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FM2B TTC#1 Onto Eposide 2

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Are you TTC #1? Do you often feel like there isn't a place you can go to where you feel comfortable enough to talk about whatever it is your going through without Mommies TTC #2+ is breathing down the forum boards with the woes of motherhood and TTC? Well, we ladies feel this way. That's why we want you to share with us and join our team! We share our TTC emotions, problems, joys, hopes, fears, it, we share it. We have all kinds of mommies2Be, just starting TTC, making their one year mark, over the one year mark, etc. We are very open and welcome ALL Future Mommies2Be. We even wanna keep our new pregnant mommies since they are our cheerleaders now.

We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

If this is the place for you please do join us and share along in the TTC Journey to becoming a MOMMY!
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About your journey so far:

If you would like to read our previous forum here is the link:

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291 Replies • 12 years ago



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151 - 160 of 291 Replies | Last Page

Hello Everyone!!!!!

Congratulations to the ladies who got their B F P !!!!!!


Amazing news. Im glad that everyone is well and the support on here is just brilliant.

I just haveto write something to Bug.

My little one. Im sorry that this wasnt your month. I truley am. All through our months of trying, I had times of complete acceptance, and times of complete sadness and resentment. The only thing that you can take control of is yourself. God has the final say, But, for our own sanity we can control somethings. Lossing 4lb (already!! amazing) is one of thoes things, you choosing to take a break will help you be able to focus on yourself and your relationship.
This journey is on of the hardest things you will ever do, some are harder than others but there will be a sliver lining. You can overcome this.
I want you to know that thanks to the forum you started I was able to keep my sanity. I cant thank you again. Much love to you Bug.

Im still in lala land. I had my second bloodwork done on Friday and my hcg levels had gone from 53 (the friday b4) to 1500 !!! Very happy!!!
I have my first op with dr on the 7th dec. (i will be 8 weeks) I feel really good, No morning sickness, pretty tired but that has gotten better, boobs good, not very sore, I seem to feel everything, I feel my uterus stretching!! Its very cool!! I have had a awful cold but nearly over that. I get layed off both of my jobs on the 10th dec so looking forward to relaxing after that.

Have faith, it will happen, sometimes it takes it sweet time but as we all know somethings are worth waiting for.

Much love to you all

and to all

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12 years ago

well i got a call from the doctors today they have to resch me to dec 6th because im not 6-8 weeks preg and I even told them it was to confirm that i was preg and they still said I have to wait. on he 28th I can go to a woman center to get a free urine test but i will have to go to them to get a letter so i can get all the things i need to get just in case. Gonna do a digi later today. Hope you ladies are doing good!

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12 years ago

Hey ladies...

Wints -Im so happy that things are going well for you! Its good to know you have a healthy bean growing. Your lucky to be able to have December off to relax and you will have lots of time to spend with family.

Bug - I hope you are doing ok. It will eventually happen for us. It might take a while or a little help but eventually it will happen and we are both young and healthy - Congrats on loosing 4lbs you keep it up your gonna be skinny minnie in no time.

Woozle - I hope everything turns out good with you and Congrats again! There is not another doc that you can call to try and get in sooner? Seems like your doc's office is a little confused.

MaxCT - good luck with testing and I hope it comes out a BFP - Let us know what happens with the test and if you end up going to the docs.

El - I hope the doc calls you soon!! Maybe get a digital test in the mean time so that your DH can see you actually are Preggers. Good luck love

AFM - ABSOLUTELY terrible start to today! My car broke down on the way to work... It just died when I was coming up to an intersection. Thank god it didnt die while I was in the middle or I might not be here right now... I got a tow truck to take my car to work (since I work for a dealership) and hopefully one of the mechanics can fix it today since I have no other way to work in the morning. Hubby said he would be pick me up from work but that doesnt help when I have no way in the morning. And its too far to take a bus. God what a morning. I shouldnt have gotten out of bed this morning. Im exhausted and emotionally drained. I literally balled my eyes out for about two hours.

I really dont know what I am going to do. And the worst part is, right now I am broke! I bought some xmas gifts and filled my tank with gas and now...I am broke! till at least next friday. Im sure the hubby would help me out if he could but I hate bugging him for money especially since xmas isnt too far away.
So I know bad things happen in 3s, now Im just waiting for the inevitable...the next 2 things to happen to me today...

Wish me luck.

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

I called another one and they said it would be a waste of money to get a blood test done if i got 3 pos on urine test then most likely im preg i thought she was a lil rude. It shouldnt matter if its a waste of money she must be having a bad tuesday lol.

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12 years ago

any free woman's health clinics in your area that would do a blood test?

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago


15DPO, feel very shaky this morning, have to eat bread and drink water! I didn't look at the stick, had my thumb over the window and handed it to DH.......who even in a dark bedroom could see the lines. Now I can't stop looking at the test!

Off to the doctor today for a confirmation.

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12 years ago

the health departement but they said they cant get me in til mid dec and the womans center only do urine test congrats Max

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12 years ago

MAXCT!! That is definitely a STRONG BFP!!!

I am sending lots of your way for a sticky sticky bean!!!!

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

i got a first response 6 days sooner test and this is what i got

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12 years ago

wozzle, that is a BFP for sure! Congrads.

Seen the doctor, who's birthday is today. He was very excited too! Took some blood to get HCG test, but he doesn't think we need it.

Although my urine was so diluted it looked like my bottled water, in the time it took to dip it and walk over to his desk and sit down, there was a positive. He was amazed at how strong it came through so quickly.
We had blood taken 2 weeks ago and got group, HIV, ect all done, so now its a 4 week wait to go back for the first official appointment. All I need to do is get DH in for blood work to get his group (I'm A-) for the RH factor.
Poor DH said he can keep a secret but he doesn't want to. We're going to tell both sets of parents, on the provider they say nothing. He goes back to work in a week and wants to be here to tell them together.

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12 years ago

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