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JUST GOT MY BFP after chemical NO PERIOD in btween I KNEW IT

Some of you may have noticed me create a few post over the last few weeks to see how likely it would be to ovulate and conceive after a chemical/early miscarriage.

Well ladies its very likely! Im very fertile and i knew that i was pregnant AGAIN. FREQUENT URINATION and tingling boobs were my biggest giveaways. i had my chemical/early miscarriage at 5 weeks gestation give or take a few days. That was on June 5th just 3 weeks ago to the day!!. My doctor followed my level down to zero and ive had negative pregnancy test up until yesterday and that very hour!!. i ovulated only a few short days after my bleeding stopped which was around CD 11 or 12 counting from the first day of bleeding. Pay attention to your bodies ladies!!!

Just got my BFP lastnight on FRER with evening urine. light pink positive. that line is definiely there. I will test again in the AM because im sure my urine was sortve diluted so my BFP will be much much darker tomorrow. i tested two days ago and got two BFN's! But now imm pregnant just 3 weeks after early miscarriage/chemical. Baby Dust to ALLL!

27 Replies • 11 years ago



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I am so excited for you!!! If you don't mind I would love to follow you so I can hear your continued story! I am just having a chemical pg atm. Just started AF/chemical mc today and I am worried about when I am going to ovulate again. Going to test with opk's this cycle even though I don't want to.
Are you going to get blood work done to check betas?

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11 years ago

Yes thats absolutely fine with me Thats why i posted so that others could get some anwers too. Be on the look out for your ovulation because in my case it happened way before i expected it to. Im gonna retest tonight when my hubby gets home because im an addict and i wanna see if my lines are darker. And then tomorrow im gonna make an appointment to have my betas taken!. This will be a successful pregnancy i can feel it!! This all happened so fast and i just knew i was pregnant cus of all the symptoms. and sorry for your loss!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Heres an update i went to my doctors urgent care/emergency lastnight just to get a beta because i am a worrier and my BETA is at 43.So i have to have it rechecked in a few days. The doctors and nurses were shocked seeing as how my chemical was followed alll the way down just 3 weeks prior. Im getting more nauseous and more symptoms so i feel good about everything.

Thanks Jess71311!! Ive only been trying for a few weeks now. My chemical pregnancy that i just had a few weeks ago was a complete surprise. And then when it ended so quickly my husband and i realized that we wanted more kids. after all. we thought we were done!!. We have a 2 year old girl. And a set of fraternal twins (boy and girl)

11 years ago • Post starter

I am truly so excited for you!!! I cannot wait to hear what your next set of betas is gonna be!!!!!

I am totally a worry person too, lol. Although I think next time I get a bfp and it sticks I don't know if I will want to run and get betas done, haha. I will be to worried to hear the results of them.

Glad to hear more pg symptoms are showing up =) Keep keeping us posted. =)

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11 years ago

I was going to ask did the doctors office seem worried you got pg right after the chemical? I can't imagine they would I mean its not like you're pg for long with a chemical so I don't think it would mess with your system much.

I also had another question but I totally forgot what it is!!! Grrr. I h8 that. I will post when I think of it, lol.

HA! I remember! You mentioned you ovulated earlier after your chemical? About how early do you think? I wouldn't worry about it as dh and I dtd pretty often but I have to take progesterone a couple days after O. I don't usually start testing for ovulation (when I have used opk's in the past) on CD 12 since I usually get postive btwn cd13-16. Then I think I might o after my surge is over.

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11 years ago

I know im excited but slightly nervous to hear my second set of BETAS. Im in the correct range because im about 3 weeks pregnant counting from the first day of bleeding from the miscarriage and it should be between 5-50 if im not mistaken. And yes i believe i ovulated somewhere between CD 10-11. =)

You guys wanna know whats weird though?? when they did a urine pregnancy test last night it came bask negative but their blood test came back positive at 43. But then i did TWO FRERS (first response early result) today and they are both darker than the ones i used a couple days ago so i know its progressing.You think maybe the emergency rooms urine test are not as sensitive as FRER? Maybe theirs are only 50 mil sensitive?? But i asked the doctor n she claims theirs are sensitive as well but that doesnt even seem logical to me. Please help me make sense of this LOL

11 years ago • Post starter

wow okay cd 10-11 that would be super early for me by a whole week! Hmm...I better test with OPK's this month think I will start testing on CD 9.

That is weird about the doctor's urine test. Maybe the person did it messed it up or it was a faulty test? Or that you are in fact rigt and the test they have is only a 50. And the nurse is just trying to save face.

I am going to go crazy wondering what your next beta will be and it's Friday to make it worse! So you can't go in on like Saturday or Sunday. When are you going in for your next beta round again?

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11 years ago

LOL yeah thats very weird right?? and i talked to my obgyn office today n they sent my lab papers down already to the lab so they told me to do it sunday morning. first they said saturday evening but then they changed it because they said its a 48 hour test? idk im happy i get to take it sunday morning though cause i thought i was gonna have to wait til like tuesday or something for some reason. BUT im sure i wont know the results til monday :(

N yes if i were you id start the opks at that time. i know everyone is different they say but u never know thats why u have to pay attention especially if your levels dropped very very fast.

11 years ago • Post starter

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