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Lutheal phase defect

hi ladies,

me (36) and my husband (30) are ttc for about a year now. I ovulate every cycle without fail in around day 14, however my problem is that my cycles are very short, 23 days almost always, December was 26days, and October 2012 was the only 28 day cylce I had in a long time. So naturally that's me thinking that isthe reason I'm not pregnant, maybe I have lutheal phase defect. I havent' gone to doctors yet, and I will consult a natural healer/acupuncturist first, as I am not to keen on western medicine, and will like to do this naturally if possible.

Any other ladies out there who are battling with this issue? Anyone who managed to fix it naturally?
I've tried progesterone cream and extra B6, Vitex, Rojal Jelly, baby aspirin, raspberry leaf tea, yoga, etc all these things, but so far no joy.

any advice would be welcome!

many thanks

2 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi Gabby,

Mind if I call you that? I'sorry to hear about the LP defect. I tought that I had LP defect too since I realise my BBT rises 10days before AF. Then I've been look up though the net. 10 days LP is fine, because implantation happens 6-12 DPO. And it usually happens on 9DPO. And That did Not Means that implantation On 6DPO just Wouldn't Happen. I Heard That Pine Apple can Help with implantation.. may be That Can Help

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11 years ago

thank you Aidedahelmi!

I spoke to my GP this week, and she didnt think either that my short period is a problem, but did refer me and hubby to a fertility clinic for tests....fingers crossed! will try the pineapple though, many thanks. 2dpo today, very hopeful this month

babydust to all

11 years ago • Post starter

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