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@9 dpo and experiencing symptoms i never have before

hello everyone,
this is my first time ever posting on here, although i have been living on this site steadily since i ovulated, or at least am pretty sure i did... i never took an opk, but going from my predicted day of o, and paying extremely close attention to my body and it's symptoms, i believe i am now 9dpo. this is all still really new to me, so please bare with me:) my husband and i bd a few times before, during and after predicted o. since then, i have been extremely exhausted and fatigued. over the past 9 days now i've experience SO MANY symptoms, and am trying really hard not to go crazy(ier) :) to list a few of my symptoms, increased creamy cm(started out clear and watery, then went creamy) sorry if tmi:) nausea, VIVID dreams, a whole lot of on and off cramping in my left low pelvic area, VERY bloated, constipated, burping and gassiness comes out of nowhere, feeling pressure too... also have been VERY moody and emotional, crying, bawling crying, at the drop of a hat...back hurts worse than normal... headache... my stomach and rest of my body has been itchy for past 2 days now... aversions to some foods i normally like, increased thirst and more frequently having to p for past 3 days...i haven't ever felt this # and combination of symptoms before and don't know if we are actually preggo or if i am losing my mind:) af is due sunday or monday and i am trying desperately to wait to poas, but with these mounting and lasting symptoms that is getting very tough...thanks for letting me vent and i wish lots and lots of baby dust out to all of you:) praying for our

9 Replies • 13 years ago



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Bless your heart. I am feeling a bunch of the same things (not all, but ESPECIALLY the moodiness) but I've got tingling in my breasts, like when you are breastfeeding and it's time to nurse, a "stitch" in my side and/or behind my belly button (depending on the moment), and a stuffy nose mostly in the mornings since 4DPO.

I too am trying to not be over-reactive...actually ALL my symptoms were gone this morning... I think we are both normal ~ I'm 44, wasn't actively TTC and am in a minor panic mode, but if I get a BFP, I'll be thrilled! Scared half to death but thrilled just the same!

Best of luck to you! If AF doesn't come, I'm testing on Monday.

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13 years ago

thanks so much for your kind words littleadsmom:) this tww can make one crazy!!! i've never been pregnant before and i am 34 now... this is all soooo foreign to me, and yes its scary as hell... had NO idea what ALL went into making a little bundle of joy, beyond the obvious of course... spent all these years on bc trying NOT to get pregnant and now here i am....thanks for helping me feel like i'm not crazy:) best of luck to you and let me know what happens! i broke down today and got my dh to pick me up some $ store tests, and of course had to take 1 of them today which was of course a bfn(at 9 dpo) those tests say to test day of missed period but since i'm a little irrational and emotional right now, of course i went ahead...but i will be testing again on monday too and pray that its a

13 years ago • Post starter

I got my BFP on a $ store test at 10 DPO. It was VERY faint, but there. Good Luck to you!!!

Linda User Image

13 years ago

that is awesome linda, congrats:) thanks for letting me know, i really feel like i am, but i guess only a little more time will tell! i've never felt this way before but i don't want to get my hopes up too much either...gonna wait and test again this weekend and then again on monday if necessary... fingers crossed:)

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey there :) I am also 9 dpo.. I took a test yesterday just bcos and it of course was a BFN.. So I skipped a day (today) and I am planning on taking a first response 6 days sooner test tomorrow am (at 10 dpo). I am hoping for at least a faint positive.. That would be sooo wonderful! But in the back of my mind I am really set that it will be negative, I guess I can't be let down that way if I trick myself into thinking it definitely will be a BFN.. You know? Anyway.. I will probably be taking a test every day from tomorrow on until I either get my period or my dreams come true with a
Oh yea.. I have lots and lots of symptoms and I feel just like I did a couple of months ago when I was for sure pre go (before we lost our baby Angel Lee ).. So maybe I am.. If not, then I am officially crazy! Lol

I wish you Bunches of and I hope we both get our wishes soon!

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13 years ago

This is my first time being active on the site too! 1st TWW since mc in March and I knew last time 8 dpo, I'm very aware of changes in my body. We are a military family and I'm trying to get prego before my hubby deploys so idk if I'm having actual symptoms or if I'm just that hopeful! I've had some of the same symptoms as some of you ladies! ~fingers crossed~
None of these are normal for me before AF at all...
Super sore bbs, extreme exhaustion (can hardly get off the couch and I'm VERY active), cramping 7 dpo and again today (9 dpo), I can smell everything (I could smell my sons shoes 20 feet away but hubby says they didn't smell!), I feel like there's a ballon in my tummy (usually pretty flat) and way bigger appetite...maybe my body is just bouncing back after mc???

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13 years ago

omg jus wanna give u big hugs!!! ... im 10dpo... and im 2 scared 2 do a test .... im worried i wont b.... im really tearful ... cryin as i write this lol.... mt beasts feel tingley and i have a dull ache in my left side... thats all im worried its not enough....
we have been tryin 4 so long but this is the 1st month wen we have done the test properly.....
i wish u all the best of luck x x x x x x x

13 years ago

excuse my spellin its the tears lol x

13 years ago

I am 8dpo today and having some symptoms also. I tested yesterday and of course I got a bfn! This morning my bra is very tight and my veins look crazy on my sides and breasts. I also have a weird crampy thing happening in my uterus that is unlike my period along with the same backache I get before af. The weirdest thing is, day before yesterday a person I don't see very often kepy looking at me strange and finally asked me,"Are you expecting?". Keep us posted Karen and good luck to everyone!

13 years ago

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