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3 losses this year

This has been the most difficult period of my life to date. Since January we have had 3 losses, lost 3 babies that we so desperately wanted and so desperately loved. I am exhausted. My heart is shattered. I feel so low that I'm not sure which way is up. We are getting tests done this month and then we wait for results next cycle so it'll be July before we can TTC again and that is KILLING ME. On top of all that my SIL is expecting. Right around when I would have been due the baby from the 2nd loss of this year. She told us in the most insensitive way I could even have thought up despite knowing that we were grieving. When I told her that she hurt us by her lack of care she turned my husbands family against me and then my FIL called me a bully. Honestly, talk about kicking me while I'm down. Now they're trying to pretend nothing happened and I just can't fake it.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

3 Comments • 5 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Comments

Hopefully the tests will show something. May e progesterone issue? Maybe taking an aspirin a day would help? So sorry you have to deal with this. June will be a year for us trying again and no BFP yet :-( trying to have a baby shouldnt be so difficult.


5 years ago

I am so sorry Em. You're in my thoughts. xo

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4 years ago

I understand where you are coming from. I have been ttc for 4 years with 5 losses. It is one of the hardest things. I am hanging on to hope one day I will be a mom. It is difficult some days. I hope you get your rainbow baby this month. Keep the faith and stay strong.

4 years ago

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