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CD1...again. Anyone in the same boat wanna be cycle buddies?

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Hey lovely ladies,

So the witch has come, again (hate her ). So I'm back to CD1 TTC#1. Last few months I've only been using CP to judge Ovulation but this month I'm going to use OPK's (I literally just bought a bunch on ebay) and I'm going to try eating Pinapple core for the 5 days after Ovulation - which seems like forever away right now so I would love someone to wait with.

Are any of you ladies in the same boat? I would just love to have some friends to wait with. I was part of a lovely group of girls last cycle and they all got their BFP's - I must bring luck, luck of the Irish .

Hate being back at CD1 but hopefully April will be a great month for us all

TTC#1 MC <img src=

146 Replies • 9 years ago



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Good morning ladies,

Meg, I creeped on your chart and your temps look wonderful! You're still well above your base line so I'm super excited to see where this week takes you ! I hear yah on the weekends being the hardest! I think for me it's the lack of routine that throws me off. I'm sure you'll have some interesting symptoms coming up here soon!

Emily, your temps still look good too! You are WAY above your baselines girlfriend! Of course they say you can't really tell the difference between charts of BFP and BFN so keep your chin up ! You never know when you'll have the luck of the draw!

AFM - First thank you both for asking how I was doing this weekend! I had two big temp drops over the weekend - this morning I hit my baseline (Emily I hope your hat tastes good ). Still no sign of AF what-so-ever, but with the huge temp drop I'm sure she'll show up soon. I'm slightly confused but other then that just trying not to be too bummed. Of course I POAS this morning and it was my SIXTH BFN, so I'm pretty sure I'm out for this month. CD 31, 14 dpo, CP is Medium in height, hard, closed, CM is dry.

So! This means that you two ladies are still in the running for BFP!! I'm tickled pink that I have you two to follow and see where the month of May will lead! Here's to another week of and !

Lots of hugs,


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9 years ago

Hey Shelly :)

Was wondering where you'd been. Missed you around this place :)

Oh bummer, I'm so sad to see your temps drop, girl! I think I'm not long behind you on that front, my temps are starting to go down. Hey here's an idea, if we both get AF we just continue this board right up until next cycle where we get our ?? I'd love to have a friend for next cycle too! I just feel like AF is coming, it's almost like she's left her monthly voicemail "hey what's up? I'm en route, see you soon" haha

Meg, Hopefully there will be no need for you here anymore but you'll still pop in to update us on life with twins in your belly hehe. How are you today Meg? Any symptoms? How's work after the weekend? Your temps look so darn good today!

How you doing Shelly? You feeling ok? Temps are all so exciting until they start dropping and then suddenly I hate them.

This month might not be my BFP, but it's one month closer to it :)

to you ladies, it's not over til it's over.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Afternoon my lovely ladies!

So still no BFP's for you two? I was absolutely certain you'd both get yours this month!

Em, your temp still seems a decent height above coverline - maybe there's still hope? I still think your veiny-ness is a good sign, since it sounds like that's not something that happens all over normally . I'm still keeping my fingers crossed!

Shelly, any sign of AF today? I've been sending bad juju her way all day telling her to stay the hell away! Maybe the temp dip is just late implantation or something? I'm pulling for you darlin .

AFM - nothing new to report really. I've posted a 5dpo cheapie HPT for your viewing pleasure. I kept thinking I was seeing something, but then I kept convincing myself that it's way too early for that nonsense lol . I'm sure I'll have checked myself into the loony bin by the end of my TWW! Cervix is still low, firm, and closed. I've had an increase in creamy CM which I hear is a good sign. No vivid dreams last night, and just some random twinges throughout the day. Pretty thirsty today, but that could be because it's been getting slightly warmer recently.'s always good to hear from you ladies, so keep us all posted if anything new happens! You guys are in the home stretch now - the waiting game is almost over! Either way, it's a step in the right direction .

Lots of love


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Morning ladies,

Meg, I'm definately seeing something on those tests of yours, and only twins would show up this early hehe How are you feeling ? Post today's test asap, I need to obsess over someones tests seeing as I'm not obsessing over mine anymore. Any new symptoms girl? I'm thinking you're going to be our winner this month

Shelly, how are you today girl? any sign of AF? Next month we'll be so much more in the know about how our bodies work and it might just be our month for BFP's I'm feeling optimistic already, we're almost back to where we were when we first met, and we'll get to this stage again, except hopefully with BFP's :) for this month hehe I'm scattering it all over this next cycle for you and I. February is a great month to have a baby anyway, means we'll be more comfortable at Christmas cos we won't be just about to pop haha. Hope you're ok.

AFM Temps went up a tiny tiny bit this morning but I think that's just cos DH was here. BD'd yesterday after work and had my typical AF cramps after, always happens me when AF is knocking on the door. I'm not going to lie, I'm disappointed, I really did think the veins meant something and they're definitely not normal for me but c'est la vie. This wasn't meant to be this month, but please God next month will have plenty of joy and +++'s for us who don't get them this month :) A month closer to our BFP's am I right?

I want to thank you women for being there for me this entire cycle, I can't thank you enough. Here's to another one (for me anyway, still hoping NEITHER of you will have to join me) CHEERS :)

Em x

EDIT: Just after writing this I went to the RR and found spotting with a lot of watery CM, very very very unusual for me, but maybe it's all the new vitamins I took this month. AF is here, and should be in full swing today or tomorrow...oh well, on to next month :) Just like the title says CD1...again. Anyone in the same boat wanna be cycle buddies? hehe except now I've 2 of the best cycle buddies ever. If either of you are unfortunate enough to have AF arrive I would LOVE to continue this friendship.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning Ladies!

Hope you both are enjoying your Tuesday so far! Meg, I'm definitely rooting for you girlfriend! I keep checking your page each morning to see your temps and new pics so I hope you're doing well today! I keeping hopping on here first thing in the morning to see if you've posted yet. Where's the emoji with the cheerleader pom-poms? I'm so excited!!

Emily, I'm relieved that you have an answer with AF starting - but am sad that this wasn't the month for you . However, this makes me kind of (selfishly) happy that I have a cycle buddy for the next month! I can't believe it's been a whole month already! I'm saying my prayers and sending all my positive vibes out this month! I would definitely love the month of February, it's a super special month in my family .

AFM - my temp continues to drop so I'm REALLY hopeful that AF will start soon?? I've accepted that this month wasn't my month and that it's God's timing and not mine. Who KNOWS what the next month will hold in store! I don't feel any different (other than irritable) and there's no sign of her. This brings me to CD 32, 15 DPO which is officially the LONGEST cycle I've had since we've been TTC. CM is increased to a lot of white and sticky. CP is high, medium and medium. I'm ready to start my next cycle and to gather more data!

I've had a blast this past cycle and am very grateful for both of you lovely ladies! Hopefully tomorrow will start another one!

Lots of hugs and ,


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9 years ago

Hello again,

Meg, I second what Shelly said SUPER excited by your TWW :) and LOVING the photos you are posting, please keep them coming!!

Shelly, Oh bummer, I'd image AF will be hear soon, I hope she will arrive soon so you can move on. Remember start of this month it took me a day or two for AF to fully start? I think it might be like that again this month, so I don't think I'll start properly until tomorrow. I'm (selfishly) glad you'll be with me this next cycle again hehe. You just said you've had a blast this cycle and it made me think, I've never looked at this TWW or FWW(four week wait) as "fun" before but you know what? You're right! It is a blast, we're getting to experiment with out bodies by charting our temps, checking CM and CP, it's all a bit fun. Roll on next cycle. I'm going to have to buy new OPK's and DEFINITELY new HPT's after that batch I just had, I mean I couldn't possibly have had more evaps if I tried!! redonk.

Have you ladies got any suggestions for OPK or HPT brand that don't give so many evaps? I want to avoid a repeat of this month.

Love to you ladies, to you Meg
Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies

I posted this morning's pee stick, so feel free to stalk! Let me know what you think

Em, I'm so sorry to hear AF has set foot through the door, but so HAPPY that you're feeling so positive about everything! This can be one of the hardest times in a woman's life, and it's hard not to get wrapped up in the bad parts - you're doing a wonderful job! I have very high hopes for you next cycle. It's strange that you've already started spotting though since your temps are still way above your coverline... hmm. And I COMPLETELY agree about this whole process being like a small science experiment on yourself - I absolutely love that part! Haha

Shelly, that's interesting that this is the longest cycle you've had so far! Seems like you're body is finally starting to realize what you're trying to do maybe? Haha. Let us know once AF finally shows up - I'm excited for you two to start your next cycle !!

AFM - My boobs are a little achy today but nothing major. I seem to be really hungry all the time the past few days, so I'm hoping that's a good sign! Last night I had some pretty crazy dreams - I think my work stress is permeating my dream world lol. I remember at one point I was definitely pregnant - then I woke up for a split second, and once I fell back asleep, I was going around literally trying to strangle everyone who was pissing me off hahahahaha . Super weird lol. I'm sure other minor symptoms will pop up throughout the day - I'll keep you ladies posted if anything really interesting happens .

In a strange way, I'm half hoping AF will come for me too so I can be in this amazing group with you ladies again haha! I definitely hope that if she doesn't end up showing up, that we can all stay in touch . On a more random note, if down the road you ladies do end up getting your BFPs, I actually have a little crocheting side business and make all sorts of things from ladies accessories to baby stuffed animals and hats and stuff. I've got an Etsy shop (I've put the "link" below - it's stupid they don't allow real links lol), so if you'd like to take a look, feel free . I've thought about trying to make my crafting my job, but it's hard to get started! Anywhoo, just food for thought!

I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day so far! Keep us posted and I'll do the same .

Lots of love


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Em - I forgot to mention that as far as brands of HPTs and OPKs, I really really like the ClinicalGuard cheapies you can get on amazon. They've been spot on for me every cycle and VERY rarely have I ever gotten evaps on them - not even days later lol. The only thing I've noticed on the HPTs is that after you dip them, you can usually see the shadow where the test strip is supposed to be, but only barely and it never has any color if it's negative. Maybe try those and see what you think? The HPTs come in blue packets (they have pink handles), and the OPKs come in green ones (they have blue handles).


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Hey girls!

I wanted to do a quick update to let you both know I started spotting this afternoon! YAY! Still don't have any cramping or anything else (I'm sure that will come tomorrow) but with THAT low of a temp. (97.22) I KNEW AF had to show her face around here sometime! Hopefully tomorrow will mark CD1 for me !

Meg, I added you on Etsy! I LOVE your shop ! Mine just has one-offs I create for people either at work or for friends. I WISH it would be something full-time, that's for sure! I also just added the ClinicalGuard test strips to my Amazon basket. I'll be using those once my Wondfo run out! You're more than welcome to stick around after your BFP! Now that we're sorta stalking everything lol.

Emily, I'm surprised (and tickled pink) we're cycled up ! I know this sounds silly but I kind of predicted that your cycles would be regular and stead-fast, whereas mine would be all over the place. The fact that we BOTH might start CD 1 tomorrow has me really amped up. (I'm probably WAY too excited for AF than most people ).

Anyways, hope you wonderful ladies are having a great afternoon!

Lots of hugs and ,


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9 years ago

Good morning ladies!

How are you two doing today? Has AF finally shown her ugly face or are either of you still waiting?? You both had such good timing, I was sure you'd both catch that bean this cycle . Tell all!

I took another cheapie HPT last night, but it really didn't look any different from the one I took yesterday morning, so I didn't bother posting it. This morning I had to take 2 though, because the first was slightly damaged on the edges and I'm fairly certain that's why a second line popped up. The second test really didn't have much of anything on it. I've posted both so you can take a look and tell me what you think . I'm thinking it's still pretty early - I'm right in the middle of the window when implantation should happen and tests shouldn't pop positive till 2 to 3 days after that happens. though!

Pretty crazy dreams last night, but they're a little harder to remember this morning lol. Don't ya hate when that happens?? Pretty tired today and STILL very gassy. Not much else to report but I'll keep you ladies posted if anything fun happens!

I hope you're both doing well - it's been unusually quiet this morning! Normally I have at least one post to look forward to when I wake up .

Sending lots of love


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

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