight brown tinge when I wiped. It didn't happen again but now I'm worried it may be the start of my pre-AF spotting. It's due sometime after Thursday (my cycles usually vary from 28-32 days) and that's when I plan to test if AF hasn't started.

5 years ago

@sigkap glad to hear your doing good! Maybe the one time brown tinge is old blood from implantation So your gonna wait to test till after your expected AF due date?

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5 years ago • Post starter

I finally got my test result from my blood draw this only took all day. My beta on Friday at 10dpo was 46 and my beta from today is 128 at 12dpo.

So my number has increased, which is good. My last pregnancy I got my beta done on 16dpo and my beta was 226, which was no concern to my OB, so I figure if I am at a beta of 128, then in 4 days I should be right on track.

OB appt for me tomorrow. I will post a line progression and update on my appt after all said and done.

I look forward to seeing others testing here soon!

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5 years ago • Post starter

@sigkap glas your enjoying your grandma.

@AMF, I can totally see that one.

As for me temp dropped back down to not O rises so I discarded Sundays temp. Havent O'd yet. Kinda frustrated with my SO because he just not getting it when I want to BD. Last night I was totally in the mood and he wasnt at all. So it's been 3 days since we BD which means if I dont O soon. Or get any more or BDing in I'm out.

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5 years ago

I’m driving myself crazy with line eye. Does anyone see a vvf line?? I swear I saw something within two minutes after taking the test, but I could also be going crazy. Lol.

user submitted image

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

@AMF that’s awesome!! What dpo are you again??
@Sigkap fingers crossed it’s IB!!
@Brittany those are great numbers! Seems like such a high percentage of us cycle buddies this month are getting BFP’s. I hope I get as lucky as you ladies!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Edited

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