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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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LyssaJade: SOrry that AF showed up and that there are several ladies around you that are pregnant. That is rough. There was a time I my life that I would not be able to be happy for them because they had something I so desperately wanted. I used to be really selfish, resentful, etc. But, not anymore. Feelings like those delay good things from happening to us, I think, or don't let us appreciate them when they do happen.

Why is pregnancy hard for some but easy for others? Why is everything like that? I could ask that about everything in my life. Why do my hubby and I have $63,000 school debts, why do I live in this lousy apartment, why is it so hard for me to lose weight, why are there people in my life who want to hurt me, why did my sister lose her baby, why is it taking so long for me to have a second child? There are so many things I really want and want to know too. It hurts if think too much upon the matter, doesn't it? I think sometimes because there is something for us to learn about ourselves (sometimes others) in the struggle, the waiting for what we want. Maybe it's working as a team to accomplish something, or patience, or perseverance, or not allowing something we don't have but REALLY want to control our emotions. I don't know. I do know that we are going to have a baby eventually, we just have have to let the stress of it go like...the string of a balloon. Let it soar over our heads. The baby/ies will come. They will come.

Let's do our best not to stay thoughts that produce anguish (a feeling beyond sadness and depression) because they make are desires impossible or seem that way. I have decided that I am going to prepare for rain (baby) by getting the ground (my body) ready even if I don't see a single cloud in the sky (pregnancy symptom in my body). I am going to learn about and practice pelvic floor exercises so my bladder will function better, power-walk once the bronchitis I have goes away, and do the best I can to enjoy each day I have. It will be hard, probably, but if I don't, I will probably regret it later. Lol. Come on girl, we got this! Just stay in the running, don't look behind you, look ahead instead!

I wish I had some information/experience about the soy isoflavones that could help you but I don't. I have never heard of that before. It can't hurt to try but just ask your doctor though. Soy is not always good for everybody.

And about "wearing yourself out" that made me laugh! I have heard it said that the best part about babies is making them!! Lol. Wear yourselves out!! Walk around naked, play all over your house or apartment and have fun. It won't be so easy to do that once the baby comes....

As of today, I am on CD 17 (10 days before AF is due) and DPO 3. I had flu and/or just bronchitis since the days leading up to ovulation so BBTs are all over the place. During the follicular phase, my temps were too high. Bronchitis is finally leaving. But now my luteal phase temps are kind of low. ::sigh::: Gonna keep trying!

I hope everyone is doing well. Good luck! You're all in my thoughts!

7 years ago

Hi all!!
Sorry Ive been MIA but just busy busy...

Hope you're all doing well!
Lyssajade- I know exactly what you mean! mummum had the most perfect answer and that is what we all need to think about! Your baby will come at the right time!! Your plan sounds perfect! I hope it works out thnisbmonth for ya!!!

Rubix- temps are truly freakish! They get affected by the slightest... ineven read by stress!!! So try not to read too much into it. If you're pretty sure you ovulated, then you did. Sit back and relax now for something to stick..

Mummum- sorry to hear you were sicky... sounds like no fun at all! I think your temps are out of whack because you got sick!!! Hope you start feeling better!!

AFM- I'm CD11 and I've been getting negative OPK tests.. last two times the thing was blinking smiley from CD10 all the way to CD14. So this cycle is already different for me! I hope it's good news..!! We'll see as the days get closer... geez I hope I at least get one day of blinking smiley and then a positive OPK!

Hugs to all!!

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7 years ago

Miracle80: I hope this is the one for you. If that was the first time using that digital OPK, it could be that the machine was calibrating and getting used to your body. But I do agree that this cycle sounds very promising. Ovulating too early can sometimes not be good, like not enough hormones to support implantation. And thanks for well wishes.

7 years ago

Mummum- well we shall see... I got a solid smiley this morning.
I started feeling crazy ov cramps last night so I knew something was up.. and sure enough this morning it went straight to a solid smiley. Totally skipped the blinking phase... I'm not quite sure if I like this Clearblue anymore because it worries me... are my estrogen levels so low that it didn't detect it this time? but last two times I had 5 days of blinking smileys before it went to a solid...Who knows...
How is everyone else feeling... where is my cycle buddy Smartbaby... we're both CD12 today... what's going on with you?

Hberry- hope all went well at the docs... if you're still here we would love to hear an update from you!!

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7 years ago

@miracle - I had 2 blinkey faces before my solid, but my temps say ovulation happened before the solid...I'm confused...anyway, I had ovulation cramping too that stopped Saturday evening.

Now the waiting begins...

7 years ago

Miracle80: I just retread your post and realized that it is not your first time using that OPK. Could it be the batteries? Check the Clearblue FAQ page about it or customer service maybe you can get some info without going to the doctor. If your estrogen levels were low, would you even know if you ovulated? It's probably just a this month only thing. Glad you ovulated though. Good luck!!
Unfortunately, I may already be out this cycle too. I think maybe my luteal temps could possible indicate a low level of progesterone or LH. The bronchitis really threw my temps for a loop this time. Hoping it was only because of that. Can you take a look and see? Maybe somehow you'll have some insight.

Smartbaby: My follicular temps were mostly high. I never suspected ovulation with my temps at all. But the monitor told me otherwise. I had 3 days of high (I guess it be the same as a blinking smiley with your OPK), then 2 peaks (static smileys) another high after the peaks until returning to low. I don't trust temps for ovulation confirmation because there are too many factors that can influence them. I think your ovulation went just fine.

7 years ago

Hi ladies!!

I as well and been MIA. I feel I need to sort of take a break from even thinking of TTC the first half of my cylce at least. But I have been reading everyone's posts. Would love to hear how Hberry and ricoi are doing with their pregnancies. I see a lot of ladies and feeling down and in a funk. That's sooo easy to do in this journey and I feel the same many times! I really have few words of encouragement except to say that one way or another, we will get through this!!! Hopefully all of us will get that sweet tiny baby in our arms someday. Modern science offers a LOT of hope even for those of us with the most grim of circumstances. We will get there!!

Rubix: I want to say that I talked with my Dr who is a well seasoned OB/Gyn and he asked me if I was sure I was ovulating. I said" yes, I get my positive OPKs and My temps show it" he interrupted me and said 'all that is over-rated...' as he gave a dismissive wave of the hand. I said " well my mood and cervical mucus match right up too' he says "THATS what I care about". So I guess my point is, if you feel you ovulated, that probably says more than your temps do and try not to stress over it too much.

AFM, 3 dpo... I'm not feeling very positive. After talking with my Dr, he is afraid that maybe the one good tube I have could be blocked from the last surgery I had. So I am going to schedule an HSG once I get my period. Hopefully it will show us that the tube is open, and it may work to sort of 'clean it out' and open it up for those eggs to go through. If the test shows that the tube is in fact blocked, I will basically need to move onto IVF....

7 years ago

AK - Im doing pretty good. No big symptoms. Same as when I was pregnant with my daughter. Only issue has been my mother in law being rude and asking which one of us is getting snipped instead of congratulating us.

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7 years ago

Ajk976: Praying your tube is not blocked and no surgery required. I hope everything is okay. Boy, your doctor seems like he was having a bed day or he needs some classes on bedside manner. He reminds me of my GP. He has such lousy attitude.

I could write a lot about the MIL situation. But I won't. She sounds like bitter person just stay away if you can and set boundaries asap.

7 years ago

Hberry: Glad things are going ok and uneventful! That is good news at this stage! That's pretty messed up about you MIL, sorry to hear! But in the end, that is you and your DHs choice so ohhh WELL.

Mummum2: I guess I did portray my Dr in a not so great light but I adore him! He's an older man and just being honest with a bit of mixed humor. You'd just have to know him, he's been absolutely AMAZING to me! So it's all good! But I thank you so much for the positive vibes! So you are 4 dpo today??

7 years ago

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