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TTC Month 15

Moving on to another cycle. I was so hopeful this cycle so I am pretty disappointed to be on my 15th month of TTC. I don't know why it's not happening for us and it's hard to stay positive.

This past cycle was strange. I usually ovulate around CD #16-17 but I didn't get a positive OPK until CD #18 and didn't ovulate until CD #20. It was also hard to pinpoint ovulation based on my BBT chart b/c my temperatures rose slowly instead of jumping up like they have in the past. And my temps were all over the place during my luteal phase. The only thing I did differently this month was take evening primrose oil which I found out can delay ovulation so I don't think I will be taking it again this month in hopes that my cycle gets back to normal.

I'm trying to focus on my general health and lessen the TTC obsession. I have an appointment with a Naturopath in August that I am excited for. We also have a vacation planned in August (the week AF is due to come) so that should help keep my mind busy.

Also just as a last detail that may or may not have any meaning, I had a dream a few months ago that I had a positive pregnancy test that said "taurus" and if I get pregnant this cycle or next cycle it is possible that I will have a taurus baby. Crossing my fingers.

3 Comments • 6 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

Hi Elle! This is month #7 ttc and this time around I'm going full force! Lol. I'm temping and doing the SMEP for the first time, doing OPK's, and preseed. I've even contemplated on trying out the softcup and Mucinex but haven't thought much more into that bit. I'm really feeling positive and less stressed out. Fx for our bfp! What CD are you?

6 years ago

Hi Mommaof217! I'm CD #2 unfortunately and have the whole cycle ahead of me. I'm doing the same as you - temping, OPKs, preseed. I use a menstrual cup so I have put that in after BD'ing in the past and maybe I'll try it again if I remember. I haven't tried Mucinex yet. Glad that you are feeling positive! Good luck!

6 years ago • Post starter

I am right about the same boat that you are. We have been TTC 13 months now for #2. I do not temp or do OPK's because I have found them unreliable for me, but I have become pretty familiar with my body this past year and I am able to pinpoint Ov pretty well based on my cp, cm, and pain. I have m fingers crossed for you to get your BFP very soon. I am a Taurus, I didn't even realize that due dates were coming up to those dates already. I am on CD7. Good luck to you.

6 years ago

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