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Anyone have 4 c sections?

Hi all!
I just found out today I am pregnant with baby #5. I had one natural birth and 3 c sections. Last c section I had a thin uterine wall and had I contracted me and baby could have died (doc says). Doc said it is a condition that can happen again with future pregnancies. If I was to get pregnant after last baby(I am now) I would have to deliver early and would have to go to actual OR instead of labor and delivery. Wondering if anyone went through 4 c sections or any similar conditions I mentioned and had another baby after. I trust that everything happens for a reason and if I wasn’t going to be ok it wouldn’t have happened but I’m nervous. This wasn’t planned like my others and I wasn’t against it happening but def super nervous. I will be getting tubes tied this time.

4 Replies • 3 years ago



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I had my first vaginally and 4 by c-section. My third delivery was a planned VBAC, but during TOL I developed Bandl's Ring, which caused my uterine wall to stretch out tissue paper thin, therefore a very high risk for rupture. That was an emergent c-section. The next pregnancy, I developed severe polyhydramnios due to some issues with my daughter, which caused my uterus to stretch out very fast. At 30 weeks, I was bigger than I normally get by 40 weeks, but the walls didn't thin out. The pregnancy after her (5th baby), there were no issues. The OB who did the section said all looked great inside and gave the all clear for 5 more . I'm not sure what caused the thin wall for u, but it doesn't sound like it's something written in stone, or they would've said to stop having babies altogether. This sounds more like they're just gonna watch u a little closer as u hit ur 3rd trimester, due to ur past.

Try not to worry about all that right now. Enjoy the pregnancy and take the issues as they come. He didn't say it *will* happen, just that it *can*. Everything will be fine!

Congrats! =))

3 years ago

Yeah I mean they recommended no more but otherwise that lol ????????‍??????????‍?? Thanks !

3 years ago • Post starter

My sil had 4 cesareans. The 4th was complicated because of scar tissue and they told her no more.

3 years ago

I havent had any csection but my mum had 5 c sections (she couldn't give birth naturally) she was told it was higher risk after her 3red but went on to have 2 more and they did book them a little earlier just incase but they went absolutely fine good luck and try not to worry. Xx

3 years ago

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