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I’m back!

I’m back! We had our beautiful baby boy Easton 10 weeks ago. He is absolutely beautiful and amazing. He is super smart and strong and opinionated. He suffers from an extreme case of FOMO (fear of missing out) so he literally doesn’t sleep. He has 20 min cat naps and then it up for hours eating. Haha. I wouldn’t change anything. Hubby and I haven’t had too much time to BD since his birth with my constant breastfeed and hubby getting his/our company up and running. But we had the birth control talk last night. I was given a prescription for the mini pill at my 1 week check up and told to start it 1 month pp. I took one months worth but was so terrible at taking it I didn’t bother going to pick up another month. I mean, it took us 2.5 years, meds and 4 IUIs to conceive... I’m clearly not very fertile. I had been thinking that I would rather just stay off any birth control and NTNP- I’m 34 and would love another but hadn’t talked to hubby about it yet (although he asked me if I was open to more when I was still prefnant). He has the same thoughts as me,’don’t bother with the pills and if it happens it happens. Neither of us have any interest in going through the fertility stuff again. So I’m here, NTNP (but hoping) to TTC #2! I’m ebf and haven’t had a period since my pp bleed so I’m not going to bother temping or anything (right now anyways). I know they recommend 18 months between births after csection but I’m willing to risk it (plus so many women get pregnant quicker and are just fine). So- this is happening - again!

1 Comment • 6 years ago



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Believe me, I know what you mean. We've already discussed the fact that I'm 33, and it took us nearly 4 years to have this one. I don't want to be pregnanthe right after my baby comes, but we will try different measure of not bd around ovulation. And with doing that, if we get pregnant anyways, then it is definitely meant to be. I have a friend that tried for 8 years! She just had a baby in Dec 2016. She found out in June they were expecting agajn! So it didn't take long at all for baby #2s


6 years ago

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