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TTC January 2019 Baby

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Hello ladies I have created a new forum for those TTC.

I have been on CTP since June. We conceived on our 7th cycle but ended in a miscarriage. We did try our first cycle after loss but AF decided to show instead. So hear is to 2nd cycle after a loss and hope to get a baby!!!
I have seen a lot of ladies go through the heartache, stress to a I am happy to be following most of you on this journey. Hope you continue to follow me on to the next month.

*It’s all in His Timing *

Praying for my baby and my future baby

291 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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I'm now 7dpo yesterday was interesting I was soo irritable. Like i lost it when my MIL dropped and broke a mug. ( it was a generic mug nothing special to get mad about) then got some weird flutters last night that took my breath away. The nipples oooh my poor nipples hurt alot today. With my dd I dont remember noticing anything until the day i tested. None of this is normal this far from af (for me)

6 years ago

Very negative FRER today. I know 7dpo is early. But with a 9/10 day L.P. Early implantation is my only hope. So bummed.

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6 years ago

So ladies had my second hcg bloods done and they are at 2700 now doc is happy with how it’s progressing, more then doubled in 2 and 1/2 days.

for you ladies waiting to test hope you get your

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6 years ago

Mistique, have you tried vit b complex, red maca, vitex, or baby asprin? I have vitex but never got to use cause i was on clomid. You cant take the 2 together. I had one more round of clomid then i was trying vitex. I was on red maca, baby asprin and vit b complex because my LP was short. I was having 24 day cycles with LP being 9 days. The next period was 27 day cycle and my LP was 12 days. My af went from 2.5 days to 4 days as well. I got my bfp the following cycle. It helped my luteal phase and periods become more regular. My FSH was also over 10. 3 of the 4 things i listed i believed helped. Vitex is also supposed to be good.
Winnie, great numbers! I sm so happy for you! I hope you luck out,and dont get morning sickness. I have been a tad nauseaus a few times but it only lasts a few minutes and i am ok. I find myself lightky pinching my nipples a lot because that is my only indicator most of the time. Oh, and my stupid right eyelid has bern twitching nonstop for 4 days. I dont know how much more i can take!!!!

6 years ago

Hey ladies just touching base.
I am 5dpo today I ovulated Saturday did not test with an opk till I had ovulation pains. Today just been stuffy to runny nose. I have been exercising every day almost but this week I feel like exhausted during my workout no energy that is not like me. Next day sore (of course) but exhausted almost feel like body is just heavy and I have been irritable then happy and then. joking around. We shall see in a few more days. Just wanted to keep an update!

Come on let see some pictures!!!

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

I think I can definitely say I have a now. It doesn't feel real till I know if it's going to stick past my AF date or not. The last CP I had really psyched me out. Line was still there this morning though! Slightly darker, and FMU was pretty diluted actually because I got up to pee in the night. It's only 9dpo - so I have some days to go before I expect it to double enough to get a positive on a digital. Wish me luck on a sticky baby!

6 years ago

No tweaking...just a quick snapshot from this morning.

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6 years ago

@calvingirl. I'd say that is a positive but I am no expert on dip tests. Praying the baby sticks. When is your expected AF date?

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6 years ago

@Calvingirl - It's definitely there! I can't wait to watch it darken over the next few days!

@Winnie - So glad to see those great doubling results!!

@Beaut1ful38 - Thanks for the update! Are you going away this weekend to help distract you form the tww. If so have a great mini vacation!

AFM - I'm 13DPO and still getting High on my OPKs. My BBT seems strange this cycle so I'm not sure if I can rely on it... I seem to be sleeping restlessly in the mornings from 5-7am and I think that's causing higher then normal temps. I should still see a temperature rise after ovulation. Planning on bding everyday now until Sunday.

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. Did you already ovulate? I couldn't remember what day you were on and thought you were just starting to ovulate. But if you are 13dpo and temps still high then that could mean a really good thing.

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6 years ago • Edited

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