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CD1...again. Anyone in the same boat wanna be cycle buddies?

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Hey lovely ladies,

So the witch has come, again (hate her ). So I'm back to CD1 TTC#1. Last few months I've only been using CP to judge Ovulation but this month I'm going to use OPK's (I literally just bought a bunch on ebay) and I'm going to try eating Pinapple core for the 5 days after Ovulation - which seems like forever away right now so I would love someone to wait with.

Are any of you ladies in the same boat? I would just love to have some friends to wait with. I was part of a lovely group of girls last cycle and they all got their BFP's - I must bring luck, luck of the Irish .

Hate being back at CD1 but hopefully April will be a great month for us all

TTC#1 MC <img src=

146 Replies • 9 years ago



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Good afternoon Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA this morning - we had some out of office meetings today and I just got back from grabbing some lunch.

Meg, I love that you're testing every day! Even if you can't really see anything yet (I still have a gut feeling this is your month!), it's still exciting to follow along! I'm hoping in the next day or two you'll have your implantation dip and then spike back up!

Emily, how are you doing today hun? I hope everything is going well with DH and that he's FINALLY through with exams! that AF showed up today and that you're back at CD 1 and can count down with me! Hopefully witch isn't too mean this month.

Afm - the witch came and BOY did she decide to be wicked today. I have my heating pack now, with a fan on (because it's ridiculously humid where I live). I was standing most the morning walking around and for me, it makes the cramping so.much.worse. I'm just proud of myself I made it out the house and managed to do my hair and makeup . Wasn't able to temp this morning due to severe thunderstorms waking up our big dog and him wanting to wake momma up too. He only feels safe when he's in bed with us (all 90+ lbs.) when it's thundering and lightening outside.

Quick question - what kind of BBT thermometer are you ladies using? I have a cheapie from CVS (drugstore) generic and I read mixed reviews on it. Just curious in the chance I may want to get a new one. Hope you both are having a wonderful Wednesday!

Sending and hugs!


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9 years ago



2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

OMG congratulations Meg!!! Just LOOK at those two tests!! Have you told your DH yet? How are you feeling? I just KNEW thus was going to be your month chicka! I'm so happy for you and so excited to see how the next nine months go! I'm keeping you in my prayers and can't wait to hear your updates!


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9 years ago

Thank you ladies SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much!!! You've both been so amazing and wonderful to talk to and super helpful and I love you both tons even though we've never met!!

No WAY did I think anything would be positive at 7dpo - this is by FAR the earliest I've ever gotten two lines and I'm absolutely ecstatic!!! I wish with all my heart you were both in the same boat with me .

It's actually pretty interesting - DH is an Athletic Trainer at the High School in the small town we live in, and this weekend is state championships... he literally just left before I got home to drive three hours to the tournaments and won't be back till late Saturday night! I would LOVE to send him a picture of the test, but I'm thinking I want to do something sweet and special to surprise him with the news when he comes home . This is our third time managing to get pregnant, and I'm worried the excitement is waning a little bit with each loss... It's always in the back of our minds that it could happen again. So I really want to try and keep things upbeat this time around, and hopefully that little bean decides to stick around too!! I'll have to think of a plan... Do either of you have any suggestions?

As far as symptoms today, not much has changed really. I'm still SUPER gassy, my face has broken out a little, and my boobs have only been tender/sore on and off today. I have had a little more cramping than usual today - mostly twinges and whatnot, but I didn't think much of them . Crazy!

I really do hope you two know just how dang much I appreciate you and all your kind words, well-wishes, and positive attitudes about everything! I love you to the moon and back and will keep you both updated - definitely be posting progression tests to make sure everything is going well. The last one ended at 5 weeks, so I think we'll be able to breathe a *small* sigh of relief once we pass that milestone. Fingers crossed everything goes swimmingly this time around!!!

Shoot me any fun ideas you might have to surprise DH - I'd love any help!!

Thanks so much again ladies

Lots of love


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

I knew it , I knew it , I knew it :) That egg was making sure it was ready and BAM, but girl, I think a line that dark on 7dpo could EASILY be twins. Man, I would so love to be right hehe.


AHhhhhh I am so so so so so so so so thrilled for you girl. you deserve this. I am praying it's a sticky one, take it easy now and mind yourself. Go to the doctors and have him give you advice on vitamins etc. ahhhhhh this is so exciting. You'll have to stop in here every week and give us an update Hopefully we'll be able to give you an update too next month or if not, soon after! YAY for you. I'm so glad for you girl. Ahhhhhh

And all my love.

Just me and you now Shelly and please God next month we'll both be jumping around the place with our 's . Af started properly today so you're CD2, I'm CD1. Nice and close :)

Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning Ladies!

Meg, after thinking about it last night and this morning here are my DH "surprise" ideas

1) You could buy an early Father's Day card, put it in a box with the ept (most recent one so it looks nice and strong and not yellow lol) and write something sweet on the inside for him.

2) You could do a scavenger hunt where the clues lead him to the hidden box with the card and ept in it.

3) You take some yarn and start wrapping it around the ept, then keep wrapping sweet strips of paper with hints leading up to him unwinding the WHOLE yard ball to reveal the ept.

And that's all I got lol. You'll have to let us know how you surprise DH with the news!

Emily, hola chicka! I think it's crazy how strong a woman's intuition is! Sometimes we just KNOW things, without any explanation or rational but in our guts we just know. I'm no-so-secretly hoping you're right about the twins ! I hope you're doing well today and that your Thursday is going well! I wanted to see what your anticipated O day is? I was trying to pinpoint mine and it looks like it will be CD17 - CD18 which is May 29-30. I have my that you're around the same time, if not a little before me!!

AFM, doing much better mood wise. AF is still kicking my butt because I still feel awful today. My sister and I call this week Shark Week. We're about 4CD apart so we're just LOADS of fun during this time lol.

This morning I was playing around with expected due dates and that's when I noticed, if we are successful this cycle I'll be due right around our wedding anniversary! How FUN would that be? When DH and I first started talking about TTC I always had hopes we would conceive in May, June or July because I've always wanted a February, March or April baby. Here in Texas it gets HOT and I don't even like the idea of it being summer and being 9 months pregnant!

Hope both of you are doing wonderfully! Can't wait to hear all the updates!

Lots of hugs and -- for you Meg!,


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9 years ago

Those are some fantastic ideas! I'll definitely let you girls know how it works out.

I did some due date calculation too (with the help of my handy-dandy charts!) and if everything works out, I would be due January 27th! That's the day before my dad's birthday, and two days before mine! Super neat!

Shelly, I hope you're feeling a little better with all the AF crap going on. It's so awesome that the two of you are pretty much synced up! I know O seems a little far away at the moment, but you'll both get there with flying colors! And hopefully you'll both get your s this cycle!! So excited for you two - I've got all my fingers and toes crossed.

As far as symptoms today, not much has changed. Still way gassy and hungry with on-and-off tender bbs and mild twingy cramps. I'm going to pick up another box of FRER after work and try to do updates with those every other day (they're just SO expensive after a while!), so you'll be able to stalk those if you like. I was shaking SO much yesterday after I POAS, freaking out excited and didn't really have anyone to share it with except you ladies!! Haha. I was sitting there thinking, MAN I wish I had these girls' phone number so I could text them! Hahaha. I probably looked like a crazy person!!

Anywhoo, I know you two might have already started another CD1 forum, but I'd still love to hear from you if you get the itch to update me too!

Thanks again for all the baby dust, let's pray for a sticky one this time!

Lots of love


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Hello my lovely ladies - been a minute!

How ARE you beautiful girls? I'm hoping everything is going well and AF is on her way out the door again - or at least will be shortly so you can get down to business! I'm very hopeful this cycle will be the last time you need to start another "CD 1" forum . Updates please!

My AF is scheduled to arrive Wednesday (the day we leave on our "working" vacation to Washington state), and I've got my fingers and toes crossed she stays the hell away this time!!

DH is home now, and the night he came home (last night) I surprised him with the news. Although "surprised" is a bit of an over-statement - it takes a LOT to get him to jump around like a little school girl haha (which is what I was hoping for), so I had to settle with his more subdued, bust still very happy, reaction. I just made a simple setup on the kitchen table with a bottle of wine that had a balloon with the word "baby" tied to it, along with a hand-written card propped up against it. And of course the most recent pee stick haha. He's been gushing a bit today lol, but he's always been pretty sentimental .

We will probably end up telling DH's mom while we're in Washington working with her. It's going to be hard to make excuses about why I can't partake in the nightly wine ritual, especially when that's my drink of choice! We'll see how it goes, and from there decide how to tell the rest of the family(s) later on. No harm in having a bigger support group! But I have high hopes for this one - it just FEELS way better than the last two. I actually get butterflies in my tummy now when I think about it, which I never got with the last ones. I hope my intuition is right, and that you ladies were my good luck charms .

I hope everything is well with you ladies and that you're having fun living in the moment with your DH's!! That's really the best part .

Sending lots of love and in your directions!


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Good morning Ladies!

I hope you both had a wonderful weekend and got to enjoy yourselves and some time with the DH's!

Meg, I can totally understand the DH being reserved. There's always some hesitation but I KNOW this is lucky number three for you! Have you made your Dr's appointment yet? I'm so excited for your first appointment and to hear how it goes!! I hope you enjoy Washington State! It's supposed to be BEAUTIFUL in the spring/early summer.

Emily, how are you doing girl? Haven't seen you on since the 14th and have been thinking about you . I hope you had a great weekend and that things are rolling along smoothly. Has the witch left yet?

AFM - Weekend was a good kind of busy :) Summer is coming fast with temps reaching the 90's this week, along with lots of rain and flooding (still). Saturday I had light spotting and EWCM, Sunday no spotting and still EWCM. I was tickled pink because this means my hormone levels are starting to get back on track . Took an OPK on CD 5 just to see - negative as can be but was just curious. Back to CM white and sticky, CP medium and medium.

Hope you lovely ladies have a great Monday!

Sending lots of & & hugs,


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9 years ago

Hello ladies

Sorry I've been MIA, my DH surprised me with a mini holiday and we've been out of the country until today, a much needed break - although totally didn't temp. Back at work now this morning but not loving reality- I'm back two mins and I'm fit to kill people already.

Meg, How are you getting on now? I must stalk your page!! I'm praying this baby sticks and gets really comfy :) How many DPO now? have you been to the doc? I'm so glad your DH was happy but I completely understand him not jumping up and down. He will be soon tho :)

Shelly, can't wait to stalk your page now in a sec and see your temps for this month! This might be our month How are you feeling? I'm on CD7 right now, so not going to start OPK's for another few days. How about you?

AFM, I had a bit of an incident on Friday, CD 2 and it's caused me a lot of concern, I had very sudden very sharp cramps, went to the bathroom and AF was gushing, like hemorrhaging kinda flow (sorry TMI) and then later I passed a huge slug sized clot. Have either of you had this? It really upset me.

I'm ok now, but a bit negative feeling about this month, I'm just not sure I have it in me to pump so much hope into this month but i'm sure if we have good BD timing i'll be like a mad woman again haha.

Thanks ladies for being such good friends during this exciting time.

Please update me, I want to hear your news.


TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

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