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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi everyone!
I've been MIA for a bit - just needed a break from it all!

Welcome to new ladies - i wish you all the best!

I see congrats are in order for some as well! I've tried to catch up as best I could. I do like the idea of one bored!

I wish everyone luck in their journey - whatever stage you are at :) :) :)

As for me, we took a couple months of from the clinic to give our bodies a rest! In the meantime, i went paleo, switch thyroid meds and lost 20lbs! Super happy with it! I still wanna loose another 20.

My dh was put on clomid one pill a day....on our last iui he had about 30mil and 15 motile, he went for a test 2 weeks ago and it jumped to 120 and 60 motile! YAY

This month is our last month of "trying" I did 7.5 of femara and going to have TI and take HCG shot.

Next month if we aren't successful we do all our tests including hsg for IVF in july!!!!!!!!!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago

welcome back hoping! Good news about DH!

JF - YAYYAY - so exciting! Keep us posted!

I knew this would our year ladies!!!

8 years ago

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been exhausted plus my in-laws were just visiting and this is a super busy time at work for me.

Keth- how are you and the babies doing?

babypath- how about you? any updates? has the transfer happened yet?

2moms- have you had your transfer yet?

hoping- good to see you back on here and congrats on the weight loss. hopefully this cycle is the one!

bens- how have you been feeling? how far along are you now?

afm- I'm doing well. Still pregnant! lol. I'm 5w5d today. Next Wednesday is my ultrasound. Hopefully we'll see the heartbeat and I'll be able to relax a little more. Overall I'm feeling pretty good about this one but of course still nervous. My symptoms haven't been too bad. Mostly super tired with some other little symptoms here and there. Sometimes I wish I had raging pregnancy symptoms so I know everything is going well. I should probably be careful what I wish for as it's still so early and there's plenty of time for me to start feeling crappy. LOL. I'm happy I've had absolutely no spotting. While I know some women can spot during pregnancy and it be perfectly normal it was always a bad sign for me so every time I go to the bathroom I breathe a little sigh of relief each time.

I wish everyone well and good luck no matter where they are in this fertility journey. I'll update next week after the ultrasound.

8 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. My course was super intense but it was a welcome break from TTC. I've been on BC for the past month and a bit. We go for our IVF orientation next tuesday and hopefully they'll let us know when I can come off of them to start our cycle.

Congratulations to all of the ladies who got their BFPs and Welcome to the ladies who have joined since I was last on here. Hopefully we'll see a lot more BFPs!

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Hello my pregnant and almost pregnant friends!

I hope everyone is doing well! Hoping, good to hear from you again! Great jump on spermies!! Yay!

I am still on Lupron injections, off BCP now (yay!), start aspirin Sunday and patches on Tuesday! Moving right along! 2.5 weeks until lining check! Leave for vacation Sunday for our relax time before this goes down!

How's everyone coming along!?

8 years ago • Post starter

Margie and Babypath - good luck with IVF. To be honest, I kind of liked it more than IUI, just because I felt more hopeful, I think.

JFM - YAY! almost 6 weeks. I think it was about 6 weeks my symptoms kicked into high gear, so hang on to your hat. But the symptoms do make you feel like everything is ok.

I am 11 wks, 2 days now. I go for my big screening on thursday. I just want it done. I am going in feeling positive about this pregnancy so I am not worrying too much.
I have been feeling pretty lousy, if I am honest. I was having extreme bloating, gas, nausea, and exhaustion. The bloating seems to be subsiding yet my belly has still rounded out, maybe because it is my 2nd (well technically 3rd) pregnancy. I am at the point where I just look fat, not pregnant... LOL.
So some of that is getting better but then of course I got a sinus infection. and the literally gave me NOTHING for it. No nasal spray, antibiotic,decongestant, nothing! I finally begged my OB for a z-pack which is safe in pregnancy and they agreed. So I hope it works.

I will start to feel like myself by next week I think. hope.

Keep us posted ladies!!!

8 years ago

Hi ladies,

So I got bad news about my IVF cycle. I thought I had everything set up so that I could start IVF sometime in the next few weeks. It turns out that my clinic misinformed me. Not only is this cycle full but even if it hadn't been they told me I had over supressed. That I shouldn't have been on the pill for more than 6 weeks. I've been on them for 6.5 weeks. So now I have to wait until August to start my IVF cycle. I don't know if I can do august though as I'm away for my best friends wedding and DH leaves at the end of August for 2 months.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Margie, how frustrating!!!! I'm so sorry! There are no alternatives?

8 years ago • Post starter

Babypath - the alternatives are wait until August or wait until January. But either way we're waiting a few more months

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear Margie! Did they not tell you about bc. As if this process isn't hard enough already! Maybe there's a reason behind it I always believe there's a reason for things not happening when you want them.

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago

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