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Hey ladies! Well we are on page 15 AGAIN - thats 3 threads now! Lets keep it going! To start things off how about a little info update from everyone?

My name is Joy
I'm 27 years old
From Canada
Got married to dh 2 yrs ago & bought our home shortly after.
I was pg in the summer then m/c'd at 8 weeks
Been TTC for about 5 months
Currently on CD 22 & am 6dpo
Symptoms so far: mostly just lots of twinges!

& to all!!

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295 Replies • 13 years ago



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Mumma, I never had the BIG spike like you did, but the end of your chart looks very simliar to mine how there are all the spikes and dips.

Tink...TWINS! That would be amazing. What makes you think you are having twins? I know you are one, but are there any signs that point to that?

The only test I have in my possession as of right now is the CBE digi in my locker at work. My friend that gave it to me wants me to test at work, lol. I do not want to disappoint her, so I am waiting. If does not show by Friday, I will go out and buy some tests and try with fmu on Saturday. I still lack symtpoms of pms or af. No spotting, no sore boobs, no mood swings and no cramping other than a pinchy one on my lower left side. I am developing quite a food aversion. When the menu has gone around for the past two days of places we were ordering dinner from at work, NOTHING looked good and I love the places we ordered from the past two days! The ONLY things I have wanted to eat are chicken fingers and french fries with lots of salt and ranch dressing. I just go and get those from the cafeteria. At home, I ONLY want to eat pasta. I thought I wanted one of my crabcakes last night and nearly gagged on the first bite. I am still a little sick with this cold, but I would not think it would make me so sick to my stomach! I just wish I knew now because I have been wearing a pad just in case and that is soooo uncomfortable!


13 years ago

Lisa, when is af due, and when did you last poas??

Your symptoms all sound VERY similar to mine! I had bfn @ 12dpo and 13dpo, so I wasn't going to test on 14dpo becuase af would be due the next day, and I didn't want to be diappointed, but then but the night of 14dpo I didn't feel like af was on the way, so I decided to test with late evening urine, and got a faint bfp, and af has not showed her face.

I ended up doing 3 more tests, just to make sure :)

I looked at your ticker, and you seem to have a short lp, so maybe its still a little early to test??

I'm convinced your pregnant though!

13 years ago

Josie-AF was due today according to when lmp was. Problem is, I o'd a day late, most likely due to the probable m/c last month. I normally have a 14 day lp and a 25 day cycle and I can set my clock to it. AF always shows within two hours of waking up on the 25th day! I have a short tww to o, which is nice! I last tested yesterday with fmu and there wasn't even the faintest line, so that would have been 12dpo. My temp this morning was still 7/10 degree above my coverline and it always dips to my coverline or below the day before af shows. I would love to run out to buy a test tomorrow morning since it is dh's birthday, but I will wait until the weekend at least. He did ask me in text tonight if I ever started my period and I told him no. He never said anything after that and we only talked about the new album we were listening to on the ride home. I think he is trying not to get his hopes up. We have been handed so much bad luck lately, he doesn't want another thing to beat him down, I suppose.


13 years ago

Hello ladies!!

Wow I am gone for a day and I had SO much reading to catch up on!! I love it!

Tink - Twins would be awesome!! Good luck my dear let us know how the u/s goes!

Pookerdooks thanks for the info!!

Lisa - Sounds VERY promising!! Good luck!!

Cant remember who mentioned it, but for most woman if you get a pos on your opk that means you did in fact O (or so my dr told me) So dont get too worried!!

cjplaska - I know exactly what you're going through!! My dh is army as well and missed most of our 2ww because he got sent away last month. And I totally know the last minute crap... I cant count how many times ha has been sent somewhere with a days notice! (Sometimes if that!) Very frustrating!! I am here to talk if you need!!

Well I have no idea whats going on right now.... I could be pg or af could be on her way! Who knows! I have had some minor cramping at times (not as much as I usually do the week before af) but I havent been bitchy like usual. I havent been stuffing my face like normal either. Then there is this damned nausea that keeps coming and going. (feels similar to when I was pg in the summer) And I have been super tired... had to clean my house today and keep taking breaks to rest! Dumb! So I really have NO clue what is happening! LoL! I hope I get my bfp... otherwise this nausea will have been for nothing!!

Well off to bed I go! Night ladies!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Joy-That is terrible. I really have to commend military wives. You ladies have the hardest job of any wife out there! At least he will not be gone long.


13 years ago

Well last night I got REALLY emotional and upset with my dh and everything else in life. Irrationally upset. I have PMDD so this is a bad sign that the is coming. The annoying part is that I can't take my meds that I usually take for PMDD just in case I am pg. The dh is still out of town so all I could do was lie in bed and pray to fall asleep quickly so that the sadness and anxiety would go away

Anyway, today I did get some color on a test, but it wasn't really defined as a line so I think it was evap and I'm calling it a I have no cramps that I usually get before af, so I will test again tomorrow if she doesn't come, but my mood is very unstable. The dh is probably lucky that he's out of town right now and only has to deal with me over skype.

Hopefully today my emotions will be more controlled... I'd hate to start crying in class

Lisa and Joy- sounds promising!

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13 years ago

I've got my fingers crossed Lisa, I can't wait to hear that you got your bfp!!

Joy, I think your symptoms sound really promising! 2 days before my af was due, I would normally be really moody, but this time around I felt mostly relaxed and very happy. Strange... :)

Tink, congrats on the possibility of twins! I can't wait to hear your news!

So I went to the Dr's today to get the paperwork for the blood test, and she had me do a urine test. it came back BFN!?!?!?! WTF?!?! I'm thinking it was a false negative, because I had drunk half a litre of water in the 45 mins before my appt, and my urine was barely even yellow. I think it must have been really diluted.

Anyway, I'll be getting my blood taken tomorrow, so hopefully it wont take too long to get the results back.

Just to confirm, I bought some more hpt's tonight (frer), and I did one 2 hours after my dr's appt. Positive. Its a faint positive, but definately there. I have a friend staying at the moment, and she said its a definate line, and it came up within 1 minute.

What do you ladies think??

13 years ago

So I have all of the things to start tracking bbt next cycle! I was wondering though if anyone knows why they tell you to get a bbt thermometer that goes out 2 decimal places, but the charts only go out 1 decimal place value. Should I round up or down or disregard the 2nd place value?

Good luck to those with promising symptoms!!! I wish could join in on analyzing, but I have yet to ovulate ! Hopefully soon though .

Good luck sending lots of your way!!!

Married to an amazing man, mother to a 4 y/o beagle, and bringing baby #1 home around November 9th, 2011!!!!!!! User Image User Image

13 years ago

Hello ladies!!

Ok, there was a newcomer on here yesterday and I totally meant to say hi & welcome to the forum!! Sorry! So welcome Sarah (HighHopes)!! You're going to love this thread, these ladies are the best!

BabyMumma - I am sure you are right, you probably just drank too much before your test! Especially if you still got a bfp at home (faint or not, a line is a line!) Good luck my deal and let us know how the blood test goes!

Lisa - Thanks. I really dont see dh going away as the huge deal it used to be. When we first met (9yrs ago) we were only together around a month before he got sent overseas for a year! LoL, so I got used to it pretty quick. I always miss him when he goes away obviously, but I have learned to funtion on my own - he usually comes home to a huge change, I used to dye my hair some drastic color, (from planinum blonde to black or something like that), Last year I painted out bedroom... I love to shock him when he comes home! hehe Has shown up or you bfp?? I'm keeping my for you!

Well, I am in such a grumpy mood night now! Last night I woke up at 2am from cramps - this happens all the time the week before af I am trying to stay positive, cause I am still having the nausea quite a bit throughout the day, my boobs are sore (but that could be af) and a couple days ago I swear I had a fever (heard that could be a sign?) and the few af cramps have been my only real sign of af. I am so confused though! Now I am getting both af and pg symptoms! Keeping my for a bfp soon!! (got another bfn this morning) I really hope all the nausea isnt for nothing. I promise if I am pregnant I will happily deal with the nausea, but thinking af is coming and still having to deal with it - I am NOT okay with that! LoL!

I hope everyone is doing good today & maybe our bfp will all start showing soon! I'm 11dpo and still waiting.... I have to say this 2ww hasnt been as bad as most though! I have been much calmer! & no bitchy-ness what is up with that?? I am always super bitchy/emotional when af is on its way... hmmmm...

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13 years ago • Post starter

No still and i have been up cleaning house and getting ready for work for about two hours. I am worried though because, instead of a spike like I was expecting because the way my temps have been the past few days, I got another dip today. I am now 2/10 degree above my coverline. Looking at Josie's chart, it is very similar so I am thinking I may be ok, but we will see. I am waiting to test again until the weekend. Give more time for hcg to build up (if it is there). If the witch does not show by Saturday, I will go peestick crazy until I either get bfp or get frustrated enough and call my doc. Well, a little more cleaning to do and my haair and makeup! Talk to you ladies after work.


13 years ago

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