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Anyone 38 and higher trying to conceive again? :)

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Looking to see if there are any ladies out there trying to conceive in the "older" (I can't believe I said that) years.... :) Any luck? Any challenges? Baby dust to all of you!!!

327 Replies • 12 years ago



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Good Morning!

@dmc - hmm, bc pills? I wouldn't have guessed that just taking five days of them would invoke your period, but maybe its just enough to spike up and then withdraw the progesterone to make you start bleeding. My guess would be if you truly are not preggo, you will start bleeding eventually anyways w/o the help of bc pills. I personally would avoid them -- some women don't get BFPs for one to two weeks after their period would be due. My doc doesn't do bloodwork until two weeks after just for that reason. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

@airiesing -- hope you caught that eggie, lady!!!

@toronto -- welcome!

Good luck to everyone!! Can't wait to see the BFPs start rolling in this cycle!! With all that going on across our thread SOMEONE has to get one!

AFM ... I'm well. I'm approaching 8 weeks tomorrow with very few symptoms. I've been dealing mostly with frequent urination, constipation and insomnia. Fun times!!!!

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12 years ago

Hi Ladies!
Welcome Toronto!

Good luck everyone with ttc! we definitely need it .. as much as possible

I am really confused where I am when it comes to cycle.
So I had d&c three weeks ago, no bleeding/pain/spotting/any kind of uncomfort/ at all after the proceedure. I had a post dc check up last week, doctor was very happy to see how well and fast I healed, also she commented about my good metabolism regarding how fast hCG went down. I had my first BFN last week prior to doctor's visit.
I asked when to expect af now, and I was told anytime from now; it could be in 2-4 days or in 2-4 weeks. Also I was told that it could be unuasual -very light or very heavy. Then I asked how I recognize it- the answer was if it is red blood, it's af.
on Friday I got some brownish spotting, then next day some red showed up, and I officially called it af...but it was super light. on third day i start temping to see where I am - and i got elevated temps (98.7 and 98.8) I was temping before and muy body was consistent with it - it's extremely unlikely for me to have so high temps at this time of cycle, but the question is - was it really af? is it possible that I ovulated and now I am in LP?
p.s. after waiting and not doing for 8 days after d&c, we did have plenty unprotected sx later on (the doctor was not happy about it all because she said I can be pregnant but having it too soon before 1st af creats higher risk of mc
...long story...but- how can I explain higher temps?

12 years ago

hello girls,
well got that call this morning and BFN on that blood pg test. So i Start those pills today. I apparently had a anvulontary cycle, so i had a period and did not ovulate. so he gave me the birthcontrol pills for 5 days to cause me to dip in my luteal phase and force a cycle. when i start i will begin a second cycle of clomid on cd 3-7. So lets hope this will work. At least my frustration and anxiety for this month is now lowered. . I really dont know how all of us go through this every month. I sure hope alot of us get those sticky beans.

Donna J. User Image User Image

12 years ago

"I really dont know how all of us go through this every month. I sure hope alot of us get those sticky beans." - dmcj101


It is tough! Having never had a problem getting pregnant, and I include m/c here, this is really tough emotional work. I was completely unprepared for the amount of work it is BUT I like to think being a vintage woman that I have learned a lot which is helping me cope in a healthy way. At least I hope so! :-)

So here are sticky bean wishes from me, too! Plus a dollop of happy and healthy 9 months for our pregnant sisters.

Hang in there everyone, welcome to Toronto, whose intro I loved, and let's keep going. We certainly have so much wonderful to share with our (future) kids!


MountainMama -- 47 year old mom of 3 (20yo DD, 17yo DD, 4.5yo DS) TTC #4

12 years ago

I did not mean to offend anyone by that comment. I am learning every month of how to cope but every month it is still hard to accept. Anyway have a great and fruitful week girls. ttfn

Donna J. User Image User Image

12 years ago

Oh I love the new energy to the thread!! :) Welcome ladies and hello!

Listen, Mountain Mama said it too, this is hard work! I had no idea how hard it would be.... When we decided to start trying, I thought I'd be pregnant immediately. Hmph! Now starting my 5th month of ttc, I'm determined now darn it!

You know I feel 20ish until I look in the mirror and see my wrinkles...then I am gently reminded that I am 40ish! Same with the body - in my 20s, I just thought about getting pregnant and boom! But listen, so we work a lot harder this time - it's ok. Our sweet little miracles are worth every giggle, tear and hearbreak that may come from our challenging journey! I am sending baby dust to all of you! It's time we got some BFPs ladies!

Here's a funny note on myself. I promised that I would not temp, opk or any of that - just prenatals and folic acid. But darn if I haven't taken my bbt for the last 3 days while my dh travels...yes, I'm sneaking bbt temps in the morning! I crack myself up! I normally sneak potato chips or reeses, look what I've become!!! ;)



12 years ago • Post starter


No no, I wasn't offended. I was highlighting a deep truth that you spoke in that quote.

This is hard. It's important to acknowledge and honor that so we can be well with, in and of ourselves.


MountainMama -- 47 year old mom of 3 (20yo DD, 17yo DD, 4.5yo DS) TTC #4

12 years ago

Thank you ladies for the warm welcome!!

OMG, you are talking about hard work... I so totally hear you...!!! When we first decided to TTC, I figured it might not work right away, like in our first cycle. But by the third cycle, I got already frustrated...

I am now in cycle #11 - we've already had two failed ICSIs - and I am starting every cycle with new hope, only to fall in a hole again when AF shows... Having said that, once AF is gone, so far I have been able to pick myself up and start fresh with new hope... Not sure though, for how long I can continue...

I had truly hoped that this could have been our month for a natural miracle BFP instead of ICSI #3... But here I am, at only 9dpo, possibly only 8dpo, and I started spotting last night. It was just a tiny bright red spot last night and I told myself this could be IB (glimmer of hope), but today (tmi) the spotting continued brown. Sitting here, I am feeling crampy and just know the Witch is at the gate ready to hit my again...

What's more, I am so mad at my body. I used to have a clock work 24/25-day cycle (although with an LP a bit on the short end of 10-11 days). Since the two ICSIs, everything's been screwed up - early O, shorter LPs... it's so annoying. If AF arrives tomorrow, this makes my LP 8 or 9 days this cycle... :( (Or is this the onset of premenopause?? Scary stuff!!)

So we don't look like 40, we don't feel like 40, but our stupid ovaries don't seem to have gotten the message that we are not done yet with them...

Sorry for the longish vent, but I figures this is a place were someone can relate...

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago

Oh for the days I was blissfully unaware of all the things of ttc. My DD was a surprise, a honeymoon baby but at 38, I knew it was truly a gift! DH wasn't even sure he was "ready" but buddy he got ready fast!! I never knew I would want another until I had her & it took DH awhile to decide but now I think sometimes he wants it more than me! We've been blessed to conceive 2x in the last year easily (1st took 4 months, the other was a surprise) but I just hope & pray we can still hang on to just one more!!

Outside intervention is just not a financial option for us (maybe a little but not much, clomid maybe) So I read all I can & opt for OTC options....and pray A LOT! Sometimes I get frustrated that we can't seek the help to improve our odds but I also know that it keeps things at a much more reduced level of stress than some

Had a joy & a pain today, one of the girls on the threads got her BFP today. she & I were pg together & mc'd w/in 2 weeks of each other. She's in her 20's & has yet to be able to carry to term & I truly wish her well & am thrilled for her....but it does sting a bit, ya know???

It shocks me to see how many (and I can only say this here) KIDS (20-somethings) there are in here!!! And how hard it has been for them to conceive!! But on the other hand it frustrates me when I know that they probably will conceive given time...time we don't have.

Don't get me wrong, I know the pain, struggles & heartache are just as big at any age....just venting a bit.

I'm hopeful this month, our timing was really good & more *a-hem* frequent than usual, so we'll see! Please God, please God, please God

Cheers ladies, tty all soon!!

Me: almost 42 (May) DH: 42 DD: soon to be 3 (also May!) Honeymoon baby conceived at 38, born at 39 08/11 mc 9.5 weeks. Lost heartbeat, growth stopped 7.5 weeks d&c 11weeks 02/12 chemical pg 4 weeks + 4 (surprise pg) 04/12 BFP!! EDD 12/09/12 PLEASE GOD! PRAISE GOD!! My cocktail:prenatal baby aspirin EPO cd1-O B-100 maca, vitex green tea Now: Prometrium 100mg, by mouth, 2x a day

12 years ago


How long total did it take for the HCG to leave your system? I don't know what my level was at the time of my ectopic surgery on March 2, the stupid hospital took four vials of blood but didn't do a serum beta level.

I had been watching hpts start to get lighter, but then the seemed to be getting darker again all of a sudden. I have had two more betas done, one Friday and one Monday. Fridays was at 388 and Mondays was at 369, so it's not really dropping. It has dropped some since the surgery, because at 18dpo my beta was 827, but it seems to have stalled out.

Luckily my Dr. is on top of it, and I get an ultrasound and a third beta tomorrow to see if there is anything going on in there that shouldn't be. I'm thinking that there must be some tissue that implanted somewhere else that is playing havoc on my hormone level. I did another test this morning and it seems slightly lighter than yesterdays, so that's good at least. The three I did in the 5 days prior were getting progressively and unmistakably darker.

As for the rest of the ladies on here, if you are sure you don't have any male factor fertility issues, have you used or are you using any natural or herbal concoctions to help with your fertility? I've heard some good things recently about a tea called Fertilitea. Not sure if anyone here has already talked about that (and I'm too lazy to go back and look, lol!)

Our issues are mostly male factor, my DH has a low morphology and an up and down total count. Our successful IUI (#4 )was because he all of a sudden had nearly double the amount of sperm, though his morph stayed the same. I'd added in some new vitamins and herbs to his daily pill regime, so I'm hoping that had something to do with it and his numbers are as good when we get the okay to try again. Hopefully me now missing a tube doesn't have too much of an effect and we can conceive again quickly. Hopefully our next IUI will be in May.

And boy do I hear you guys about the hard work this all is. I'm one of the "younger" ones, just turning 37, but we've been trying to get our second for 5.5 years now. It IS hard.

Good Luck and hugs to all!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago

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