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Clomid Buddies

Hi Everyone! Can you believe it is already time to start a new thread! Hello to all the ladies that have been in this group for so long and welcome to the new ladies joining us. This is (in my opinion) one of the best threads on here and it is so nice to share with each other as we go through this sometimes difficult journey.

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285 Replies • 13 years ago



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Yay new thread!

Welcome new ladies and hi to the friends ive already made!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Thanks Margaret for starting us on thread #4 (I think). Man! We are flying through them these days!

Norms - ! I think its still pretty early for you right? I'm sorry about your . I know that staring at the ONE line is SO disheartening!

Shea - Sometimes I feel like its just easier to be pessimistic too. It takes SO MUCH out of you to get your hopes up and have them crushed month after month! When it DOES happen for us though, it will make us SO happy!!!

AFM - should be here tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she's coming.

13 years ago

Victoria - I hope stays away tomorrow for you. When was the last time your tested? I always know when AF is coming for me because I get a migraine. She should be arriving tomorrow or the next day for me so we will see. I am still holding out on testing.

Shea - I agree. Sometimes it is easier not to be hopeful. THis way you have less to fall if it doesn't go in your favour. I know it will happen for all of us day.

Norms - how many DPO are you?

AFM - I am 11DPO today. Still haven't tested. Hubby is away so I am trying to wait. If AF doesn't show by Thursday that will be a huge sign that things are going in my favour. We will see though. It would sure be awesome this month.

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13 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Margaret for starting a new thread!!

Welcome all my ladies and any newbies wanting to join! You won't regret just write down your feelings and let it out!! This is what we are here for!

Specially today for. I'm usually super optimistic. But today I'm on 8DPO and I truly really feel like this bfn today is the real deal. I've hardly had any symptons and I my period is only 7 days away and I'm already getting pimples and AF like cramps!!

I'm so bummed out that I can't even concentrate at work. So I just decided to get in here with my blackberry and let it out!!

What would I do without you chicas???



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13 years ago

Norms: hang in there- your only still 8dpo... I know that doesn't make you feel better- but I have read that the average person doesn't get a faint bfp until 13 dpo! So you still have a few days to go.........

As for me: I am moving on to this next cycle - day 2 for me now. Filling my clomid prescription and starting that tommorrow..... new dose.... new hope!!!! Just scared it won't happen again or ever on clomid... but putting that out of my mind for now and just thinking this will be a new month and a new try!

Hopefully we will have a few bfps this month!!!!!!
My name is Carolyn......

13 years ago

Yeaay! New thread.

Hi everyone,

Norms- At least you know that it's completely out of your system. Easier said than done but try not to be dissapointed. It is still early. Am sure there are so many people who have tested around 8DPO and have gotten their BFP later on. I think I might break before Sunday and test too. This TWW is way harder than I thought it would be this cycle. Thinking about you Norms. Hang in there s.

Rachel- I really really liked the last blog you posted. It really put things into perspective for me. Dh has to pick me up every cycle when I get the BFN. It must be super hard for them too. Not only do they have to go through the TTC struggles but comfort us as well. Next time I really have to think about him before I break down. I feel so selfish thinking about it now. Although I don't feel better if I don't lock myself up in a room and cry for a good half hour. I know this is crazy. How are you feeling? Have you started clomid yet?

Victoria- .

Lisser- Where are youuuuuuuuuu? Did you decide to move to Vegas?

Shea- Sending an your way. ing this is the cycle for you.

Margaret- I have a crazy feeling you are going to get a . Just this feeling I have. I am not just saying that just to say it.

Hope everyone is doing ok.

AFM: I am on 5DPO but I totally feel out this month. I just do. Intuition. Don't think it is happening this cycle either. It's weird last cycle I totally felt pregnant. This time, I almost know for sure I am not going to be pregnant. I don't know how I am going to pick myself up after this cycle. That will only give me 3 more tries with clomid and that is if the doctor still says I can keep taking it. Have no symptoms whatsoever. Trying so hard to be strong. Hardest part is that there are no teaching jobs rigth now so how do I even keep myself busy at home.

you all.

Quote of the day:

"The only way out is through"

Sorry don't know who it's from.

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13 years ago

Margaret - thanks for starting a new thread! It really is the greatest thread on this site. Hold off as long as you can to test. Praying for a BFP for you!

Carolyn - good luck this cycle!

Love - I forget sometimes how hard all of this is for DH too. I am going to post a blog around Fathers Day that is dedicated to our men and all they help us through. Be sure to look out for that one!

Shea - I am praying for twin BFPs for us. Dare I say, even a set of twins for us both this cycles? LOL. DH and I have been talking a lot about wanting twins lately. After all of this hassle we want a two for one deal.

Norms - 8dpo is still too early to test. You aren't out yet. BFNs suck though regardless.

AFM - first day of Clomid! CD5. Praying for success!

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

13 years ago

Afternoon ladies!

Norms- dont be discouraged. cramps are a great indicator of implantation especially around 8dpo so are breakouts.

Victoria- I hope AF doesnt show up for you!!!!! super hard.

Margret- Are you getting a migrane? i always get a killer backache before AF. she stays away from you too!

Nat- thank you so much. you are such a sweetheart! I hope your not out. you still have another week to go your intuition could change!

Carolyn- just try to stay busy. that is the only thing that helps me. if im not busy i drive myself insane. this will be your last month on clomid and you will have a bean on the way soon!!!!

Rachel- OMG me and DH want twins too! he has twin half- sisters that are way younger than him that we basically have raised since they were born so we are pretty used to taking care of 2. I would love it and it runs on both sides of our family so lets pray for twin twin BFPs! of course i would be overjoyed with just one health happy baby and im sure you would be too.

AFM-I just got back from town. I had to stock up on my fertility crap. I have decided to try instead cups this month. I spent almost $70 on all my ttc stuff. TTC is almost as expensive as having a baby (if not more ) owell at least we know we can afford one!

So far this cycle im using: soy, royal jelly, OPKs, Prenatals, instead soft cups, preseed, and pineapple (after O). wow that seems like alot.

Praying for all of yall!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Shea - that is so funny! I would be thrilled with one healthy baby too though.

I am using soft cups this cycle for the first time and I am kind of nervous about using them. Does anyone have any tips? They just seem kind of big and I am not sure how I am going to get one up there

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

13 years ago

Hey Rachel - I used the softcups the cycle before my current one. I have also used the diva cup. Lots of people say the soft cup is better because everything sits up closer to the cervix but after using both I liked the Diva cup better. I feel like the swimmers got stuck in the folds of the softcup. Does that make sense? Also I got preggers when I was using the Diva cup so maybe that is why I feel more positive about it.

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13 years ago • Post starter

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