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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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Ashley , ure so strong jumping back on the wagon the way u go. ure an inspiration. i aint joking at all my dear, today am CD 76, never felt better ,but still no AF. will get the blood test results on tuesday i guess.
i aint taking anything other than prenatals, not taking anything to balance hormones. cos i had to test for liver and kidney function too again,and a whole lotta hormone tests again too. so i didnt want anything corrupting the results. will wait for the result b4 attempting anything.

Abennett, all the best my dear and baby dust to all u lovely ladies too.

10 years ago

Reneee, wishing the best for your results! That is such a long cycle. Hoping that you find out what's going on very soon! Maybe the blood test will show a BFP! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I am cd 15 and no sign of O yet. Hopefully it will be here soon. I want this month to be our month so bad! I just don't know how much more I can take of this! It will drive a women insane! Lol. Keep me updated girl!

10 years ago

Thanks AshleyLAuren, I guess vitamins are always helpful, but nothing will substitute healthy diet and exercise!

10 years ago

Hi im new to this and ttc #1.

Im still trying to work out my cycle length. do the ovulation tests work? after coming off the pill i think its taking some time to settle down.

have you got any advice for me?

ive been following your stories and feel your support is just fantastic!

what are the abbreviations? im new and a little confused :)

10 years ago

Welcome MammyCool - I've used the ovulation tests for a few months and still no baby, so the jury is out on that one. :) My understanding is they are a good indicator of when you will ovulate but they don't actually confirm if you ovulated. I figure at least they help me know when the best time is to try! As for the abbreviations, I've been in the forum for 4ish months and I still have to reference this page:

:) Best of luck!

10 years ago

Hi mammycool. Welcome to the forum! The ppl here are great and you will find that you can talk about anything. How many months have you been ttc? I personally believe that ovulation tests work for me. I have been doing them for about 4 out of 8 months of ttc. Before I started using them, I just assumed I O'd around cd (cycle day) 14. After I used them I found out that I haven't been O'ing til cd 19 of 20. So I feel like the months I didn't use them were just wasted time. BUT, once you figure out when you usually O, it's probably not necessary to keep using them unless you just want to or you cycles are irregular. As for abbreviations....AF (aunt flow), bd (baby dance), dpo (days post ovulation), cp (Chemical pregnancy), mc (miscarriage). That's all I can think of right now. Good luck and baby dust!

10 years ago

wow thank you for the warm welcome! thanks with abbreviations great help!

this is my first month ttc(actually trying!). i know im in early stages but i just want to be pregnant now like everyone else on this page. i know some of you have been trying for some time now and i just want to wish you all luck!!! sending lots of baby dust!

10 years ago

It's our first time TTC, too! Thought I'd post in here too so that I can catch some baby dust from those who have been pregnant :)


10 years ago

ok so ive just finished my AF on monday. im unsure about my length of cycle as it doesnt seem to have settled down yet after stopping the pill. im going to try OPK this weekend and for a few days to try and get some ideas. does that sound ok or does anyone have any other suggestions? ive read that O can last between 12-24 hours is that right? im worried i miss it as my husband works shifts!

xxx sending baby dust xxx

10 years ago

Welcome Mammy & Bonny-

Hope your journeys are as short as possible! As for tracking, I don't like OPKs. They don't confirm your ovulation date. It detects the LH in your system which suggests your body is gearing to ovulate. Personally, I think tracking BBT is more efficient. If you haven't checked out Fertility Friend, I recommend it. You will not know confirm your ovulation until afterwards, but it suggests your fertile window, so if you BD (baby dance) for a decent period, you should be covered. After a couple months, you will notice your trend. Not only will you know around when you O, but you will see exactly how long your LP (luteal phase- time from ovulation to next period) is for that cycle. That is important because if it is short (I believe less than 10 days), you cannot sustain a pregnancy. FF has a 20 minute presentation that breaks it all down. They even have an app, so you can log your temps easily and check out your info anytime. All you need is a basal body temperature (around $8) and a little patience!

I'd check out as well. They have awesome videos from fertilization to birth. It is a good sign for a lot of knowledge.

Hope you figure out soon what strategies best work for you ladies to achieve your BFP.

I also just started a YouTube channel. I only have three videos so far, but I plan on putting them up weekly talking about TTC and hopefully my pregnancy soon!

I would definitely appreciate if you subscribed to my channel!

Here is my latest video link:

If you have any questions, shoot me a message on here. Although my TTC time hasn't been that long, I have spent a lot of time researching and learning all that I can.

Some abbreviations for ya:
BFP- big fat positive (pregnancy test)
BFN- big fat negative (pregnancy test)
PG- pregnant
AF- aunt flow
DPO- days past ovulation
BD- baby dance (sex)
DH/DP/DF- dear husband/dear partner/dear fiance
LO- little one
DS/DD- dear son, dear daughter
CP/MC/MMC- chemical pregnancy/miscarriage/missed miscarriage
LMP- last menstrual period
FF- Fertility Friend
HPT- home pregnancy test
OPK- ovulation prediction kit
CF/CM- cervical fluid, cervical mucus
CD- cycle day


User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

10 years ago

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