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ttc after a miscarriage

hi guys well im new to this but i just needed to post this somewhere to see if anybody went thru the same thing or has any information they can give me
i had an early miscarriage on jan 22nd i was only around 4 weeks i went to the doctors on the 28th and my hcg levels were zero and i stopped bleeding that day , i bled for 7 days all up but only had to wear a liner throughout the entire 7 days i did lose clots and tissue (sorry tmi) my husband and i bd on the night of the 28th and have pretty much done so every other night since it has now been 4 weeks since my miscarriage and im not sure when i should be getting my period back again i know everybody is different but even just an indication on roughly when some other ppl got theirs back would be great i was ok after my miscarriage i guess and wanted to start right away with ttc but with no period in sight not even any pains i usually get before i get the period im confused i have never had a miscarriage before and i know the doctors say to wait a cycle or 2 but i feel ready and my hcg levels went straight down to zero pretty quickly please does anybody have any info i feel like im losing my mind with waiting for a positive hpt or my period , i am also taking metformin and folic acid sorry for the long post just wanted to make sure i didnt miss anything

21 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi hun I'm so sorry for your loss :(
I had a 5 week mc on 25th Jan so I really get where you're coming from.

I know lots of people advise waiting a cycle or 2, but with an early mc like ours it's more to do with dating it properly. Unless you had complications which is unlikely considering your bleeding stopped and cycle came back as normal.

There is also a theory that you are more fertile in the 6 weeks after mc, which would roughly be until the 2nd ovulation if you have average 28 day cycles. I'm due on 21st/22nd and have got faint lines yesterday and today. Not sure if they are evap lines or not but it could be a bfp on its way.

Soo you could well be pregnant already :) I hope you get your answer hun.

Lots of sticky baby dust coming your way xx

10 years ago

thank you , im sorry for your loss â?¦ im starting to drive myself crazy with testing hpt and opk im sure on the hpt i can see a really really faint line and my sister inlaw can see something aswell but my husband has only been able to see a faint line on one of them , when he says he cant see it , it crushes me and i throw the test out when i got my last it was really faint at 9 dpo and he couldnt see it but my sister inlaw and i could then at 10 dpo i got the pink line â?¦ im hoping the no show of aunt flow is a good sign â?¦ i checked my cervix today and it is extremely high that high i can only just touch it my cm is clear like egg white but i cant feel it enough to see if it is soft or if it is open or closed , i also got a negative opk today aswell on getting your im hoping i get mine soon

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello All, I too MC at 5 weeks in Jan. ~ Jan 31st, bled for 6 days. beta test two weeks ago were 17, the week of the MC it was 26. I have no clue when my period will return. Do I treat the MC as a cycle??? My husband and I BD, as usual, I had creamy discharge and a small amount of pink blood a moment ago. This is not normal for me before AF. I am going through every emotion your are.. Could I be??? I don't want to get to anxious! I don't want to test, trying to wait everything out. I had another beta test two days ago and I have a Dr.'s appointment on Monday. I guess I will address my concerns with her then.. Wishing, hoping, trying not to worry through my constant worring!!!! Best wishes. BABY DUSTING you both.

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10 years ago

hi kelika , sorry for your loss â?¦ late this afternoon when i wiped i had some pinkish blood (sorry tmi) but its only when i wipe if 4 weeks is my time for AF to come back then that has been and gone i am on cycle day 31 today and only had that pinkish blood so im not sure what it is â?¦ i read that if you miscarry around the time AF is due then its classed as a cycle but if it isnt around that time then its not im not sure if it is true though , its not impossible for you to be pregnant i hope you get your soon to you keep us updated on how you go with everything and i will do the same

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. Unfortunately I was having a chemical pregnancy. Pretty horrific luck the first cycle after a mc. At least I now will have a more accurate cycle this month.

How are you ladies coping? I'm an emotional mess really. My best friend keeps putting her foot in it. She had a little girl last year and has just had a coil fitted. Now she keeps talking about all the pregnancy symptoms and dreams she's having. Not nice, but she doesn't realise how much it really hurts.

Would be nice to have a ttc friend who's going through the same. I'm 22, OH is 21. Been together 3 years and ttc #1. We've had 2 mc and now 1 chemical. Desperate to start our family as I have health problems which means I should have my family younger. Really hoping that we get our sticky baby soon xx

10 years ago

hi jessdjok
really sorry to hear of your losses im still playing the waiting game AF reared her ugly head for 4 days starting the 21st so no im waiting to ovulate to try again â?¦ it is hard when your friends dont understand how your feeling , i had my sister inlaw i dont have many friends :( but every time i cried she would tell me its ok but i didnt feel like it was ok i knew my bubba was gone before it was even confirmed i just had a feeling and when i said it to my sister inlaw she would try to reassure me no everything is going to be ok but it wasnt so i can kind of feel your pain i have just had 3 friends have babies and it crushed me seeing them posted up all over facebook , i know its probably hard but maybe speaking a little about what happened might help even if it is talking to us in here you need to find somewhere to get it off your chest i felt alot better after posting my post â?¦ im now on cycle 3 and im still waiting although im 30 and i do already have children i too have health issues and want 1 more baby before i can no longer have any i feel for you waiting on your first and i send hugs i hope you soon get your special gift of a beautiful child to call your own and feel free to come here and vent anytime you need to to you and im sending all the in the world to you

with everything hun xx

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

I had an early miscarriage at 4 months 3 days on January 9th of this year. I bled for seven days as well, but the next month my period came a few days early. I say just wait it out a few more days. I've read a lot about early miscarriage and it can really mess up your cycles. If the wait lasts too much longer you could call your doctor and talk with him or her.

Here's to hoping we'll all get our Rainbow Babies soon :)

10 years ago

Hello all. Sorry to hear about your losses.
My name is Sam, I'm 27, I have a 7 year old daughter from a previous relationship and ttc #1 with my partner of two and a half years. Last month I mc at practically 5 weeks after 3 months of trying. I was absolutely devastated as to be expected. My partners best friend told us a couple of days before hand that they were also expecting, due date of exactly what mine would have been. I'm now finding it hard to even think about socialising with them as naturally all they can do is talk about the pregnancy! My partner is a closed book so I can't really push him to discuss the feelings I'm having. My two friends who I (probably stupidly) told, I get the feeling that they think I'm overthinking it as I was so early on. It's pretty ALL I can think about though. I'm now worried I can't carry anymore, am I eating right, am I doing too much or too little, literally analysing every part of my life. Treating my mc as a normal cycle I would say I'm now on CD11, ovulation due in the next couple of days.
Wishing you all the greatest of luck this month.

10 years ago

Hi ladies. I obviously had a bit of a rough time getting over another loss. But 10 and 11dpo I had faint +hpt, but today on 12dpo it has got a lot darker! It's still early days but I'm feeling a bit more positive this time round! Mainly because I've been hit with a truckload of symptoms already and I've never felt like this so early on!

I hope you all have good new too!

Sticky baby dust to everyone! !!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies. Tomorrow is exactly one month since my miscarriage. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. Not that we were necessarily trying but we weren't using protection either. I started reading a lot online after the miscarriage. I kept reading about women getting pregnant and having healthy babies right after a miscarriage without having a period so, I was kind of hoping that might happen to us. So we're either going to test in a couple more days or maybe next week or AF will show in the mean time. The miscarriage didn't bother me much at first but, I think it's starting to. I think I just distanced myself from the feelings at first because I felt like something wasn't right almost from the start. I didn't think I was feeling how I should considering I was pregnant. I looked up information on things that could go wrong, especially miscarriage all the time. So, I feel like I knew something was wrong before I actually knew, ya know. I don't know I sound kind of crazy reading over my post lol. I think what upsets me most is that time frame you start to plan your life around like by this date I'll be this many weeks or this many summer I'll be half way to meeting my baby that kind of thing. I think when October comes around it's going to be hard. Even now I'm thinking I would have been in the "clear" i.e. 12 weeks this coming Monday. Even though 12 weeks doesn't necessarily mean your baby is safe but, it's one of those milestones that can make you feel better. Knowing you're that much closer to meeting your beautiful baby.

I had bloodwork done after the miscarriage and they discovered I have a gene mutation called NTHFR anyone have experience with this? From what I understand the doctors office said that they think I have a clotting problem and may need to be put on blood thinners to be able to carry successfully but, they are not sure if it's actually a clotting problem or something else. So, I have an appointment with a hematologist scheduled for the 31st so hopefully we'll know more then. We're scared to know there's something that may be holding us back but, at the same time I feel a little better knowing that the miscarriage wasn't my fault too.

So, now that I've blabbed long enough how are all you ladies doing? Very good I hope!

10 years ago

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