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Over 40 ttc, I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one! Part II

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Ladies, we have to start a new thread as our old one was already 20 pages...

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

483 Replies • 11 years ago



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Faith-I so hear you on the obsessing I think I have peed on atleast 15 tests, 3 diff brands to make sure my BFP isn't some big joke and disappears, lol. My boobs went from a C to a D with our youngest, gosh only knows what cup size these buggers are going to b they are growing again, lol. Going from a B cup to these babies, I DON'T mind it all love that cleavage, :) As for the tubericles, you are accurate that can be a sign of pregnancy, they are part of the milk production for breastfeeding I had mine up until a few mths ago when our lil guy completely weaned, now I have them again :) Good Luck hun. Thoughts and prayers coming all y'alls way, that we all get to take this journer together :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

11 years ago

Thank you everyone!

deyzer...I am hoping I will be able to get a sono right away...just to check everything out...and can I ask for one during my luteal phase to check out endrometrial lining periods are really light so I wonder if it isn't an issue?
Angel ....first WOOOOHOOOOO those are some lovely lines! If I could just have them tell me everything blood work seems as fine as it seems to be (regular period, regular ovulation) that would be great.
Troontochick...thank you for that page...I will print it out and take it in.

I don't have a lot of faith in doctors (don't know why just don't) so I like to go in as informed as I can be so I don't feel anything is getting missed, on the very rare occasions I do go.

Again everyone thanks so've made me feel welcome and not so alone in this. :)

11 years ago

I know I am late to the party...

Angel - YES! Great lines, great news!

Faith - Hang in there. You could be experiencing the real deal. Much too early to test though.

noxidsl - it is always best to go in well prepared and focused. They can tend to throw alot of data at us which gets lost if we don't know what to expect in advance. Take a notepad to take notes because you wont remember everything that is said/done otherwise.

AFM - NOTHING. CD9. Just living off of the joy of others!

Me 41, DH 45 DS 10/07 MC – 4/06 (nat), 7/06 (d&c), 2/09 (d&c), 4/10 (nat) Fibroids – 08/05, 09/06, 08/09 HSG – 12/10 convoluted tubes (adhesions?), left w/ slight hydrosalpinx IVF#1, 03/12 – 22 retrieved, 4 trans – BFP: Chem, beta = 4.3 IVF#2, 05/12 – 16 retrieved w/ Lupron, 5 trans – BFP: Chem, beta 6 FET 08/12 - 1 embryo

11 years ago

Hey everyone! Welcome to the newbies! and Congrats Angel! Here's wishing you a very sticky bean!!
Sorry I've been MIA, but trying desperately to keep my mind off the TWW. I had my bloodwork done today and should be hearing back on progesterone level during my first clomid cycle.
I'm very excited, and quite upbeat! What with reading everyone's great news on the board! Here's hoping we get more great news in the month of September!

11 years ago

Noxidsl, I would ask for the sono to check the lining my periods were really light until my surgey for the fibroids and endometriosis now they are heavy. Good luck and get all the tests you can get.

I really think that I am out this month took test this morning and neg at 13dpo. I am supposed to go for blood work Friday 15dpiui, Grr... I'm getting so frustrated!!!! I really don't know how much more I can take with the bfn's... ;(

11 years ago

Okay, how do you do this month after month? Blood work done on Tuesday. Tech told me they'd have it back yesterday afternoon. Of course nobody called me back. So I will wait until lunch time today and then I'm calling! It's not so much that I really think I am, but I just want to know for sure. That way I can proceed from here! UGH!!!!!

Lauren User Image

11 years ago

hey all
a little bleed today at it implantation? does anybody know?
a little stabbing pain too..on the left side...any ideas?

11 years ago

Red, I understand your frustration. You are not out until you get info on the blood work. Hang in there.

Deyzer, hang in there too. You're not out until AF, so you still might have a chance.

Pixandpoetry, fingers crossed for you. Love the upbeat attitude!

Angel, thank you for your prayers. Still loving my BBs!! I might actually have to buy new bras!

Leeanne, I don't think a little blood is bad, especially if it's pink or brownish. I think once it becomes a bright red, there might be cause for concern. I hope it's implantation bleeding for you. That's tough. I just said a prayer for you.

AFM - Well, I'm either 6 or 7 DPO (I'm going to just go with the latter!) and my BBs are still sore (hurting since O). However, last night I rolled over onto them and had a stabbing pain in one. Then they ached for a few minutes. Upon awakening and examining myself in the mirror (a daily obsessive ordeal), I can see more pronounced blue veins. BBs are more sore than they have been! Also about the same time as the stabbing pain in BBs, I had a stabbing pain on my left side, pelvic region. I've been having some pulling sensations, and some maybe gas sensations, but this was a definite stab pain. I actually got a little excited! I said a little prayer thanking God for my baby and I prayed that I would be a good mother.

So, I'm going to just hang in there myself. I'm a contract worker and work from home, so this has been THE longest week ever, especially since I've had very little work. I'm a little envious of you 9 to 5'ers.

Thanks ladies for being there!

User Image

11 years ago

leeanne72, I really hope it's implantation. It seems a bit too late for implantation, but crazier things have happened. Good luck!!

red246, how frustrating! Hope they call soon. It should be a law that they can't make women wait more than an hour for blood results.

deyzer, I'm so sorry. It's not over until beta, so I'll keep crossing my fingers for you!

AFM, my husband went for his semen analysis yesterday, so assuming that all comes back fine, we're definitely on for an IUI next cycle. w00t! Now I just have to convince my RE to let me use all my old leftover meds so I don't have to take out a second mortgage.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

11 years ago

thanks for the replies ladies...see the thing is im not actually sure when i ovulated im counting from friday the 24th because i had very light pink spotting that all a bit confusing

11 years ago

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