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Trying to Stave off Insanity

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So I guess I've been here for almost and year and have more or less just used the calendar and tracking tools. Time to step out of my box so I stop feeling like I'm alone when I know I'm not.

I was crushed when AF showed up yesterday morning.
Then today we got word that our best friends who were TTC #2 have already achieved success after just a month or 2.

There is no comparison. All the bloodwork, HSG, DH's stuff has all come out perfect. Nothing is physically or hormonally an issue.

LEEPS many years ago may be a partial road block - so tomorrow I take my first Femera pill as we prepare for IUI hopefully soon.

My cycles in the last 10 months have ranged from 32 to 40 days. THe Idea of ovulating in the teen days versus the twenties seems surreal. I am hoping to make some new friends and to be able to share success and maybe learn some ways to keep my mind occupied. We are going to a wedding this coming weekend - we won't be able to be active much while away - which is a bit frustrating. But I will be hopeful.

We will achieve a BFP in 2012. I can do this without going crazy.

Thanks for letting me Babble

106 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well and had a fun Halloween.

Bowbow, I hope your pregnancy is going well and you're starting to feel better.

BeccaLynn, good luck on this cycle and I hope this 4th one is it! Only a few more days to go.

Nothing new to report for the middle of my TWW right now.

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11 years ago

Hi everyone.
Sorry I haven't been on here for such a long time. I have just been feeling awful. I am constantly being sick - at home, at work and when I am out and about.

Well I am 11weeks now. I have my 12 week scan soon. I am really nervous. Hopefully everything will be ok.

Hugs to everyone.


11 years ago

Don't know if anyone is still following this one...

We were unsuccessful with our Final IUI in October. So we've been 2 months without Dr. assistance.

I am currently 24 dpo and my bbs hurt like mad. I feel like I could visit the bathroom every 20 mins.

Afraid to hope - I found that I appear to start ovulating late evening. We hit the window right before Christmas.

Hubby wants to wait another week before we poas - I'm starting to get antsy - no AF yet.

Hope everyone is doing well... I'll problably start a new thread somewhere to try and keep myself sane.

to everyone.

Becca the nutter butter!!

11 years ago • Post starter

24 dpo?!? You poor thing! I'm 8 dpo, and the suspense is killing me! This is my third cycle TTC post miscarriage. No luck yet. Maybe the third time is the charm!

Actually, it's been a rough month. My grandmother passed on Jan 6 after falling just before Thanksgiving. I was out there with her for a week over Christmas. I got so spend some time with her, which was wonderful and so very hard. We were very close even though we live 600 miles apart. So I'm thinking it would be wonderful to get pregnant with a little girl who I could name for my grandmother. Wouldn't that be great?

BeccaLynn, what is next for you after the IUI? The the doctors have a plan? Hang in there! And if your BBs are killing, DO A TEST!! Xoxoxo

11 years ago

Thank you Beatrice -

I am going down to see my mom tomorrow and have advised her that we are going to the store first thing. My hubby may want to wait for silly reasons, but my sanity won't let me this time.

I'm at CD 42 - 25 dpo today. Longest I've gone wihtout AF in 2 years now.

My body is saying yes, i'm still scared that the test will tell me no.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Beatrice - that would be a wonderful thing and I am sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard December was for you.

But good things happen when you least expect it.

This one will be all natrual - no IUI. If we need to take the next step it is FSH shots with every other day Ultra sounds to monitor egg development with an IUI to provide a pregnancy. But I hope that doesn't have to happen.


11 years ago • Post starter

Wow, that sounds like an intense next plan. Fingers crossed you don't need to go that route! Let me know what your test tomorrow shows!

I'm going to test Sunday I think. Last time, I got a BFP on 10dpo. So maybe the same timeline will work this time. On the optimistic side, if I'm not pregnant, at least i can drink wine with my family at my grandmother's service!

Have fun with your mom! Are you a football fan? Will you watch the games? I live in Patriot country, so I'll be watching I'm pretty sure! Xoxo

11 years ago

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