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Over 40 ttc, I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one!

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I am 42, ttc and wondering if there are any other ladies out there wanting to share their journey. Doesn't -matter if it's your first or your 8th, would love to cycle with you! I am using opk, pre-seed, maca, and other vitamins. Have been told I have border line fsh and not much time! On cycle 2 ttc after a TR in March. Sent my bbt chart to Dr. and was told I was bd-ing too much! whoops! Will cut back this cycle. I am on cd2 and super excited for this round!

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397 Replies • 12 years ago



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You guys are just the best! I needed you all and i thank you for your prayers and i am praying for you too...i just know you all understand and i am so blessed to have u all! The tears have slowed down and i am ready to be positive about this next cycle. Dr wants to do another fsh test and sperm count on dh this week. Last year my fsh was borderline....
God told me i was going to have another baby with the man who loves me. I have never had that either. We all need that!
Thanks again for all your love and encouragement...xoxoxoxo

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies I am new here and I'm also over 40 TTC. I have 2 teenagers In HS and college. I am engaged to a wonderful man and we have been ttc for the past 2 years of the 4 we have been together. In the 2 years weve had 2 miscarriages. Early this year we decided to seek help from a RE all my test (Estrogen, FSH, LH ) came back fine I have a good reserve for a woman my age. My fiance on the other hand has low motility but RE says we still have a good chance. RE also recommended a HSG that came back iffy(meaning the pictures from the x rays show something in my uterus in the first xray pic but the last xray pic it didnt show anything) so he scheduled and SIS. While waiting for the day to come for my SIS so we can rule out any polyps or cyst the company I work for Lays off my entire department. Sadly I now feel like ive taken 20 steps back altho I start a job soon it doesnt offer benefits and fiances insurance doesnt cover Fertility. I am praying we get preggers the natural way but today I took a pregnancy test and i got a BFN that is my 2nd BFN that i get in 2 days so im just waiting for aunt flow and praying for next month to be the month. I also want to add how refreshing it was tonight when I found this site and then this forum completely changed my mood as Ive been reading some of your posts some of you sound just like me with the testing and praying and people commenting (arent you too old); God has a plan for sure. Lots of baby dust to you all and you will be in my prayers.

12 years ago

Welcome Cha...

Your journey will pay off and you and your family will have a beautiful addition. Just keep paying and believing in God, for he does hear you...

12 years ago

Game over for me this is here.
Deep breath and wait 4 or 5 days to start again.

12 years ago

Hi again and sorry for the late response but im still learning the site, It took me forever to find my response but now I think I got it I was supposed to request that I am following this group lol and now I see the responses at the bottom and even got an email saying someone responded to me. Yeah! Thank you Fabmommy for your kind words and yes i agree he does hear our prayers. Vivy23 Im sorry to hear that but I like your attitude, get right back on that horse in 4-5days no pun intended.. Swimmom I know what you mean been there so many months keep the faith and im sending prayers your way. Right now im kinda there myself AF has not made her appearance I am 2 days late yesterday i had no cramps but today I feel cramps in the center area instead of the right ovary area which is where i usually get em. 2 BFN so Im not sure what the dizziness was all about. You all are in my prayers babydust to all. Ceegee welcome :) Im new here too.

12 years ago

oh Vivy, I am so sorry to hear that, keep up the praying and many prayers going up for all of y'all from here. It's all in God's timing.

AFM-no more confusion over bbt, it dive bombed this morning, dr's appt this morning with bloodwork, but not optimistic. Dr. examined me and is pretty sure that I did have an early miscarriage. Hubby has been pretty insistent on wanting me to get my tubes tied, because of my health and also seeing me being just an emotional wreck over this loss and our last one. But I managed to convince him just to wait it out and see what happens. I am just not 100% sure that I am ready to have that done yet. so we are just going to relax and take a bit of a break from ttc, and see what happens.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Update AF has made her appearance. Hoping for next month. for us all.

12 years ago

I think we all need a vacation ...
In my case, I believe that everything happens for some reason. Maybe not happen because there are all conditions for it to happen.
I don' know if you understand me understand me, help my poor English with a translator and perhaps the result is not the best.
So, here I am, in my bed, no temperature today, I don't want.

12 years ago

Vivy-I can understand what you are saying. I agree everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it's just hard to accept that and keep wondering "WHY?" But i agree we do need a vacation from all this ttc stress sometimes. We are too, I am still using my monitor and temping, but more to just keep track of things. We have lots of plans for the summer with the kids so I am just going to focus on enjoying my family, and getting myself back into shape. I figure it will happen in God's timing and if it is in his plans for us. so you never know taking a break from all the stress, may be just what we need. hang in there hun, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cha-sorry to hear that, and yes there is always next mth. Hang in there (((HUGS))) my thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

What hurts me most is that every time I go to the bathroom remember my pregnancy lost.
It was not long, in four days will make only two months of the loss, but I feel that happened millions of years ago because my days are eternal since March 11.
A part of me is relieved because now I don't have this awful anxiety, and the other part feels empty. Today dedicate my day to laziness =), television, and crochet a bit. =)
Thanks for your words and enjoy the summer!. Here in Argentina we are frozen!

12 years ago

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