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New Year's Kick Off!

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In order to keep myself sane during my TWW (12/21-01/04) I'm starting this list for ladies who will be testing or starting a new cycle in the new year!

Let me start off by confessing that I am a POAS addict and my name is Lyn. I live in Italy and my husband is in the military so our TTC months can be quite varied... So far over the last yer we've only really had 4 good chances since he was gone. I'm really hoping that this is my cycle but if not we'll keep trying right up until DH gets on the plane to deploy!

We're TTC #2 after a MC in October of 2010 and I'm now 25 years old... I have PCOS and weight issues.

Let's spread the !

Hoping for my Janury 4th!! (But I know I'll be testing on the 1st)

Here's to keeping AF away!!

285 Replies • 12 years ago



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Good evening everyone!
Chazzy your story is amazing, truly life is ful of surprises.

afm: I don't know to freak out or not but I had some serious spotting this evening; thanks God its gone by now...I am 8 dpo, a week away from af due - is she decided to show so much earlier on me
I've read about implantation but I think it was a little bit too much for it, but good think it was not red more orangeish-brownish... I hope the spotting will not come back

12 years ago

Destiny- so sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sure it's really hard!! and the next one is a sticky one!!!

Mommybandy- I hope he changes his mind, I understand the wanting a piece of him to keep 'IF'. Maybe a get away would be good, and it happening accidently!!!

Chazzy- WOW your story was amazing!!! Your dd and you are very lucky to have made it through!!! When she is 16 she might need to hear that story a time or too!!! Also, I was wondering if I could be added tp the lucky list... I'm gonna try to wait to test this sat, Jan. 7th!!

Everyone close to testing- I know it's easy to freak yourself out!!! Just take a breath and know everything happens for a reason!!!

AFM-I had a dream about CM last night too, it was super weird!! I have been having weird dreams too I just can never remember them after a few mins of being up!!!

I gave in and bought some HTP's!!! I am currently 7dpo and I had a dip in my BBT that went below my coverline yesterday morning and went back up this morning..... Not sure if it could be anything!!! We will see, We will see.

12 years ago

Okay...I am going to do my

@chazzy - WOW. That story is amazing and you are one strong lady. I just can't even imagine what that process would be like and I think it is an incredible one for your daughter to know. Amazing! I also loved the way you told it. You are such a good writer!

@esperanza - for you and me! A little tiny bit and I mean a LITTLE TINY bit of CM for me today. Drinking more cranberry juice. I hope this one sticks for you!

@destinystarr - sorry to hear that but welcome and !!!!! 2012 is a new year!

@knicole27 - I also watched "The Business of Being Born" and loved it! I learned a lot and it made me rethink so much. DH and I have visited/interviewed a couple natural birthing centers in the LA area and settled one one we like when the time has come. I know that may seem early but I liked the idea of making the decision without having to hurry up and decide plus I tend to over-analyze sometimes. Did you know that she made a follow-up called "More the Business of Being Born"? A friend of mine and I downloaded it on ITunes and watched it. :)

@mommybandy - I am sure this probably all feels pressure-filled and overwhelming and know that you have our support!

@kayleerv - and

AFM - I had some CM but only a little. Not as irritable today so I am back to liking myself as a person. A little tired. No - she was due today. Took an HPT this morning and got the ol' so there ya have it. One of my closest friends from childhood just told me she is pregnant. She said it took a week after missing her period to get any kind of positive result. This Thursday my sis-in-law is having a c-section to bring baby #2...a little girl named Julia...into the world.

Babies all around me!!!!! Now if only I could figure out how to get one in my belly

12 years ago

Completely bummed out now!!! TMI- I had a brownish smear on the tp when I went to the bathroom about 20 mins ago... I checked my CP and it's super high and firm but I can't tell if my judgement of open is really open or if it's not. If I really did ovulate on the 27th I am only 8dpo(since it's past midnight) and that is not enough time for implantation before the uterine lining begins to break down!!! Now I am terrified that there is something wrong with me.

I know that sounds naive of me because I know a lot of women are having a harder time then I but there seems to be so little I know about all of this!! Which is disappointing because I love pregnancy and the whole aspect of it. You would like I would know more about what I love!! :(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks Ladies and GL and sticky baby dust to us all!!

12 years ago

Hey AshleyNicole20... I wish I could help. This is my first time ever TTC literally this exact cycle so I am not sure what to say. I know I am super confused on my end and know any advice from me would be the blind leading the blind! Lol. Maybe it is implantation? Or maybe set up an appt with your OB to get some insight. Keep us updated! Hope it is just a strange moment on your path to a !

12 years ago

Ashleynicole- to ease your fears the MOST common time frame of implantation is from 8-10 dpo but the window is from 6-12 dpo. Fx! could actually be a promising sign!

Chazzy- I love david guetta and Sia.. why have I NOT heard this song?!?!???

AFM- I am getting some promising symptoms that i am TRYING not to get too happy about but.. I had AF like cramping this morning for a few hours. Nothing too intense just mild cramps that felt like af. I am 10dpo. I checked my cm and cp to see if there was any blood and no blood but cm was pretty creamy and thick. Then a few hours later the cramping stopped completely and now i feel kind of bloated and full down there and a lil sore. Like I was punched in the uterus or something. No other signs though.. just that along with 5 days straight of exhaustion and vivid crazy dreams. We will seeeeee....

Good luck ladies! a few of us seem to be having some kind of possible implantation symptoms right now.. and I am HOPEFUL for us that...that's is just what it is!

I have never had any cycles like this. The fatigue and exhaustion and cramping bloated full feeling is ALL new symptoms during my past 6 cycles off of birth control. :D

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12 years ago

I knew I would miss some peeps! dang..

esperanza- that is actually kind of promising due to how many days dpo and the fact that the color is an orangish brown. Just keep watch..make sure its not a bright red and more than spotting... but it just seems WAY too early for your af to be showing.. even mine seemed to early when i had those af like cramps this morning. The only time i get cramping ever is day of AF.

btrflyluv- oh wow.. I need to watch that one! I loved the first one. It really made me think about things. I would like to .. as long as everything is normal to birth in a birthing center with a midwife .. near a hospital but I don't want to assume complications. I will tell you what too.. I am the biggest wimp and biggest biatch lol.. when it comes to pain... and like many pain scares me but I think with the right support, the right midwife, being in tune with my body and having faith.. will help me a long the way. BUT once i get my bfp and am pregnant.. i might change my mind!!! LOL!

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12 years ago

Happy Fourth Day of infamous 2012! according to the Mayan calendar you know what will happen our unborn babies better hurry up and find the way to get to (into :) ) us, so we could be mommas before it all ends )))
afm: After I posted here I fall asleep like I was drugged and this morning I check - no more spotting at all, just white lotion down there. When dh awakes I need to ask him if he secretly moisturizes my private part when I am asleep. It just an incredible resemblance of my cm these days and a lotion.

AshleyNicole20: I ov'ed on 27th too!

Buttrflyluv: keep us updated, that it is a late , sometimes it could be very late - I heard some stories too. Thanks for advice to drink cranberry juice - I will do.
I am right right now at this state of wishing for baby that if somebody tells you need to drink pigs sweat and rats blood in order to get a baby - I will do it. So cranberry juice sounds delicious...

knicole27: as you approaching the Day I for you...any more dreams? I didn't have any last night.

Love ya'll ladies and thank you for reassuring words!

for everyone!

12 years ago

>~*~Lucky List~*~<

Lobe1026- Af is past due, so any day!!
Btrflyluv - January 3rd!
AshleyNicole20 - January 7th
knicole27- January 9th
esperanza - January 11th

ChazzyK - January 30th


Thanks for the comments ladies, it is a weird story and I will most definitely be telling her when she's older just how much she survived. She was certainly meant to be here, that's for sure.

It's been busy in here! You have all been having similar symptoms too. Feeling that this is a lucky thread and hopefully the lucky list does it's job!

I hope you all get BFP's and have happy and healthy pregnancies. This will be our last bub so I'm hoping that if/when I do get pregnant, it's much easier than DD was. The worst thing with her was the SPD. I had to go back to hospital and spend three days learning how to walk with a walking frame. It's extremely painful, so I really don't want it again. Sadly, I have an extremely high chance of having it again. I'll have to check my lotto ticket, see if I can afford to pay someone to roll me out of bed every morning

I like the sound of this show you guys are talking about, I might look it up and watch it. Your birthing plans sound nice. Whatever you do, keep your mind open. Don't have your heart set on things going the way you want them. I so desperately wanted a natural birth and midwives and to be able to walk around, kneel, squat, do whatever I wanted....take a bath. What I did get was pinned to the bed by three drips coming out of each arm, 30hrs of labour, my blood sugar count going crazy and intravenous antibiotics. A epidural followed by an emergency c sec. NOT fun. But I am promising myself to go with the flow next time.

I so hope we all keep in touch to the end and beyond, I want to hear all YOUR birth stories!

I watched a baby show tonight about mothers that refused to quit smoking and drinking while pregnant. One lady said that her smoking helps her baby as she's making its heart stronger coz it has to fight off the carbon sad

This is the David Guetta song I was talking about. I don't much like the film clip but I do like the words, it makes you feel invincible.

I just love Sia, she has such a unique voice and she's an amazing lyricist.

Well I have some work to do for a friend so I best get it done before midnight.

Looking forward to seeing how the new day treats you all (as I got to sleep most of you are waking I think) and what symptoms it brings...even though I know ya'll not symptom tracking


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12 years ago

We are officially out for the month... DH was informed that next Monday they're going to Germany for a two week training which means that he'll be gone straight through my O date. He'll also be gone in MArch which means we have February and April to try... After that, no more chances. I'm really looking forward to a trip to Eidelweiss in Fevruary so we can relax a little... Good luck ladies!

12 years ago • Post starter

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