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December 2016 Babies!

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Hi ladies,

I know we're all sad to be here, but yay for holiday babies?

TTC #1, since July 2015. Cycle 3 after miscarriage. I'll be starting studying this month in an intensive bootcamp style course so will just try BD every other day and will drink more water.

Timing-wise probably isn't the best time to conceive, but because this baby making business is taking longer than we thought, we're not going to put it on hold.

to everyone and :)

305 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

151 - 160 of 305 Replies | Last Page

WInterLJ I admire you for holding out lol..... Fingers crossed you get your

Trying for another what DPO are you ?? I know you have probably told it more than once . It's not over until she shows. With my first two pregnancies I didn't get a positive until days after AF was late . And yes I was testing lol

8 years ago

Xoxo test test test !!!

8 years ago

Hey Ladies,

So I had a blonde moment. I went to the store and totally forgot to pick up more opks. I took my last one yesterday when I got home from work . I obviously couldn't test again this morning so I have no idea if it was positive again. Ugh. Since then I been having more pressure on my left side. (Bikini line) not really sure if that's ovulation or not. My temps this morning went down a little not alot so I'm super confused . I was really upset because my hubby and I didn't BD the last two nights the poor guy has been so tired work is kicking his butt. He comes home and crashes out. I'm just hoping the first day we got positive and we BD it was good enough. If not I told him we need to DTD the next few days. I'm really hope this happens for us. And all of you! to everyone.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Hello All. Im Becky and my husband and I just suffered an early miscarriage. I found out I ovulated shortly after and am now 6 or 7 dpo. Just kinda processing it all still so this threw me for a loop that I could already be pregnant again. I didnt know you could ovulate so soon after a miscarriage. I miscarried on March 16th and stopped bleeding March 21st and ovulated Match 23 or 24.

My doctor said I dont have a problem getting pregnant like I did with our son but that staying pregnant is different. Just looking for some support through all this.

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Hello Becky, sorry to hear that. One of my close friends had a miscarriage in November but she immediately got pregnant in December. So, it is possible.

So, I just found more brown spotting this afternoon. At 14DPO/CD 26, does this mean AF is about to show up? I'm confused because my BBT is still high this morning...

8 years ago

Becky I had a chemical pregnancy and the very next cycle got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl. Best of luck to you.

Annabel I'm so sorry. Looks like we are in the same boat.

8 years ago

So I tested like a stupid bfn cd 31 my cycles are 28 29 days my breast been sore for two days since my normal period would start longest cycle i had was 32 days and always spot the day before dr order beta but im thinking about wait it out a lil longer aomethings fushy tho i didnt use opks or track this cycle and the hubby went out of town the normal time i thought i ovulated crazy thing is we had sex earlier this cycle and i told him what if im ovulating cd 10 -12 instead of 14 -16 it would be a blessing and a suprise to us both we had bd alot early this time to the bfp welcome to the newbies

8 years ago

Thank you everyone. I have been having cravings, super irritable, and my abs feel like ive done 100 crunches. (I havent). And Im so exhausted!!! And my boobs are def like perkier.

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Well guys I started feeling like I was coming down with the flu again today and had to leave work early. I slept for 3 hours and woke up feeling much better besides having a slight cough. I haven't really noticed AF like cramps today either, though I will say I am in some pain because of rough BD
AF is supposed to be coming tomorrow, I thought that I was only on CD 30 but I am on CD 31 so she should be here tomorrow. If for some bizarre reason she doesn't show by Friday night I will test but until then there will be no testing for me. I don't think I can handle seeing any BFN.

I have super exciting news though!! Hubby and I are looking in to buying a house I am so incredibly excited that we will have a house that we own to bring our baby home to!! It is so surreal. We also discussed baby names, even though it could be a long process for us I am glad that we are able to discuss these things and begin planning. It helps this long waiting process.

Anyways ladies, I know some of you may be getting AF and some are still in the TWW! I just want each and everyone of you to know that I appreciate all the encouraging advice that you have given me and all the answers to my many questions! I am keeping you in my prayers, and I wish you loads of

8 years ago

Good morning ladies,

I am very sad this am so i am taking a bit of time for myself. My temps dropped very low and i know AF is on her way now. So I am crying a lot this morning but still have school and work. I appreciate the support and will be thinking about all of you.

<img src=

8 years ago

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