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Taking a month off

I stopped OPK on CD 18 since I ran out (no positives).. I decided I'm not spending anymore money right now. Went to my Ob/Gyn he said IUI is going to cost me since my insurance won't cover it. He said he won't charge me anything to do it but that he can't control the lab.. he estimated $300 each time. He said without Clomid i'm not ovulating on my own. I asked if there's any other options even natural and he said no.. I guess a doctor is not supposed to suggest natural ways anyway..

He doesn't even want me to increase my Clomid until I can afford IUI so my body doesn't get used to it.
I decided that this upcoming month (December) I'm going to either get off clomid or increase it without IUI; if not clomid maybe just take Vitex.. no OPK and no temping and just enjoy the holidays with my family.. after that we can get back on Meds if necessary.. Feeling a little discouraged right now.. not understanding why I'm not ovulating on my own?? I dont believe EVERYTHING a doctor says..

Today is CD 21 .. last night lots of cramping and this morning very painful cramping..
Still don't know if I ovulated but the cramps are painful. Wish it was pregnancy cramping!! UGH

4 Comments • 9 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 4 of 4 Comments

Does your insurance cover acupuncture by chance? Eastern medicine can be really great for understanding everything else that can impact your cycle and get to the heart of what is causing you not to ovulate and hopefully correct it... instead of having to take a pill to force it. Just a thought!! Best of luck! :)

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9 years ago

I'll have to look into that; I have state insurance; What medical Dx do you need for that? My insurance won't cover an Dx for infertility.

9 years ago • Post starter

I've read wonderful things about vitex! And am currently on day 3 of taking it myself! Hopefully it works miracles for us both fingers crossed!

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9 years ago

WaitingwithHope: Are you taking it the whole cycle or are you supposed to take it once you know you've ovulated until AF?

9 years ago • Post starter

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