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Alternatives to IVF??


I have been ttc first baby for 2 years. Seen a ob/gyn. He prescribed Clomid for 4 cycles and no pregnancy. I have been charting for 8 months and shows ovulation. We have BD every other day. Had a sonohysterogram and results are fine. DH has had a SA and fine. Doc isnt sure why we haven't gotten pregnant.

Doc sugessted for us to see a Fertility Specialist and look into IVF.

Is there other options before trying IVF that isnt as expensive as IVF?

We have tried Preseed this month so hopefully this works.

Looking for support during this difficult time.

3 Replies • 7 years ago



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iui might be the alternative. It's cheaper but has lower success rates. If you consider ivf and would pay out of yr pocket, I would recommend undergoing ivf at overseas clinics. More affordable prices and high-quality treatment. In vitro costs from EUR 2000 at the top Polish ivf clinic, and clinics get more than 50% success rate. Good luck with yr treatment

7 years ago

I would definitely look into acupuncture. I don't know much about it, but saw this video on YouTube a few days ago. I am new to TTC and didn't get pregnant the first cycle. Thinking about the possibilities I heard about "cold uterus" or "uterine cold" from Chinese medicine. For now I'm gonna try just warm baths and always keeping my feet warm, but if it ends up a few months from now and not pregnant, I will see an acupuncturist. Let me know if you try it or another idea! Good luck!

...I'm having trouble copying the link from the YouTube "Eastern Medicine helping infertile couples" and it's by a news station, KOCO 5 News. I've also been enjoying Heidi Brockmyre channel too- she is an acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner.

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7 years ago

Thank you for your replies. I will look into acupunture.

I am currently trying IUI. If this doesnt work then IVF for 1 cycle as its covered by our medical plan.

7 years ago • Post starter

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