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2 DPO today, who wants to be TWW buddies? :)

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So today I am 2 DPO and I swear I am seeing lots of symptoms but sometimes I do wonder if it's just my mind playing tricks on me because I want to be prego so badly. Who else is 2 DPO or within a few days of me and wants to be waiting buddies? :)

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

235 Replies • 12 years ago



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Damn witch! At least now you know right? Has she ever been late? I would have been going crazy too if my cycles were like clockwork and AF decided to delay one month. That would drive me nuts. I really hope you can maybe get some good news for Thanksgiving...that would truly be an amazing gift to be thankful for :)

I'm glad you ladies are hanging in there and still coming back to the thread. It's nice to still keep up with your progress :)

As for me, I'm counting down the days until November 6th until we find out the gender of our blessing. Last time I went (and the ONLY) time they measured the heartbeat it was 151bpm. I'm still sticking with my gut feeling that it is a boy!

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

With my other mc's showed within 2 weeks. The last one I didn't get for 34 days. Maybe it's still regulating?? I just hope this one is a regular cycle. We had our truck broken into last night. Took the stereo and my purse. Unfortunately I had $900 in it. Not such a good day today. :-(

Can't wait to hear your results!! Hope you get what you're hoping for! :-)

11 years ago

OMGosh..I'm so sorry! Did you have insurance...or can you claim the stolen items? Glad nothing bad happened while you were trying to get in or out of your truck and someone hurt you as well...that would have been so much worse! :(

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

No one was hurt, thank God and yes, we have insurance. Our deductible is $500 so they won't cover much. Unfortunately they won't cover the stolen cash at all. So this is costing us at least $1400. And right before what was already going to be a tight holiday. I'm grateful no one was hurt and the window was relatively inexpensive. The little red headed bitch didn't help deal with things in a very calm manner either! She's back with attitude and force from hell!

11 years ago

Just wanted to update about the break in. The police called me this morning. They found my purse, my wallet, most of the money and the stereo! They did NOT find the dumb criminal though. I had $750 of the $900 in a hidden pocket that the 'dumb' criminal never saw. :-) All the social security cards and birth certificates were there too so THANK GOD!!!!!

I also got a call from the insurance company and the deductible is only $250!!! Woo hoo!! I am a happy girl now! :-)

As for the baby's on for November!!!

11 years ago

Aw yay! Thats so good! Make sure to call your credit card companies and watch your credit scores too just in case the thief wrote down your SS# and could open all kinds of accounts that way and ruin your credit. At least they found your things! Thank God :)

On another note, I have to bring up something that's been bugging me today since I did some calculations about my EDD. Not sure if I've mentioned it on here or not but I try to argue with my doctors almost every time I go to see them for an appointment since I HIGHLY disagree with their EDD. I realize that they moved it up by only 6 days but I just hate being wrong and them going on and on by how everything is based off measurements. Measurements alone aren't everything and it just ticks me
Based on my LMP of July 10 and when I ovulated/conceived (July 26th) EDD is April 16th. However the doctor measured me at 10 weeks and said I was measuring small so she adjusted my date by 6 days to April 22nd. Not that big a deal really, but it bugs me bc she tells me I conceived 6 days after I thought I did, which means it would have been August 1st when I conceived? Yeah, no way! I got my BFP on August 8 so 6 days after conception is just not enough to show up on a PT test. Right??? Right? I think my baby is just measuring small and I still go by MY due date of April Am I making sense here or am I just looking into this way too much? I know they won't adjust it back to April 16th but I'm just wondering if I am right about this just for my own sake.

Baby Isabel Grace is due to grace us with her presence on April 16, 2013!  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago • Post starter

Mommas- thank God about most of your stuff back!!!! What a relief I hope they catch this person eventually!

Airforce- yes go by the date you know. Same exact thing happened with my son. Do what you know is best!!!

I'm on day 34. BFN today.

11 years ago

I agree, Airforce, use the dates you know. ;-)

Red, sorry about your . November is our month, for sure!

11 years ago

My sweet husband thinks so too. plus I'll be on my progesterone supplement by that time and that's bound to help us!!! All natural so that's good that they didn't give me synthetic. Next month for sure!

11 years ago

My cousin and my sister are TTC this month too. GL to all of us!!!

11 years ago

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