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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Missy, I have the same exact story with my birthday! We started on my birthday last year and thought for sure it'd be the last birthday ever without a baby. I, too, hope we never have to stop trying...but, I just got my bfn this morning. :( AF is due tomorrow.

Sad day. Why can't they find anything wrong with us?!

Missy, I hope your period never comes and you get a late bfp!

11 years ago

Morning girls
Court AF not here yet so positive thoughts going your way. How's your temp ? Although the year mark seems like ages ago I think that is still considered normal. When I first talked to my doctor about getting pregnant she warned me not to get my hopes up sooo soon that it would take a couple of months. To give it a good 6 to 9 months. I honestly do not know if it's because of my age that she said that but it does seem like 20 yr olds getting pregnant right away!

Missy how are you coming along?? Have you taken another test?

Thinking of both of you

11 years ago

Hey, Court and Lisette!

Still waiting for AF, Court? Hopefully, you are just a late bfp! Let us know how it is going - I've been thinking about you a lot and hoping for the best for you.

My AF really got going today :( and I started my 6th round of Clomid. Fingers crossed for this cycle!

My bf and I started talking about financing for fertility treatments. While I'm completely ok with us not being married, it has always been something that we've talked about. Within the past year, I think we've settled on a date - Cinco de Mayo weekend 2014; it'll be our 10th anniversary :) And now, we are looking at having to spend that kind of money on TTC :( We've just waiting so long to do everything. Now that we are at a point in our lives and relationship that we are ready to start a family, it seems like everything is on hold :( I'm just so ready to finally begin this new part of our lives.

When is your big doctor day, Lisette? :) Any symptoms yet?

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies.

So, I got my third BFN in a row this morning. I'm clearly not pregnant. The single line is so dark and there's just NOTHING next to it. Now I just want AF to show up already so I can be sad, get through it, and move on. I have no hope for this cycle; the tests are over 99.9% accurate at this point. I just want it over with. UG.

Yesterday was a bad day, my DH actually said 'I can't handle riding on your roller coaster of emotions' in regards to my questioning our decision to wait on IUI treatments. THE NERVE! I love him dearly but seriously? How dare you say something like that! I'd love to be off this roller coaster, too, but I don't have a choice.

Missy, your wedding plans sound lovely. I'm sorry you feel like you have to choose between the two. It's so unfair that we can't just get pregnant like all these young women who don't even want a baby - or who already have more than they can handle.

Perhaps if you have to put the wedding on hold, you can think of how fun it will be to have a little ring bearer or flower girl to enjoy it with? I support you in whatever you choose is more important. :)

Lisette, how are things going with you?

11 years ago

Ok, sorry for the duel post..but now the pendulum has swung in the other direction and I think there still might be a chance....(seriously, the roller coaster is a night mare!)

My BFN's were clear as day negative, but looking on this site, about 12% of women still get a false negative at 15 dpo. Why oh why can't AF just come so I can stop this craziness...

11 years ago

Court, all you can do is ride the roller coaster. Stay positive until AF starts. I took my last test at 17dpo, and I was still hoping.

And, you are not riding the roller coaster alone. Guys are different, and they show their emotions in some weird ways. I've really never asked my bf how he feels about it being so tough. I imagine he is going through some the same things in his own way. It is a roller coaster, indeed, complete with really high, highs and really low, lows. So, so sorry that you had such a bad low :(

My bf is aggravating when it comes to the bd'ing schedule. I know that every other day for a week can be taxing, but we have to do what we have to do. It was way harder in the beginning when he was so sure that everything was going to happen quickly and naturally. It is a little bit easier now.

As far as wedding plans, there is no doubt that we will choose a baby. Neither of us are going anywhere, and there will be many more days for us to have the day of our dreams. But it seems like if we don't do this now it is never going to happen -- sure there has been a year of cycle tracking and opks, but there has been several years of 'sort of' not trying and 'not really trying, but not really not trying'. Maybe I should have realized that something was off sooner.

Going on Clomid was a Christmas present, of sorts. My dr had told me that he would prescribe the Clomid when we were sure. I started trying to talk him into it immediately, but he was hesitant and wanted to do things "naturally". Christmas Day was cd1 - and he said that we could try it. We even had a 'procreation vacation' to Cozumel in February. I can't believe that it is July, and now we are talking fertility drs, iuis, and ivfs. I never, ever thought this would happen.

Just try and stay positive until AF, Court, and allow yourself to be unhappy for a little while without reservation.

It will be worth every agonizing moment! :)

11 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies

I have not been able to log in as often as i like lately. I offered to work overtime for the next couple of weeks without really thinking about. Now it seems like all I do is work.

Missy your wedding plans sound fantastic that would be a perfect date to celebrate your anniversary and wedding. it just matters what you both want and what will make you guys happy. It is unfortunate that treatment has to be so expensive!! Everything we go through to have the worlds best blessing.

I wont see the doctor until the 26th so I still have a ways to go. Back in Nov I miscarried at about 5 weeks, so around this time. I am exactly 5 weeks today. I dont really have any symptoms which sometimes scares me. I want to feel something! I've been bloated and at times have cramps but nothing really. I still temp everyday so every morning I put my mind at ease with every high temp.

Court just remember you are not out until AF shows her ugly face. I dont think guys really understand our emotions sometimes. They have to be a little bit stronger than us to help us get through tough times. There are lots of highs and lows, so when your BFP comes along, it will be worth having gone through all those lows because it will happen.

I know we will all get our BFP.

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

Thank you both for being so supportive and sending positive thoughts my way. Still no AF, still BFNs. This is horrid.

Missy, I thought of you this morning because there was a segment on the news this morning about fertility financing. Apparently, companies are now allowing you to finance their fertility treatments much like you would a car or anything else. You are able to pay things in manageable monthly payments. It might be something to look for as you discuss saving.

As for the wedding, I think you're making the right choice with the baby. Things may get a lot tougher once you reach 40+, which is a ways a way...but certainly if you have to choose one, I think you're choosing wisely.

I, too, never thought I'd be in this situation. I had a friend going through it last year and I used to think to myself how lucky I was to have a regular cycle and nothing wrong...HA! Little did I know I'd be in her exact position one year later. I'm definitely scared of the IUIs and I get down when I think that I can't have a baby like most makes me less of a woman in a way. And this, coming from the girl who's wanted a baby since I was 9 years old and was a 'mother's helper'. My whole life has revolved around kids. I think that's why I get so many questions from people who know me.

Missy, at least when you do go, they won't put you on clomid! You were able to 'skip' the first step in a sense; you're doc saved you a ton of money I'm sure!

Lisette, keep taking that temp every morning and then don't think about it again! After a while, the pregnancy hormone levels off in your system anyway - so it's common to not feel any symptoms!

I wonder at what point would it be crazy for me to go have a blood test done? How many dpo? I don't want to have false hope...but my lp is almost always 14 dpo.

Thinking I'm going to stick to my plan of fibbing about a migraine and not going to dinner tonight. Just not up for more baby talk.

Have a good day ladies! So glad I have you!

11 years ago

AF came. 4 days late...a cruel little trick.

11 years ago

:( Sorry Court.

My AF is so different than what it has been on the Clomid. I know I am being crazy, but you know all the stories about people who had a light AF and then found out they are prego. So, even though I know in my heart of hearts that I am not, I guarantee you I will still take a hpt to be 100% sure. Nothing like wasting my money, but I guess it is a little piece of mind.

We've been talking about the financing like you mentioned. It is just like a car payment, which just seems weird. UGH! This is just miserable.

My bf and I have just recently come to the realization that we aren't as young as we think we are :) After the 1st week in August, it is only THREE - 3!!! years until were 40. Where has all the time gone? On the upside, we are really excited and totally ready to be parents... apparently into retirement :) I know that there are a lot of people holding off these days, but I'm going to snap on the next unplanned pregnancy younger person I know... I'm not, of course, but I am going to really want to...

Don't ever, EVER think that you are less of a women because you need a little assistance to help you conceive. I'm sure there are so many women out there that have been in the same position as us, and we have no clue. We are truly fortunate to live in a time where we have options and modern medicine to help mother nature along. And I know for all our worrying and thinking the worst, we still have some unexplored options, and in that is a great deal of hope :) Those girlhood dreams will come true, one way or another, Court - and you're going to be a great mom with an unbelievable appreciation for all the good times and the not-so-great times with your little one. By the time your my age you will be worrying about elementary school things and all this worry and heartbreak will be a thing of the past.

My doctor has been GREAT! He started me on the Clomid, and he has been only charging me for the initial ultrasounds the months where I've had multiple ones. I'm not even allowing myself to think of the expenses that we are getting ready to have.

It's a new month, Court!!! Refill your cup of hope, and let's do this!! This will be the month :)

11 years ago • Post starter

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