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Any May Babies? want to buddy up?

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I'm currently CD15 & 1DPO Day #1 TWW

271 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello ladies!!

@Hellogoodbye:: Digital tests are alot less sensitive than line test! Give it some time and don't stress :-) You are still very early, but no one can deny that pretty pink line on your previous tests.

I'm kinda confused... I'm only on CD6 and I'm pretty sure i'm getting ready to O already?! Could be the soy, i'm not upset about it just wasn't expecting all the fertile signs so soon. This just means i'll have less time to wait before testing! So far i have had O Pain on the right side, an ALMOST positive OPK, and my cervix has been HSO for the past three days. CTP keeps telling me to BD, but AF just now left town today. Me and DH are going to get down to business until we see the temp rise just in case i do O early. If i O tomorrow, my due date will be May 18!

That day is VERY special to me. My aunt and uncle had a foster baby from the time she was 8 days old until she was 3 and i was really attached to her. I babysat her four days a week. When she was three, she was adopted into a premanent home :-( It broke my heart to say goodbye to her.

Ugghhh I'm getting emotional at work. Baby dust to us all!!!!


to our recent s

and to everyone!!!

11 years ago

Got First Response and tested, I'm pretty sure I'm out.

Maybe I was pregnant for all of 3 days just long enough for it to start and stop producing enough HCG to catch on a test. I know it's now over 'till it's over but it sure feels over.

(Teacher, 22) (Army Active Duty, 22) T13 angel

11 years ago

I caved and tested this morning at 11DPO with Dollar Store New Choice/Baby pregnancy test only to get a . is due to show her face around Sunday or Monday.

I woke up this morning and didn't want to get out of bed, I wanted to sleep all day long, but I had things to do and I had to pee so bad that it felt like I had drank a gallon of water and someone was literally sitting on my bladder. So I got out of bed and took the hpt. After taking the hpt, I realized that my nose was still bleeding from the other night.

I don't think this is my month, I've already gotten in to an argument with my hubby today over something stupid & just don't want to deal with anyone today. I know that I'm not out til shows her ugly face, but I honestly think I am out for a long time because I will be getting put on birth control soon.

Good Luck Ladies.

11 years ago

Got AF today.

Let it start again. If I get a BFP next month my due date will still be May so will continue to follow this Post.

to everyone else.

11 years ago

JNZ...I'm rooting for you! Best of luck girl!

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11 years ago

Just got AF. This has messed with my mind so much.

Good luck to you ladies this month and the months to come!

(Teacher, 22) (Army Active Duty, 22) T13 angel

11 years ago

@Hellogoodbye~ oh sweetie im so sorry! Are you just spotting or no?

11 years ago

@hellogoodbye I am so sorry to hear that evil witch
has reared her head, Not to be nosy but is it your normal heaviness?

@Froggies12 I think we are POAS addicts :) I tested and got a But I am also do feel like I am out this month... maybe reverse psychology on our bodies lol? Ifr not being too nosy are you having t go on birth control for a another reason?

is due on Monday so here is hoping it stays away I will keep you all updated and remember

to all xxx

11 years ago

@leesa86 - Haha, I have to agree that we are POAS addicts. Hubby & I are not really trying, but we aren't being careful on preventing it, so I don't know if we are TTC or not.

Here's the basics, I'm on regular prenatal vitamins for the iron so that my iron doesn't drop, we aren't using condoms, we used to do the pull&pray but we stopped doing that a month or two ago. We don't BD everyday, mostly on the weekends because I am in college & he is working. I told him that there is a HIGH chance that I could get pregnant, but he says there's no way. I tell him when I am O-ing so we don't BD, but this month I told him, and on the day before O and the the of we BD'd 2times each day. Before falling asleep on O-day, I asked him if he was trying to get me pregnant, He said no, I asked are you lying, and he said yes, but he said that I confused him by asking "are you lying" and not asking "are you sure". We're ready to be parents, but we aren't really ready for it. So I was going to get put on birth control to weaken our chances.

Thinking about it now, I don't think it would be such a great idea for me to be on prenatal vitamins and birth control at the same time.

I'm gonna try to NOT test any more til , I've only got one more New Choice/Baby HPT & I'm not going to buy anymore.

11 years ago

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