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Took a HPT - Faint Positive - 5/29

Salaam alaikum - Peace Be with you!

Wow. I was so sure I was going to get a negative thats the only way I could get the courage up to test.

Not so sure now with this faint positive!

I showed my husband and he is thrilled. We agreed to retest after June 6-7th if my period doesn't show up.

I secretly retested on the 30th and the faint positive was still there.

The issue is the home pregnancy tests here in Morocco - don't have anything that tells you how sensitive they are. I am thinking they are at the upper end of things 50 mL HcG perhaps.

I asked my friend who also lives in Morocco and is pregnant - how strong her positive was and she says it was faint and she tested 6 weeks after her missed period.

I posted my HPT on a group I am in on Facebook and I couldn't believe how many women were positive but I also couldn't believe the level of negative responses as well.

In Islam we have the sayings and actions of the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in Hadith - the one that came to mind in seeing all the negative responses was, "None of you will believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself." Muslim & Bukhari

I want everyone to get their BFP - and have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Even when I had the crushing conversation with my mother this week in which we discussed her new craft project and I asked who she was making these stuffed soft toy fish for - she said for my babies.

I had to tell her and try not to cry over my key board and say - Mom I am not pregnant yet.

I hold out hope that yes after five months of trying to get pregnant and having never been pregnant that I could still get pregnant. It still was like eating cut glass to say that to my mom and not cry.

Now.. I have a spark of hope burning brighter than ever - maybe I am pregnant. God willing.

One day late and counting.

wa alaikum salaam - and peace unto you

3 Comments • 10 years ago



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After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

10 years ago

Congrats, lovely news. Hope you have a wonderful, happy and healthy pregnancy. :0)xx

10 years ago

Salaam sister :) this is incredible news! I hope to hear how you're getting along. Congratulations and thinking of you x

Me(20) DH(24) - September 6th 2013 M/C - 25th September 2013 @ 5 weeks We love you little one, you're our little angel Restarted BCP 1/1/2014 - Ended BCP 18/3/2014, too broody to stay on it PCOS dx 2005 - Metformin 1000mg started 2013. Nerve issues dx 2009 - Amitriptyline 10mg started 2013. [i]Left & right ovarian cysts, left ovary 20% left after surgery to remove ovarian tumour. User Image

9 years ago

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