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Success story

Sometimes it happens when you arent planning it

Weve been trying for a baby for months, after a chemical pregnancy in March I was really depressed and negative. Because our doctor gave us the go ahead we tried religiously in April and nevertheless AF reared her ugly face. Come may... i honestly thought there was no chance... my boyfriend works as a merchant mariner... he had left for a 56 day contract... because i didnt want him to spend his birthday alone I flew to LA not even thinking concieving as a possibility as I was slated to have ovulated 4 days before my trip and wasnt even tracking it... imagine my surprise when I realized today I was late and two dark pink lines appeared. Were elated! I hope this one sticks. Early pregnancy is such a delicate mix of excitement and nerves. Best of luck and baby dust to all!

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3 Comments • 5 years ago



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Congratulations. When I gave birth to my son, my best friend and her then boyfriend (now husband) went to Las Vegas. She saw me in maternity ward and she told me she was late. She has been trying for a long time to conceive. I made a comment saying that she may be pregnant. A few days later she sent me a message on a positive prrgnancy test then took a different one to show negative. My girlfriend is due to have her baby boy in a month. I believe things happen when you least expect it. Your boyfriend will be really excited to find out.

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5 years ago

Congratulations! This is awesome. ????

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5 years ago

Congratulations, i have absolutely everything crossed for you!
Happy vibes grow happy babies so as hard as it is, try to stay calm and enjoy the fact that you conceived.

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5 years ago

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