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Earth to Uterus...Come in Please...Over

So...I'm on my two week wait and I'm not going to candy coat anything for myself. I just don't feel pregnant. Not a twinge not a symptom that I haven't magnified to the nth power in order to make it relevant to my pregnancy attempts. Nothing, nada, zilch.
Of course I'm bummed out...however I must find a silver lining because that is the only way I'm able to operate when I'm disappointed. So my rationale for why its ok that I'm most likely not pregnant this month is as follows: ~ahem~
1. I just started a new diet about a month and a half ago. I'm a pescetarian now and I'm still settling into it. I want to make sure I'm eating really healthy for my baby because I read a book about PCOS that one of the causes might stem from what your mother ate while she was pregnant. I've decided I'd rather die than pass this evil disease on. So my diet will be impeccable and my blood sugar will not be allowed to spike!
2. I've started a new exercise regimen. I'm training for a 5k and I need to do this for my health. I figure if I'm healthy, my baby will be healthy so it is worth the wait...sort of.
3. Most important reason-I need to let go and let God. If I truly believe that prayers work and God is a hearer and answerer of prayers than I really have to hand the reins over and stop trying to control all of this. It should be 50/50 not 30/70. So...I BD like a crazy jack rabbit and God does the rest.

3 Comments • 12 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

TWW and no symptoms here either. Don't feel pregnant... nothing. It is a little liberating through... not needing to stress about everything...

Congrats on the Pescatarianism! I'd try it too, but hubby is a vegetarian and HATES the smell of fish so I have to get away with chicken most of the time.

Lots of baby dust to you!!! Fingers are crossed!

12 years ago

Im a pescetarian too! Also don't do dairy or eggs. No symptoms either. And if you check my chart youd find a hint of jack rabbit...;-)

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12 years ago

@ Hudson...whoop whoop. Go Pescets!! We need a mascot...and go jack rabbits...they are noble creatures. LOL.

@ Sunshine. Thank you for the hug. It is a little bit liberating (still frustrated) but at least I know and I won't dupe myself this time. I've been so sure before and I got my feelings really, really hurt. I mean really hurt. Anywho, I'll be completely honest. I still eat chicken. I do it for the protein, but after I deliver I'll cut it out too. I'm so tired of meat. Ugh. I used to be just like your husband. I literally just started eating fish about a year ago. The smell is nauseating to me. I can only eat it if its baked. The smell of fried food kills me. Double ugh. LOL.

12 years ago • Post starter

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