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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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Looks like I will be going through beta hell again. I took hpts from 5dpt through 8dpt and got all bfn's so decided I was out and didn't test anymore. Went for my first beta today at 10dpt and it came back a 6. Not good... I was praying for a miracle positive or any bit of hope but this feels like deja vu. My 10dpt beta last time was a 5 and that ended in a m/c so I'm not feeling positive about this at all. Have another beta on saturday. Really don't want to go through that whole thing again where my betas go up and down like a yo-yo and get my hopes up again.

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry mnor that you are going through this again. I hope the ending is different this time.

10 years ago

hi how is everyone doing?

10 years ago

Hi - Just checking in. I was to start my second IVF cycle this week, but when I went for my baseline appointment, we discovered a big nasty cyst on my right ovary, so I'm off for another month.

Anyone else have this happen? i'm not too worried, I know they usually resolve themselves, but docs seemed somewhat surprised and when I asked if it was normal, the answer was, "It can happen." Obviously.

10 years ago

that sucks...I've never had that happen. You want to start out with the best conditions possible so hopefully it disappears before next cycle.

10 years ago

IVF #3 was a big flop! Ended in a chemical pregnancy at 4w6d on Jan 6th. Met with my RE and decided to take a time out and run more tests before doing IVF #4 in March sometime, which will be a FET. Both DH and I had blood work drawn for genetic testing but we won't hear back for about 3-4 weeks. Also, I am having another HSG run in February to check for any uterine abnormalities. My RE seems to think it is just a matter of getting my hormone levels right and I hope that's all it is. For the FET I will be using estrogen patches instead of the IM injections every 3 days to keep my estradiol levels lower and steadier and we will be increasing progesterone again.

I have been feeling pretty jaded about the whole process so I have been taking a bit of a break from thinking about TTC. We are coming up on the 6 year mark of TTC in March which is bumming me out because I feel like it's never going to work. I took a pretty emotional hit about a week ago when one of my best friends announced she was 13 weeks pregnant. So now out of my 2 best friends, 1 had a baby last October and the other is pregnant and both of them got pregnant right away like it was no big deal. I am feeling pretty alone and friendless at the moment. Kind of feel like I am being left behind and don't have anything in common or anything to talk about with them. I can't talk about babies or pregnancy with them without feeling heartbroken and I haven't even met my 1 friends baby yet because I am afraid I will burst into tears just holding him.

So the road to a baby continues...

ssurra - Yes I have had a cycle delayed due to a large cyst before too. It was during an IUI round. The IUI round before that, I had 6 mature follicles. When I went in for baseline for the next one I had a large 3cm x 3cm cyst, so apparently one of the 6 follicles didn't release. We ended up cancelling the cycle but by the next month it had resolved itself and was gone. Worst case scenario is it will still be there next month and they will have to drain it. You don't want to do any kind of stimulation with a cyst there because it can get larger and cause your ovary to twist and then it becomes surgical and you could lose the ovary, so better safe than sorry. I know any delays suck when you have wanted a baby for so long! Hopefully it will resolve itself and you will be all set to go very soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

How is everyone doing? Anyone started a new cycle? I have been MIA for a while! I was frustrated that weren't moving forward, but still was keeping up with what was going on with y'all. But, I'm so happy to say we have FINALLY started our first IVF cycle! I had my baseline appointment today and I'll start stimming this evening with a potential retrieval around the 10th of March. I switched doctors from all my IUI's and I feel very confident with this group. I also feel like my body is starting fresh after all it went through last year!

We did a Two Plus package, so I'll have the option of two fresh and two frozen transfers. I'm trying to stay as hopefully and as positive as possible that the first time will be a charm!! If not, I hope they get at least a handful of eggs to freeze! In the past, I didn't produce that many follicles, but they are starting me on 225 units of follistim twice a day, so that better do the trick!

Any advice is welcome. I really hope all you ladies are moving forward with next steps, or have started new cycles!

10 years ago

Hi, thewaitinggame! So funny, I was meaning to post today, as well.

After my first failed IVF we took a doc-prescribed month off, which turned into a two month break when I had a cyst on my right ovary.

Got my period Monday and went in for baseline today, and it's gone! Start BC today and will take it for the next 8 days.

What protocol are you doing? My first was "protagonist," but I didn't respond well, so this one is a "microflare." Just means more shots.

I'm optimistic this time, perhaps just because I've accepted this and also I've had time for my body to return to normal.

I should start lupron on 3/8 or 3/9 and stims shortly after that. Possible retrieval around 3/20 I think.

10 years ago

Hey ssurra! Protocol was definitely different with my new doctor, that what was planned with the last. No BC this time, no Lupron.... since my periods are generally pretty regular (between 24 and 28 days) they see no reason to use that protocol unless it's to start a frozen cycle.

So, I'm on Follistim starting today (CD 2) through day 12 or so. They will monitor days 6-12 and adjust as needed. I'll also overlap with Ganarelix starting on potentially day 6 (I think that's an antagonist, right?) They also will have me and DH both on an antibiotic prior to retrieval. They mention an actual approach, or name for my protocol??

It sounds like the two of us will be pretty close together this time!! How many eggs did they retrieve last time for you again?? Sounds like they are definitely getting more aggressive this time, so that's great!

10 years ago

Meant to say they "didn't" mention a name for the protocol I'm on.

10 years ago

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