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TTC - New and looking for cycle buddies

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Hi I am 24 and DH is 29 and we are trying for number one after being married almost two years.

We have been trying for a few months without much success.

I am currently cd 2/3 and lookinf for anyone who wants to chat or be buddies. I am starting to temp this month as well as opks and preseed.

233 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm super regular... and get EWCM on the dot every month... it's just now starting, so I should O in 2 days. I also get cysts every month, and can always feel the wonderful sharp pains on the day of O...

I think I'll try temping next month (well, unless I don't have to ;) ... I need to (as silly as it is) go buy a thermometer still. Thought we had one, but I guess not!

Kate - I agree... I would love to know how many people actually have fertility issues... It takes so many things to go right to get pregnant!! I'm also just curious to see our blood types, my DH's cousin ended up not being able to conceive due to a blood condition after 6 MC, and I know lots of women MC, but ever since our MC it makes you wonder what caused it...

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12 years ago

Tree- I use preseed. not sure if it works or not since Im not KU. but it cant hurt, sometimes we need some lube :)

Could this be ovulation pain?

I have light cramps, and when I touch my stomach It feels tender. Also, its tender where my ovaries are. but its tender on both sides is that normal? could this be O pain? or an I just crazy?

Lastly where is everyone in their cycle??



Days until O or DPO:

What are you doing this cycle:

Phantom Symptoms:

BD Timing:

Feelings about this Cycle:

Testing Plans:

12 years ago

Cycle/Month: 2

CD: 27

Days until O or DPO: think I Od today or can tomorrow

What are you doing this cycle: temping charting OPK

Phantom Symptoms: none yet

BD Timing: everyday :) (except tonight but the night isn't over)

Feelings about this Cycle: hopefully this will be it!

Testing Plans: will start 10dpo

12 years ago

That could definitely be O pain - I get pain on both sides, primarily on the left though. My lower abdomen hurts to touch, but also feels almost hard.

here's my cycle info ;)

Cycle/Month: 2

CD: 12

Days until O or DPO: Around 2 days until O (or so I think)

What are you doing this cycle: "Natural", recognizing body changes, and CP

Phantom Symptoms: None yet... But I'm sure that'll change here in a few days ;)

BD Timing: Around every other day for the next week or so... only once so far this week but the next few days I'm sure we'll be busy

Feeling about this cycle: Pretty hopeful, but for some reason, I feel that we're going to take a while to get pregnant. Just some weird feeling that I have.

Testing Plans: I'm going to TRY and wait till 12 DPO, but I tend to be very impatient, so we'll see how that ends up working out.

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12 years ago

Welcome tree, as a HPC, I need to ask if you've spoken with your dr about stopping your MS meds to TTC? A flare up is the last thing you need right now... Just checking that your team is helping you through is process

Haj, Thinking of you... Let us know how you go!

I had my lap as per of trying to get ready to TTC with a history of severe endo like pain, and it was quite devastating too hear we may struggle. my dr was very positive though after the procedure. Finding out about the blocked Fallopian tube was the last thing I expected from the procedure. It's just strange how for such a long time in our lives we're trying not to get pregnant, and then suddenly you realize it's not as easy as you thought it would be.

12 years ago

Cycle/Month: 2

CD: variable 24 - 30, usually 27! Currently day 24

Days until O or DPO: 10 PO

What are you doing this cycle: charting wit an app, using CM

Phantom Symptoms: I was very fatigued a few days ago, now better. I have had a very stressfull end to my week ( today is my day off), hope it doesn't affect our chances

BD Timing: around O

Feelings about this Cycle: was good, now not so sure, having no symptoms at the moment

Testing Plans: I can't find the strips here, so waiting to use a clear blue when DH gets back... Or just be for he goes, they've pushed forward the dates

12 years ago

come chat!!

12 years ago

Hello All,
I read posts all of the time and thanks to guys have some good topics. I am looking for a cycle buddy. I am 12dpo and I got a bfn yesterday:( I am beyond depressed. I lost my fiirst at 20 weeks last October and had a early mc last month. We tried again this month but I feel like af is really on her way. I am ready to give up on the hopes of being a mommy...getting af every month is just too devastating. Sorry if I sound like debbie downer...just heart broken.

12 years ago

Big hugs! It is totally understandable to feel that way after everything you have been through. I think coming here to speak to people and express these feelings is an important way of working through these feelings.

I am also 12DPO.... Gave in and tested this morning before hubby left on his trip. It was a BFN... :( I'm still trying to keep positive, but won't test again until after AF is due.

12 years ago

AF showed today (2 days late) I definitely think it was a chemical pregnancy :( Thinking about taking a month off...but I know in two weeks, O time, I won't want to. Thanks to everyone for the support. It is really nice to know I am not alone on this journey (aside from my DH).

Welcome, fdrysdale! So sorry to hear of your previous loss :( Don't give up yet on this one, though, not until AF shows! Thinking of you! Keep us updated!

Don't give up either, Contemplating! But yes, I would wait to test till after AF is due. I advise that to all of us, if you can hold off! I'm throwing away all of my ic's just to keep me from wanting to next month. If I know I need to buy a more expensive test, then I most likely won't test till much later! I totally agree with you on the TTC point you made...I wish it was easier when the timing is right too...

How is everyone else doing?

Here is my updated info:

Cycle/Month: 4

CD: 1

Days until O or DPO: 13

What are you doing this cycle: OPKs and possibly back to temp charting. NOT testing until AFTER AF is due. Just too stressful.

Phantom Symptoms: horrible back pains, blaming it on the CP.

BD Timing: every day the week leading up to O, and two days after

Feelings about this Cycle: hoping to have one that actually sticks this time...

Testing Plans: not till after AF is due. Hoping I can hold off! This month will be a good reminder to do so.

12 years ago

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