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The Waiting Game

It's been a week since my last entry when I posted about the spotting and wondering if it was implantation spotting or my period coming on. I still don't have an answer today and my body fooled me again yesterday. I went to the rest room before I left work and saw a very small amount of sticky very light red discharge. So in my head I'm thinking that by the time I get home I should be flowing. Negative. When I got home and checked again around 8 p.m. I still hadn't started bleeding.

Now the reason why this is kinda of dragging on is because on Monday and Tuuesday I felt like throwing up out of no where. Then I thought maybe I was catching this stomach virus that has been going on for about a week now with people at work and people I just run accross. Never "caught" anything to where I was throwing up I just feel queasy when i think of eating, kinda of while I'm eating, after I've eaten and in random spurts when I lay down after eating.

The other reason this is all keeping me hanging onto the thought that I might still be pregnant is that a couple of my aunts told me they continued to spot throughout their pregnancy. So here I am on Day 57 of my cycle and I'm all torn. Torn because my last cycle was 71 days and because I don't know if I'm pregnant or my period is acting up again. Times like this it's hard not to hope but my husband won't let me not hope and I love him for it. We've been talking about names and our relocation to Colorado IF I am pregnant and he's never negative.

Thankful but waiting.....

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

5 Comments • 11 years ago



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11 years ago

When are you going to test?

11 years ago

Hi tina, don't know if you remember me. I'm already 29 wks and guess what....i've been spotting most of my pregnancy ( sometimes i even bleed!) . So don't loose hope!! keeping my fingers crossed for you:)

11 years ago

I'm praying for you girly!

11 years ago

Thanks for all the positivity ladies but I ended up not being pregnant. Well.. I've been bleeding since 12/13 and I was spotting in mid-November and for the last few days too. I finally got an appt with the OBGYN for Monday so I'm praying they don't just write me off because of my weight. But I'm convinced it's stress related. I've been going through a lot with my family and my new in-laws and the relocation.. I might just need to wait until we're in Colorado.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago • Post starter

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