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CD5 - looking for a cycle buddy?


I’m on CD5 (plus size and 35+) and looking for a cycle buddy - is anyone is a similar position?


10 Answers • 5 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Hi I’m 8 dpo.. or so I thought. I’m having positive OPKs again for the past 3 days this cycle and bbt just dropped this morning. so it looks like my body is gearing up for the O again? I’m starting to think I didn’t actually ovulate a week ago like I thought. Instead, I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured yesterday. Put me in the ER yesterday and they confirmed that I was not pregnant. So.. it looks like I might be ovulating again after all. I believe I will ovulate tomorrow, so tonight’ is my unexpected chance with DH. I’ll see what my bbt does tomorrow. I don’t know what to believe at this point about my body.. it’s all over the place!! FYI I’m CD 20, so there is still time to ovulate again if that’s what’s going on. On though it happens on CD 12, but why else would I have positive OPKs again and a sudden bbt drop?

5 years ago

Hey hey! I’m on CD5. I am entering the TTC world after giving up and taking a break 2 years ago. I had only tried for about 3-4 months, but it became really stressful for me. I am now in a different place with less stressers in my life and I’m ready. I am 33 and do not have any children and have never been pregnant.

5 years ago

Yes me! I'm 36, overweight and on CD 6. I've got a 15 month old already. Would love to be cycle buddies with y'all!

5 years ago

I’m now 1dpo (going by OPKs and BBT I think I ovulated yesterday) - still got a wee while before I can POAS, attempting not to test too early this time though but not as hopeful this month as hubby put his back out two days ago so SMEP went out the window.

5 years ago • Post starter

Hey there i'm CD7 today. I'm 41 TTC my first. Been evaluated by RE and diagnosed with mild PCOS (all else normal). Had one CP in January and a blighted ovum in March @7 weeks. This cycle we are trying letrozole 2.5 mg 1/day CD3-7. I'm going to the RE on friday for an ultrasound to check my follicles and when they tell me i'm ready i will take the HCG trigger shot to induce ovulation. Good luck to all you ladies and i hope we see some BFPs at the end of this cycle!

5 years ago

@MrsM2Be it could be anything at this point lol. I honestly think I’m probably out this cycle with everything that has been going on. I’m starting to temp now and will be ordering new OPKs once I know AF is here. I feel like I will be better prepared next cycle. I really do believe that I ovulate later in my cycle than I thought. Especially since my cycles are closer to that 31-33 range on average. Probably like every other 3-4 cycles I have a 27-28 day cycle.

Only time will tell! I’ll take another pg test in a couple days.
Your symptoms are promising!! Hope this it for you!!

5 years ago

8dpo and had a spot of blood when wiping today. I’ve had a stabbing feeling just across from my belly button which started really intensely last night and has dulled down a bit today (I’m not sure if today’s feeling is just a left over memory of the pain last night). I’ve also had a slight climb in my bbt (yesterday’s bbt went back to 36.5c after my drop to 36.2c and it’s 36.6c today). Really irritable, sensitive and weepy today so this could all be PMS symptoms as I’m due on Tuesday and I think the last time I was pregnant I probably felt worse that I’m feeling just now as I’m just a bit run down over the past few days.

5 years ago • Post starter

So it wasn’t our month and I’m CD1 again x

5 years ago • Post starter

Sorry it wasn't your month! I can join you this month if you'd like. I'm 37 and overweight. I have 3 kids already and I was overweight with them as well so I don't think it will be an issue.

I'm on CD 3 today and my period is just finishing up. I should be ovulating next week. I'll be using OPKs again and I ordered some pre seed because I've heard good things about it.

Good luck!

5 years ago

Hello ladies. Well I’m still in the same cycle, I feel like it will never end lol just waiting for AF to show up! I really hope I can figure out when I ovulate this next cycle, I already have some new OPKs and will be temping, and got some ‘conceive plus’ and put my DH on vitamins lol probably an overkill, but I’m just ready to get this going. I have an Appointment today with Obgyn, just going to get some basic tests done to make sure I’m good, healthy, and my hormones are good. Let’s hope we get are BFP this time!!

5 years ago

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