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Anybody else 40 and up and TTC after a loss?

Hi ladies!

I will be forty one this July. My finance and I (getting married May 27 2016) have been actively TTC for our first child together since Oct 2015. We experienced a MC of nine and 1/2 week twins last January. No BFP since. We've agreed to try to conceive through one more pregnancy and or through June 2016. Which ever comes first. I have been taking a lot of different supplements in addition to my prenatal to enhance egg quality and fertility since our loss. This cycle I started Progesterone cream following ovulation for the first time.

Currently 8 DPO today with a notable temp dip this morning (hoping it's indicative of implantation). So hard not to get my hopes up to high by symptom spotting this early in the game. It seems like I felt or think I could be pregnant for the last cycles with disappointment when AF showed. However, I'm trying to stay optimistic. Temps have remained high since ovulation until the dip this morning. Pelvic cramps started yesterday and I continue to have a small amount of creamy white CM. FX for this cycle.

Tell me a little about yourself and your journey? Where are you at in your cycle?

DS 8-96, DD 1-01, MMC 12-10, MC twins 1-16 Fiance and I have been ATTC for our first together since Oct 2015

11 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi, there.

I will be 41 in August. My partner and I are TTC since our loss at nine weeks on New Years Eve. It's been quite an emotional journey for me, as I seemed to have convinced myself that I was pregnant the last couple of cycles and experiencing such disappointment with AF showing.

We have high hopes for this month and trying to stay positive. I'm currently on cycle day 6, waiting to ovulate. Best of luck to you......

8 years ago

I turned 40 in December, I have 2 adult children, 1 grandson and another on the way due in June. My new partner and I are getting married next year but we know that if we would like to have a child time is not on our side. He's 31, never been married, no kids so we've been trying since August 2015. I suffered an ectopic in October 2014 which was very devastating, physically and emotionally and I've just recently received the all clear from my Dr. to go ahead and have a baby, no blockage in the tube, hormones are great, all good under the hood! Yet we're struggling to conceive? The only thing against me is my extremely tipped uterus which can be more difficult but there are ways around it, position during sex and laying on your stomach after sex instead of your back with legs in the air LOL Anyways, I REALLY hope I'm pregnant this cycle and I have a million and 1 symptoms but I just went to wipe and there was the tiniest dot of red. I already feel defeated, DAM AF TAKE A HINT ALREADY! I'm frustrated because when I was younger it was very easy to get pregnant with my kids and it's not as though I "feel" 40 so I guess I need to be realistic about my age and possibly see a FS? I wish I had friends who were TTC that were my age. It's a different ball game now. BABY DUST TO ALL !

I'm currently 12 dpo and impatiently waiting to test until after AF is due. I can't handle a BFN, I'll just wait to see if she rears her ugly head first.

Me: 40 Him: 32 Spencer 23 Deanna 22 Owen(grandson)2 Jasper(grandson)newborn TTC our own special baby

8 years ago

Hello all

I hope you don't mind me joining this thread? I have sat back and followed quite a few of the other threads but not felt the need to add to them, this one I feel I can and want to.

I have four children, one son, three daughters. The elder two are adult and so I only have two daughters at home with me now. i found myself single four years ago after 23 years of marriage and now have been with my partner for two years, a most wonderful man and I feel blessed to have finally found my soulmate.

I joined this site in January this year as my OH and I had been trying for just over a year but to no avail. Then on Jan 31 we discovered we were indeed having a baby. Prior to that I'd gone down the road of submersing myself in supplements for various things such as egg quality etc... And it obviously did the job.

Needless to say we were over the moon and overjoyed. There followed the most blissful month of desperately keeping it to ourselves yet planning and falling in love with our very own baby, until a week before my 43rd birthday when I had the most horrific fall down the stairs in work. Was an awful fall and immediately my thoughts went to my baby. Three days passed with no adverse effects or so it seemed until I awoke on the fourth day to minor bleeding. Long story short I had to have many blood tests testing hcg rises and falls. A truly roller coaster of a journey resulted in me being admitted to hospital to have a medically managed miscarriage on my actual birthday. Utterly horrendous day as I was quite a bit more along than we thought.

And so, I have just started my first AF since the mc and am feeling ready (as we really don't have the time to hang about) to get back on this crazy bus called ttc!

So if you don't mind I'd like to share here my own experiences, thoughts and questions whilst following and being party to yours too. I sincerely hope that it's a short path until we find our light at the end of our tunnels. Xxx

8 years ago

Hello ladies! Im 40 and ttc after a loss of a different kind. I llost my daughter to a brain tumor and never ever thought i would be even in this situation again. My prayers and sprinkles of baby dust to you all. Im currently 13 days past ovulation and very scared, so scared i havent even tryed to test and this is the first time im even speaking about it, i just pray god sees fit to bless me! I have been nauseous emotional and tierd, im due on tommorow. Scared as hell!!!

8 years ago

Hi Calliberry,

I'm exactly in the same boat I'm 13 dpo today and have no signs of AF. I'm excited but I'm scared, scared about a few things. I had an ectopic gone wrong in Oct 2014 and I'm telling you it still effects me today. I think about it all the time and I'm terrified to conceive yet want it so badly. My tube isn't blocked and I have the all clear from the Dr's but I'm just scared.

Plus I'm older, that's scary, how will my body react, will I have as much energy as I did when I was 17.....I'm betting NOT!

There are so many variables and I think our broken hearts design more fear in us than anything. I'm so sorry for your loss and I don't know you but I'm so proud of you for trying again. That's shows a huge amount of courage, bravery and badassery :)

Let us know how it goes when you test! Be brave

Me: 40 Him: 32 Spencer 23 Deanna 22 Owen(grandson)2 Jasper(grandson)newborn TTC our own special baby

8 years ago

Hi cjandmario, I totally understand how you feel. Scared I'm hulusinating, scared I am and my body's to old to carry a new life, scared in general. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you! I'm healthy the doc said, nothing but timing and mindset hindering me, but we will still worry regardless, And yes at our age as young as I look and feel inside and out, I miscarried in Dec 14 and was totally devistated. Made me scared to try again, but here we both are and ttc again, you are extremely brave yourself and try not to stress on it ok, and thank you for you words they touched me! Keep faith and please let me know when you test ok! I'm waitin till next week, don't want to test just yet no matter how hard it is to wait lol!!! Be brave too Cj ??

8 years ago

To Elizalu, I am so so sorry for your loss. I understand your trepidation, but please have faith and please keep me posted on your journey, baby dust sprinkles times 10 and please don't stress just breath and pray this is it for you, I truly hope so!

8 years ago

Aranha48 it's very stresseful waiting for AF every month with full on symptoms that u just know are not imaginary, but each time AF rears her ugly head! Devistating! So I have given up on the total stress fest and have bravely adapted a 'I will keep tryin but won't stress about tests and signs anymore and I'm praying it helps eliviate how I felt previously! We are older and as much as were 100 wanting this blessing, it's up to him upstairs, so I'm taking a chill pill lol my idea is less stress and pressure on myself the better chance to conceive, dunno if it will work but at least I know the reduced stress might help!?! So please try as best as you can not to stress and baby sprinkles to you! Let me know how it goes for you please xxx

8 years ago

Havingfaith2016, I totally get that! And I hope in a. Week or so you have some fantastic news to share with us! I hope you and your partner get your dream! Baby dust xxx

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to update. I'm onto a new cycle with renewed hope. I almost thru in the towel last cycle but have renewed hope after having another TTC appt with my OBGYN.
I started Clomid on CD3 with my last dose this Tuesday evening the 12th. I'll be following it up with Progesterone after confirmed ovulation. I'll continue to temp, use OPKs and PreSeed in addition to my medicine cabinet of vitamins/supplements for egg quality.
We have only 3-4 more cycles before we make peace with not having a child of our own together. Staying hopeful.

How is everybody? Any BFPs yet? If not where are you in your current cycle?

DS 8-96, DD 1-01, MMC 12-10, MC twins 1-16 Fiance and I have been ATTC for our first together since Oct 2015

8 years ago • Post starter

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