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Trying for a 2013 baby

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has just arrived and I am devastated.

I am starting this group for everyone ttc a 2013 baby, regardless of when you ovulate or how many children you do or don't have.

Please join and maybe we can all support each other over the next 12 months.xx

User Image User Image Very Faint 17.08.12 it sticks!!!!!!!

277 Replies • 12 years ago



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Congrats on your daughters birthday!

Please add us!

bahoward - I can't see anything. But then again, pictures are very small on my side. Blocked by our organization.

User Image LMP - 01/09/2012, 50mg fertomid from CD 3 - 7, O = 15 Sept, on 27/09/2012 Missed Miscarriage at 8wks and D & C performed. LMP - 09/12/2012, 50mg fertomid from CD 3 - 7 (very short and light cycle) LMP - 18/12/2012 (debating if I should take fertomid again in this cycle) - 8 January 2013 and confirmed with bloods on 10 January 2013

12 years ago

Good morning ladies

I have a doctor appt this morning hopefully the doctor can shed some light on what's going on with my body . I am also going to pick up some of my fertility vitamins and preseed . Im on count down for ovulation snd goung to start bd tonight!
Good Luck ladies I'll date you once im done!

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12 years ago

Just1more - Yes I'm in the UK too so I miss everyone haha

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Ladies, I'm so excited about this group!!
I'm not on Facebook (I'm a computer geek by profession, so I don't like to do anymore than I have to do on it).
AF is not here yet, but there is cramping going on.
I'm not too upset if AF does show up, it's only my 1st try. Besides, in May I leave for a 3 weeks vacation, so my fiance was like "Look at the bright side: you can drink all the margaritas and Bailey's you want if you're not preggo"
ladysorrow, I'm excited for you!!
bahoward, I'm also 17 DPO, no AF. Don't know about me, but I'm confident you'll get your BFP
Everybody else: I'll see ya next time around. Haha

12 years ago

Well ladies I just got out of my appt with my primary. I was due for a pap and I told the doctor about all symptoms im having etc. It was funny it took him about 3-4 min to find my cervix. He asked me have I been told my cervix is tilted or leans back? I replied no im usually able to check it when im on the toliet. But this time he could not find it, finally he had me move futher down on the table and basically my bottom dropped down some then he has able to find it. He kept saying he can see it but couldn't find the opening. I wonder if that's normal? Maybe it can happen in early pregnancy? All doctor said some women have cervix moving around and don't worry it looks good to him. Also my CM is watery but has little chunks like cottage cheese but very little. I went to the restroom afterwards and I checked my self Woowzerzz I couldn't even find it myself and CM was still wet looking on my finger and a dot here and there looking like cottage cheese I rubbed it and it went creamy.

Has anyone experienced this???

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12 years ago

This is my first attempt at Soy Isoflavone..I'm CD 6, doing Soy Iso CD 6-10..I'm going to to take 200mg up until the day before ovulation :D. I am taking am going to see about taking them at night right before bed and see how it works. I did some research and it shows less side effects if taken at bedtime. I also have Omega 3 pills whicj is 900mg, Prenatal vitamins 36mg,Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg, along with Natural Women Progesterone cream, and last buit not least Preseed. I will also be using will be OPKs to see when it's time to get to work..along with bd everyother night or if not more:D

I also bought hubby some pills as well High T All Natural Testosterone Booster, Mega Men Powered Strength Vitapak Program which works well with the HighT, along with Fertility Blend for Men!! I mean business and this month I am speaking my Blessing right now and I will be getting my BFP :D

I'm praying for Baby dust for us all!!! Good Luck and have fun BD :D

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12 years ago

Good morning ladies

I will keep everyone updated on how these pills work! Okay now last night I was hot and had put fan on and opened up the window....Hubby said wow are you having a hot flash because it's warm but not that hot.. ...this morning I feel fine tho. Omg them pills are HUGE i thought prenatal pills were big man these are double that size!

Well my update this morning is day#1 of being fertile yesterday and we . My temp is still down, cervix is still firm, midway and my cm is creamy kindof eggwhites looking. Now I am on day #2 of being fertile Im looking forward to again tonight if hubby is up to it if not we will tomorrow , but i'm in deep that we can everyday this cycle.

everyone I all of us gets our this month . I'm speaking into the atmosphere we are getting a BIG FAT POSITIVE ON OVULATION AND ON OUR PREGNANCY TEST!!!

How is everyone doing??

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12 years ago

called doc this morning to set up an appointment to get hcg level checked and they said computers were down and they would call me when they started working again but its been almost 4 hrs ago

12 years ago

CD33 13DPO
Well just waiting for AF really. She usually appears between CD35 and 42 so any day now haha
My cervix had dropped down, softened and I think it's starting to open.
No signs of Pregnancy at all, so just waiting.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hey ladies I found some helpful information on TTC and Ovulation!!


To conceive, you must have intercourse during your fertile time. You are most fertile a few days prior to ovulation and up to 24 hours after ovulation. Although Sperm can live up to six days in fertile quality cervical fluid, it typically only lives about three days. The ovum can live up to 24 hours but typically only lives up to 6-12 hours.

Timing Intercourse It is important to time intercourse at least 12 hours before ovulation. Sperm usually reach the fallopian tube and the egg within minutes after intercourse however, sperm need about 12 hours in your uterus before they can fertilize the egg in a special process called capacitation. This is the maturation process within the female reproductive tract by which spermatozoa become capable of fertilization. That's why the best time to make love is the day before and the day of ovulation

If you are trying to avoid pregnancy, then you should not have intercourse 6 days before or 24 hours after your ovulate. If you are trying to conceive, you are most likely to get pregnant 3 days prior to ovulation and up to 6 hours after.

The most effective method of pinpointing ovulation is tracking your cervical mucus, basal temperature and cervical position.

Ovulation Symptoms About one-fifth of women actually feel ovulatory activity, which can range from mild achiness (before ovulation) to twinges of pain ~mittelschmerz,~(after the egg is released) and cramping (post ovulation) .

Some women also experience: Nausea Moodiness Sore breasts and/or nipples from the surge of estrogen right before ovulation. Some woman have spotting when they ovulation from the egg breaking through.

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12 years ago

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