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BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!

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Hi all!

I have been on this site for what feels like forever (2yrs+) The BYOB threads have always been a great place for ladies to come for ttc support, answers, suggestions & even venting our frustrations! We used to have a hard time keeping up with all the chatter & made some great friens on here! I would love for it to be that again!

Former BYOB ladies & all newcomers welcome to join us! Cant wait to chat with you all!!

I aill start things off with an intro...

My name is Joy
I am 29 (30 in May) & dh is 30
I'm Canadian
Was married in 2009
I started ttc in April 2010
Got my 1st bfp in August 2010 & m/c'd naturally at 8 weeks
Got my 2nd bfp in late June 2011 & had a missed m/c at 11 weeks (baby died at 8)
Many complications followed - including a nearly 3 week hospital stay
Got my 3rd bfp on March 21st 2012 - finally success!Delivered my beautiful baby boy on Dec 4th
I am currently breastfeeding, & waiting for my cycle to return
I would like my kids to be about 2yrs apart & if thing take as long as last time we will need to get back to ttc soon! lol

Cant wait to chat with you all!
xx Joy

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301 Replies • 11 years ago



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So AF showed her ugly head today after a 38 day cycle and 5 day LP. Crap. I was hoping that breastfeeding wouldn't cause LPD. I had short LP to begin with, but 5 days is just awful. Hopefully it will resolve itself. This is only my second AF since giving birth 14 months ago.

Joy- Congrats on your LO! you are "lucky" to even have a period back at 4 months while breastfeeding. It was over a year of no periods for me. But I was actually ok with that. We would have waited til now to TTC anyway. Hopefully both of our cycles will normalize without weaning. I know my 14 month old DS is not ready to wean.

11 years ago

Wow we've been active! I hope I don't miss anyone!

Amber- I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. My heart is really aching for you. I've never had an mc so I don't know what you've been through or what you are feeling now, but I have had infertility problems and it looks like I will have fertility challenges again so I can relate to you on some level. I'm really praying that this bleeding is just a fluke and that this pregnancy will go to term.

Victoria- Welcome back! I remember you from before. My ds was born on January 6, 2012 so about 6 weeks before your lo. I'm still breastfeeding also and about two weeks ago I had spotting for one day so I'm not even sure if I'm having a cycle yet or not. I was very irregular before conceiving ds (ds was actually conceived when my O day was cd34) so I'm hoping I will have regular cycles now. Sounds like you and I may be in the same boat.

Elle- Ugggh! I hated the side effects of clomid when I was on it. I had pregnancy symptoms from even before O day on... fingers crossed you actually are pregnant!

Bahoward- have you tested again?

Joy- Yay Logan! He is having an AMAZING week! He is such a cutie! As for your cycle, it does sound like you may be around O time! So maybe that spotting was a mini AF? I'm actually having a similar thing... going on

AFM- So I thought maybe I Oed last week because it was two weeks from when I spotted and my cervix felt high. But I'm starting to think that was wishful thinking. I didn't start checking my cervix til last week so I didn't have a reference point. So it's still feeling pretty high today (maybe a tad lower but I'm not sure) but today I had a lot of really creamy CM and my sex drive is through the roof (Joy are we twins?). My cm has never been a good indicator for me though as I almost always have a lot of CM and I've never had classic egg white CM... really I can't distinguish much in my CM texture. So who knows. Maybe I'm about to O. Or maybe I'm still not having a cycle... Or maybe it's going to be like before ds was born when my cycles lasted anywhere from 2 to 6 months...

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11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Aisha - LoL, maybe we will be cycle twins! Cause my sex drive has been crazy the past couple days!! Today was just crazy... I instigated TWICE! LoL!! I really havent had much of a drive since having Logan, but that past couple days.... yikes! Hahaha! I am the same with checking cm... I cant tell the difference between consistancies and what have you either. How is Zain doing? Still can't believe he is already 15 months!! Man time sure flies!

Organized Chaos - Ugh sorry about the short LP.. hopefully it will straighten itself out in the next couiple cycles. LOL, funny it didnt feel very lucky having af show up after only having a month off from bleeding! hehe, but I was really hoping my cycles would be regular!

armywife - Oh trust me, I am definitely enjoying every second with my little guy :) I know how lucky I am. I am really sorry the bleeding picked up and then tapered off... as if things arent difficult enough without being so uncertian! :( Still keeping my FX for you!

AFM - Not much going on here... sex drive was crazy today! I practically jumped dh when ds was playing in his crib!! lol! So wondering if I am just oing late and the spotting earlier in my cycle was just hormones, Who knows!

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

i havent tested anymore yet im just waiting right now till i get a paycheck as im the only one working right now and i dont get paid till the 26th.

11 years ago

Goodmorning Ladies

Bahoward... hang in there. I hope you have a better idea of what's going on soon. I know that the waiting is killer.

Organizedchaos... I'm sorry AF got you and that you had a short LP. Hope that Af goes quickly and that your next cycle has a more normal LP!

Pookerdooks... 2-6 months??? It sounds great if you weren't ttc. Who wants AF!? But no AF when you're ttc is frustrating. I hope you don't have fertility issues this go around. It sounds like breastfeeding really messes with everyones cycle. What fertility help did you get when you got preggers with ds? I apparently don't seem to have trouble getting pregnant. But staying pregnant is my challenge.

Joy... did you ever find out what caused your m/C's? And did you need help conceiving Logan? The doc offered to run basic blood panels to see if there is anything obvious wrong. But what was your experience moving forward after your 2nd loss?

AFM... I'm going on my 9 th day of bleeding. I did work yesterday and by the end of 6 hrs I was ready to pass out. I started bleeding more and my fatigue was so intense. I decided to just stay home today and rest. The bleeding seems to have slowed down again. My appt and ultrasound is tomorrow morning. I'm praying for a miracle but am prepared to be disappointed. What else on earth could be causing all this bleeding that they weren't able to figure out last week?


11 years ago

cycle day 39 and still no sign af is gonna show. as of the past couple days ive had really bad indigestion sick to stomach if i dont eat anything and feeling tired all of the time. thinking i might borrow some money tomorrow so i can get a test this is driving me crazy not knowing what is going on.

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

bahoward - I will be interested to hear the results of your test. Hope you can get one tomorrow.

Amber - I have heard of some women bleeding during pregnancy, though it's not common.

our 2nd m/c was rediculous with tons of bleeding, 2 d&cs & 2 folley balloons in my uterus, a hysteroscopey, an ambulance ride & a 3 week hospital stay. (Probably the most UN-fun time in my life) My doctor didnt do any testing to find out why I had m/c'd... apparently 2 m/c's is still pretty common. After 3 they tend to do testing (here anyway). He asked us to wait 3 months this time just because of the trauma my body had gone through, and we were lucky enough to get pg on our first cycle back ttc. We used preseed every time we bd'd & I also took epo from the end of af till O. I have heard lots of women who, like me, had 2 m/c's and finally got a healthy baby on pregnancy #3, hope thats the case for you too!!

AFM - Nothing going on here. Cd 44 and still no sign of af. Getting kinda grumpy about it. As if it isnt bad enough that I had troubles with ttc (& with staying pg) but now af is mia?? I know it's probably just because Im bfing, but why would I have gotten 1 completely normal af just to go forever without another??? :( Weird.

Hope everyone is doing well! Good luck tomorrow Amber!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Joy- Zain is doing well! He is walking around like a drunken sailor these days! It's so cute but I will be happy when his balance is better for his sake! He has about a 20 word vocabulary right now (only counting the words that he says where he understands the meaning... he has copied a lot more words than that but without knowing what he was saying). I totally get your frustration with your cycle! I think breastfeeding can really mess it up. Plus even if your cycles are normal while breastfeeding it can still reduce your fertility by making cm less sperm-friendly.

Amber- I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all this. I hope you at least got answers today, and I hope even more that it was good news. As for my fertility problems, you are right! I loved not having frequent cycles before I was ttc and I have enjoyed not dealing with AF for the last year, but now I'm starting to worry if it will ever come back! The story of the help I got with my fertility is a bit of a long one. I was eventually placed on clomid. I did one clomid cycle and didn't conceive. They sent me for an ultrasound before I started clomid for my second cycle and they told me I had a bicornuate uterus and that I would have trouble conceiving and even more trouble maintaining a pregnancy and that if I would conceive twins that I would have no chance of carrying to term so they told me not to take clomid again because of the risk of twins. I was completely devastated by this news so I went for a pelvic MRI. Well, that showed that my uterus was perfectly normal and so I was free to take clomid again but at that point I had to wait until my next cycle started. I was over 30 days into my cycle and had given up the chance of ovulating on my own when my dh and I decided to go for a weekend getaway. I didn't bring any of my fertility tools (opks, thermometer, softcups, etc) and decided to just ntnp because I didn't think I had a chance. Well, sure enough I ovulated the day we returned from our trip (cd34) and we had BDed both nights before and I was pregnant.
I am really hoping that now that I've gone through a pregnancy that my cycles will be more regular, especially now because dh had to start taking meds that cause him some sexual difficulties. We aren't able to BD like rabbits like we used to, so if I only have 2-4 cycles a year it will be really challenging....

AFM- We successfully BDed lst night. Yay! Not sure what my cycle is doing (if anything). I had less CM today and yesterday than I did earlier in the week but I can't really detect any change in my cervix. I'm hoping I will get AF either next week or the following week (that would be either a 4 or 5 week cycle if that day of bleeding was AF). I really doubt I could have gotten pregnant this cycle so even if AF doesn't show I probably won't test unless I have symptoms. If it doesn't show I will assume I'm still not cycling.

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11 years ago

Hey Ladies...

I will write more later but just wanted to let you know I miscarried Thursday night and it was confirmed at my ultrasound Friday morning. Im glad I finally am past the not knowing part. My heart is broken but Im glad I have a place like this and women like you to share as I know you understand.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.


11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Amber - Oh sweetie I am so sorry! There are no words I hope you get through this horrible experience quickly, we're here if you want to talk!

Aisha - LoL, drunken sailor... I love it, kids are so cute when they are still wobbly on their feet! I have a feeling both of our cycles are gonna be screwey till we finish bfing. Glad you got a good bd in tho!!

AFM - Still frustrated with my stupid cycle and lack of af (who thought I would ever say that??) cd46 ot something rediculous like that.

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

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